10 contestants who failed at the game before returned for another chance. Out of these early leavers, three familiar faces emerged: Wayne Goppud, Vlad Pire and Tanya Sim. One of them is the winner. And one of them is the Mole. Who has what role? Who will walk away with the 990/1500 points in the pot? Find out now.
Tanya: "Good luck later guys."
Tanya: "It was nice getting to know all of you. We shared a common past of leaving first and a common experience by being in this season. I hope I can keep in contact with the rest of you."
Vlad: "I couldn't have asked for better finalists to share this moment with. I'm not really one to share my feelings but I'm really grateful for this opportunity."
Wayne: "I'm glad I get my deserved second chance to prove myself. It's all I ask for. I really hope to win of course but I guess I can't be mad if either of you win. May the best werewolf win!"
Tanya: "Yep...wait, you're the only werewolf. Sneaky."
Time for the final quiz. Similar to last season, the one with the higher score in the final quiz will be crowned the winner. If there is a tie, the one who suspected the Mole for longer would win. If there's still a tie, past quiz scores will be taken into consideration.
Q1: Is the Mole male or female?
A: Male
B: Female
Q2: How old was the Mole in their first season, in Sim years?
A: 27
B: 32
C: 33
Q3: What is the Mole's occupation?
A: Bed Pan Cleaner
B: Unemployed
Q4: Which room does the Mole sleep in?
A: Lilac room
A: Lilac room
B: Yellow room
C: Blue room
Q5: What is the best placing the Mole got prior to Season 33?
A: Mole
B: 6th
C: 8th
Q6: In Mission 1, where was the Mole?
A: First floor bathroom
B: Lilac bedroom
C: Computer room
Q7: In Mission 2, was the Mole in a car?
A: Yes
B: No
Vlad: "This is finally it. The moment I've been waiting for. I can promise I didn't cheat or read the Mole's mind. Let me look at the suspect first. There's Tanya Sim. She's so affable and it's hard not to like and trust her, but that's dangerous. She has such a poor memory that I wonder how she managed to make it this far, especially when she keeps losing her journal. Maybe it's because she never needed it. She's the one you would suspect least and a good Mole would be the least suspected.
There's also Wayne Goppud. He's considered the one with the least experience, considering how he was first out in his only season. That makes me wonder how he made it so far this time. He was also the biggest contributor to the loss of points and he helmed key roles often, like when he had to ride a horse to the end within an hour. I think it's pretty clear who the Mole is."
Q8: In Mission 3, which of the following was one of which the Mole needed to find?
A: Marshall hoursehold
B: Pickles Lionheart
C: A parrot
Q9: In Mission 4, which place did the Mole visit?
A: Pool
B: Library
C: Festival grounds
Q10: In Mission 5, in what order did the Mole go?
A: 3rd
B: 6th/7th
C: 8th
Q11: In Mission 6, in which position was the Mole when the race just started?
A: 3rd
B: The Mole was not racing
Q12: What was the Mole's task in Mission 7?
A: Eat crepes
B: Replicate a newspaper article
C: Make it to the end in time
Q13: In Mission 8, how many teddy bears did the Mole forfeit?
A: 0
B: 3
C: The Mole was not eliminated
Q14: In Mission 9, who was on the same bench as the Mole?
A: Vlad Pire
B: Tanya Sim
C: Nancy Harvard
Tanya: "I think I'm here because of everyone else. I made a lot of friends on this journey and they helped me out. But now I know that one of them has been fooling me the entire time. Is it Wayne Goppud? He's helped to earn points a lot of times when he didn't have to but he's also contributed his fair share of sabotages, like when he lost 30 points by himself, or when he refused to save Poppy because of the points she brought along. He always seems confident of making it to the end, perhaps because he knows that he's got a free ride since the beginning.
What about Vlad Pire? He's been the Mole before so he knows what to do to sabotage and can learn from his past mistakes the first time he was the Mole. He's been trying so hard to gel with us, almost too hard. It could be him trying to hide in the crowd. He made that confusing remark about how I chose the right room in the last mission even though he was a liar and sometimes he just doesn't participate because of the sun. Should I switch at the last minute? But if I do, then I'll be disappointing all those who helped me get here."
Q15: In Mission 10, did the Mole get hit?
A: Yes
A: Yes
B: No
C: The Mole was hitting others
Q16: Before Mission 11, what did the Mole eat?
A: Hot dogs
B: Mac and cheese
C: Plasma juice
Q17: In Mission 11, what was the Mole's role?
A: Question asker
B: Truth-teller
C: Liar
Q18: In Mission 11, was the Mole in favour of giving another question?
A: Yes
B: No
C: The Mole was not involved in the process of getting another question
Q19: What is the Mole's skin colour?
A: Beige
B: Brown
C: Purple
Q20: Who is the Mole?
A: Tanya Sim
B: Wayne Goppud
C: Vlad Pire
Wayne: "Wow, 20 questions. I've never taken a quiz with so many questions ever. Ever since one of my main suspects left, I had to do some thinking about who the real Mole is. And because there are only two left to consider, it makes it all that easier. First up, Vlad Pire. He was a Mole. And we've seen how he fares as a normal player. He's acted much differently from Season 9, which could be him trying to throw us off by making us think he's behaving differently because he's no longer the Mole. I wouldn't put it past him to come up with such trickery. He's never helping the pot and always getting eliminated first. It's a sucky technique but works nonetheless because he's pushing all the dirty work and blame to us.
Next up, Tanya Sim. She's really nice but really dumb too. Sorry if you hear this but you know it's true. You can't remember facts so you keep writing them down, but you can't bring your journal into quizzes so how the f*** are you here? She pretends to be afraid of a lot of stuff like horses so that she can't get blamed for doing badly. And she seems to be pro-points but when she started trying to shoot us all down in Mission 10, that's when I realised she could have been putting up a front all this time. I can see much clearer now who the Mole is."
"Welcome to the finale of the Smole, Season 33. As the contestants stream in, let us watch a highlights reel capturing their best (and worst) moments:
Poppy: "You're a vampire? I've always wanted to meet a vampire but my parents forbade me. They said they were scary and drank our blood. You don't seem scary."
Poppy: "No! I refuse! Why me? Why can't you just let me through?"
Uma: "Grow up, princess. You lost. Deal with it."
Tanya: "I can imagine how she feels. I'm sure we all can."
Poppy: "I...I...wahh! All I wanted was...to show that...I...I've grown up and am ready to...to face the world. Waah!"
"It's not over yet, Poppy. Dry up your tears."
Poppy: "Huh?"
"Being the first to go is a horrible experience, even more so when it's the second time. But you can return to the Smole, though your fate rests on the shoulders of those inside the house."
Poppy: "Hello? Is it still working?"
Tanya: "We hear you, Poppy. Although it's pretty hard to hear. Where are you?"
Poppy: "I don't know, but can you all save me? Pretty please?"
Poppy: "Nobody's responding. I think they gave up on me. Forgot about me completely...maybe I should try finding a way out of the tower myself."
Poppy: "Wait, it's not locked?"
Poppy: "Oh, but I'm still trapped. Where did I put my phone?"
"Time's up. Sorry Poppy. It appears that your time here with us is up. Thank you for joining the Smole. Have a safe flight back."
Poppy: "I can't believe it. They really don't care about me."
Dmitry: "I do not want to make a decision, but I guess if I have to I would say yes. It will be boring if she left. For us and for her. Not that my vote matters."
Wayne: "So it's decided. We're staying put."
Tanya: "I just can't believe you all. So we just sit here and do nothing? Let guilt gnaw us inside out? It's only a slight win. I demand a re-vote."
Dmitry: "I didn't come here to watch TV. I can do that at home. I'm here for an adventure. I should do something."
Dmitry: "This bookshelf sounds a bit hollow."
Dmitry: "Hallo? Is anybody there?"
Dmitry: "Maybe I'm overthinking it."
Dmitry: "I'm getting better at this."
Dmitry: "You are the owner of the horse, right? What's her name?"
Cheyenne: "How DARE you touch my Bramble!"
Dmitry: "Say 'ah' if you want milk."
Dmitry: "Here I go."
Barrington: "Finally I don't suck. I'd be off the team if I couldn't save a single one."
Dmitry: "Oh..."
Dmitry: "Piz'da."
Wayne: "I wanna say something. I thought Dmitry was pretty cool. Like, he's an astronaut! From Russia! Too bad he's gone now."
Nancy: "I had an inkling of suspicion but it's nice to have confirmation."
Tanya: "It's really too bad to have to see him go, but at least he stayed for longer."
Zoe: "I'm hungry. I'm going to get a snack."
Justin: "I thought Dmitry was pretty cool. He learned how to play the guitar in between seasons. He knows how to reflect and improve."
Uma: "His mind just wasn't at it."
Lena: "I agree. Shame he's gone but this is a game after all."
Dmitry: "At least I stayed for longer this time and enjoyed more."
"Thank you Dmitry for joining the Smole. We hope to see you soon."
Uma: "Here's my second try. Oh dear...it's going into the tree..."
Uma: "Wait! It rolled into the bowl! Haha!"
Uma: "Did you see that? The ball landed in the tree, then fell right into the bowl! I'm amazing."
Uma: "Wait, I just checkmated myself."
Justin: "We've all been in her position before. So I think we should try and empathise."
Uma: "Absolutely not. She has the least reason to stay among all of us. If she wants to grow up then she has to accept failure."
Nancy: "Or go to a boot camp or something. Her loss is not my problem."
Tanya: "I can't imagine if I was out and you won't be helping me."
Poppy: "Hello? Are you still there?"
Uma: "We should really turn that off."
Wayne: "I'm going to turn it off right now."
Uma: "Hey you...I mean, excuse me madam, but how many pets do you have?"
Sofia: "Madam? You calling me old?"
Uma: "Oh brother."
Wayne: "So have you decided to join me?"
Uma: "I talked to Vlad about this and he wasn't keen."
Uma: :"And I intended to do this myself, so no."
Wayne: "Your loss then."
Uma: "The things I do..."
Uma: "Hey, nobody should be studying when I'm not. I'll study more and harder than you."
Lena: "Oh yeah?"
Uma: "Oh yeah."
Lena: "It's on."
Honey: "You can run but you can't hide."
Uma: "Nonsense. I'm hiding right now."
Honey: "She won't see me coming."
Uma: "She's coming. I better go."
Honey: "Where did she go?"
Wayne: "You won't be squashed like the bug in my hands. At most you get kicked."
Uma: "Shut up. The cowgirl knows how to handle her horse. Just do your best. We're not counting on you."
Wayne: "Oh and that's nice."
Uma: "I guess this is the next best."
Tanya: "I'm surprised she's gone."
Zoe: "She had such a fiery passion. Always eager to tackle any problem or situation head on. She will be missed, but she's had her time in the past."
Justin: "I did suspect her initially but over time I realised she was a really committed player. It's too bad."
Wayne: "No way. I actually thought that she would be in the finale! She seemed so confident and had prior experience too."
Wayne: "Production won't really hide her somewhere for the rest of the game."
Lena: "I agree with Wayne. She has too much information on her hands right now."
Tanya: "But she's so pitiful."
Wayne: "Oi! OI!"
Lena: "I don't get the point of voting if they're not going to respect our rights."
Tate: "Dangnabbit, I am NOT selling my god**** land!"
Lena: "I never said anything about selling land."
Tate: "I'm not selling my wife or my body either!"
Lena: "So you have two residents. What's your name?"
Tate: "I ain't telling you nothin'."
Lena: "It's a hot tub! I can't say no to it. Anywho, what are your suspicions at right now?"
Lena: "I'll go upstairs to check. If you need me, shout, okay?"
Nancy: "Just because I'm the youngest doesn't mean I'm a kid, okay? Sheesh."
Lena: "I'm having stitches. Can I shift-click it away? Holy llama! Maybe I can duck under the bars."
"Lena has been eliminated."
Hone your: "Too late for that."
Justin: "Technically..."
Lena: "I don't care about technicalities. She's the only one still not caught, right?"
It's a close race between these two.
Lena: "What place did Uma Phile get in Season 20?"
Lena: "5th, right?"
Zoe: "What are you doing? I told you you can't answer questions."
Lena: "How do I know you weren't lying to me to slow me down?"
Lena: "Ah, well. I had fun. It was a great game that I played. I had lots of fun exploring the countryside, being chased by a cowgirl and going horse racing. I thought my strategy was foolproof but apparently the one I suspected really is innocent...that or I gave one too many deliberate wrong answers. Achievement unlocked for surviving more than I did last time. Good luck to you all and catch the Mole for me! Don't underestimate anyone. Bye!"
Wayne: "Another strong player I thought would make it to the finale. I hope I'm not next."
Justin: "She was very young and energetic, very fun to be around. Her optimism just radiated."
Zoe: "I know they said to give our thoughts but that's just an exaggeration. I do agree that I thought better of Lena."
Justin: "This such a big block of clay. I'm expecting 100 clues to be hidden inside."
Uma: "How about Poppy goes to the bathroom. She was some Poopie La Tootie or something, right?"
Justin: "Heh, poopy...ahem."
Tanya: "Thanks for doing this with me, guys."
Vlad: "No problem. We all voted yes for a reason."
Justin: "Do you know where to go?"
Tanya: "I didn't think that far...hey, a cafe. The Koffi Cafe."
Tanya: "Well if you wan't out I'm not stopping you. I'm going to keep searching for Poppy myself."
Justin: "Sorry guys. I just think it's pointless."
Justin: "I'm Justin."
Parrot: "I'm Justin! I'm Justin! Sqwak!"
He shoots...
...he scores!
Justin: "Woo! You can't stop me."
Justin: "No, I'm playing for myself. I was too hung up on my wife and abandoned everything to chase her."
Tanya: "Oh, I'm sorry. What happened?"
Justin: "You didn't watch the seasons with me in it?"
Tanya: "Who has the time? But it's selfish, don't you think? To play for yourself?"
Justin: "I guess...maybe I don't know what I'm doing here after all or what I'm playing for."
Justin: "This is why I train so hard."
Justin: "Come on Tanya. Just follow my lead."
Justin: "I've got the envelope Lena was supposed to take. Take this and go back. I'll distract her. You can do it."
Justin: "Hey you!"
Justin: "Bet you can't catch me."
"Justin has been eliminated."
Honey: "You sure about that?"
Justin: "But I can trust you."
Tanya: "No...so I guess I can trust you then?"
Justin: "It's a deal."
Justin: "I am completely fine with being the most suspected. If they suspect me then they aren't suspecting the right Mole. Or am I the Mole?"
Justin: "I think I've got my answer. It's Zoe, isn't it?"
Zoe: "Sorry Justin. You are wrong. I came in last, not first."
Justin: "Oh..."
Tanya: "So have you figured out why you're playing?"
Justin: "I think I have. I'm playing for my family, for my son. I'm here to finish what he started. I want him to be proud of me for something at least."
Justin: "It's not going too badly. I'm surprised."
Justin: "Well, I tried my best. I may have been distracted from time to time but I wanted to do myself and my son proud. I hope he's proud of what I've done this season. I am. Good luck to the rest. Tanya, win this. Unless you're the Mole of course. Then I can't help it."
Vlad: "This is quite the shocker. I think he would have been a great help for any physical missions."
Zoe: "He was good at maintaining a certain level of suspicion on himself. I personally think it's admirable he's playing for his family."
Zoe: "I need more reassurance that she's not the Mole. If she's the Mole, she'll find a way to come back and then we know. And if she's the Mole, then she can lie and we'll never suspect a thing. She's ultimately a competitor. This is just a game. There will be winners and losers. We've all lost before. We've dealt with it. So should she. I'm voting to ditch her."
Zoe: "Good for you. I'm just waiting for birdies to fall from the sky."
Vlad: "I didn't participate at all in the mission yesterday. It was too hot. What's your excuse?"
Zoe: "Someone recognised me on the streets so I spent the whole day with him. I've never felt so flattered before. But we need to come up with some kind of story to make us seem suspicious enough but not overtly until they think we're too obvious."
Zoe: "I can use this to hide."
Zoe: "Or maybe not."
Zoe: "There's no way the horse can fit through here."
Honey: "Come out, come out, wherever you are."
Honey: "Gotcha."
"Zoe is eliminated."
Zoe: "Has this one been collected?"
Zoe: "I still can't believe I ran under the rain in mud, getting chased by a horse. I've taken so many showers and I still feel dirty..."
Zoe: "I can't wait to be famous once this airs. I feel like I'm being forgotten, or I've fell out of popularity."
Uma: "Don't be so naive, Zoe. The Smole won't make you super famous instantly. I made it very far in Season 20 but I'm still not a megastar yet. You can ask Tanya. She's been on three seasons too. Has anyone treated you like a celebrity?"
Lena: "Do tell. I'm curious too."
Tanya: "Well, for a while everyone on the streets was like, 'hey! You're from the Smole!' But after a while life moves on."
Zoe: "I must look so pathetic."
Zoe: "Finally."
Zoe: "Wait, why am I staring at its butt?"
Wayne: "Wrong way, Zoe."
Nancy: "Seriously you suck."
Zoe: "Can we edit this part out?"
Zoe: "The answer is True. I'm sure of it."
Wayne: "Then I'll answer true too."
Lena: "Hey! Wait for me! True!"
Lena: "What do we do now? Do we try to stop Wayne or sprint to the finish?"
Zoe: "Are you willing to give up your exemption?"
Lena: "No..."
Zoe: "Then it's clear."
Wayne: "I'm just doing a little survey, Zoe. Do you like your men hairy?"
Zoe: "That's a horrible way to flirt. And no, for your information."
Zoe: "Finally a mission where I can put my artistic skills to good use. I'm gonig for this one."
Wayne: "We'll wait a little while Freebird. But I can only spare another few more minutes or so or I won't make it to the end in time."
Zoe: "What else was there...maybe I should get started on the facial features."
Zoe: "Gasp! Dmitry!"
Dmitry: "Bang bang bang."
Zoe: "Good thing I ducked."
Zoe: "Take that, Dmitry."
Zoe: "You're going down."
Zoe: "I have some rope that can tie you down."
Zoe: "Oof...what was I thinking?"
Dmitry: "Now where is the gun?"
Zoe: "Now is my chance to run. Wait a minute...his badge is hanging on the thread. If I grab it..."
"Shooter Dmitry is eliminated."
Zoe: "Yes! Haha!"
Justin: "Bang! Splat!"
Zoe: "I'm good at this."
Justin: "Splat!"
Zoe: "Ouch!"
"Zoe is eliminated."
Zoe: "So close..."
Zoe: "I don't mean to be an attention w**** but you're filming this, right? I need to be seen in every episode and remembered."
Zoe: "Nancy's becoming too strong. I fear she may win. And to be remembered, I need to make big moves. So I need to find a way to undercut Nancy and emerge out on top."
Zoe: "I had something big planned. Something that will get me into the hall of fame and keep me famous. I was about to have a game-changer but now I don't have the chance. I believe we're all on the same Mole though so I can only blame time."
Nancy: "Wow. I quite never expected her to leave. She was pretty deep and knew fashion. I guess there's only space for one though."
Tanya: "It's too bad. I think she's a nice woman once you get to know her a little more."
Vlad: "She was the perfect Mole. She's practically invisible."
Wayne: "There's no point in being sad now that we're so close."
Nancy: "I'm back and thirstier for revenge than ever. I cannot accept defeat that easily. It's not in my blood to lose. This time, I'll win. It's no longer about Taylor Bleu or Tay Swift or Romeo Rake or the Mole. It's about me. My pride. My glory. My reputation. And it looks like I have my first puppet..."
Justin: "I'm going with yes. Even if she now knows more than us, we can get her to tell us. We stipulate a condition."
Nancy: "What if she suspected you and you only? Then you're the one at the losing end. Everyone at least wants to maintain some sort of suspicion. I'm saying no."
Uma: "It's a no from me. She can always lie too, or back out."
Justin: "Do you really think she's that kind of person?"
Justin: "We saw a ghost but it was getting late so I decided to quit."
Nancy: "If I hadn't personally met an annoying jellybean ghost I would have questioned your sanity. But thanks."
Nancy: "Get lost with your accusations."
Dmitry: "Are you sabotaging?"
Nancy: "What the hell?"
Nancy: "We agreed to split up, yeah. That lady looks familiar..."
Dmitry: "Oh. Sorry. What are you looking for?"
Nancy: "A pink dog."
Imogen: "My Panties?"
Nancy: "No, I am not interested in your panties."
Imogen: "Pantoufle! Panties! My perfect pooch, my pink poodle!"
Nancy: "Oh...can you bring me to it?"
Nancy: "He's is not an 'it', you monster. He's my precious. He's a living being!"
Dmitry: "She sounds dangerous. Do you need me to accompany you?"
Nancy: "No! I can do this myself."
Nancy: "Come on, Dmitry. Why aren't you cheering?"
Nancy: "Are you the Mole?"
Justin: "Aah!"
Nancy: "Hehe."
Justin: "That's not very funny, Nancy."
Nancy: "Whatever. I'll go sharpen my logic skills."
Nancy: "..."
Wayne: "..."
Wayne: "Oops."
Nancy: "GET. OUT!"
Nancy: "This is just not my day."
Nancy: "I thought Zoe was supposed to be the distraction!"
Tanya: "Nancy, I heard you're going to Harvard. The tuition fees must be expensive."
Zoe: "It's a fine school, only meant for the elite of the elite."
Nancy: "Yes. I'm hoping to use my winnings to pay for them."
Lena: "Woah, big talk for a small girl there."
Nancy: "I'm not little any more!"
Nancy: "How do you slow this creature down? Which side do I kick?"
Nancy: "Argh, this is so disappointing. I can't remember it. Pass."
Nancy: "You finally stop. You can't continue or you'll lose points."
Wayne: "Who says?"
Nancy: "Tanya and Vlad."
Wayne: "Oh...you could have told me that earlier."
Nancy: "That's what I've been trying to do!"
Wayne: "We can still go to the finish right?"
Nancy: "No."
Wayne: "Then I suppose you won't mind staying behind me?"
Nancy: "...Fine. We can."
Nancy: "Alright Vlad. Read everything to me, including punctuation."
Vlad: "Here I go. Last Saturday, The Incredible Hulk to theatres in Appaloosa Plains..."
Nancy: "How do you spell Appaloosa?"
Freebird: "Neigh!"
Nancy: "Be a little patient, horse."
Nancy: "Here you go."
Nancy: "Ew. Horse slobber."
Wayne: "Just one more stop."
Nancy: "Yes it is but I can't stay in here for too long."
Zoe: "You need to take a break once in a while, Nancy."
Nancy: "I can't. There's too much on the line."
Hailey: "Where's the gun...ow! Did you just hit my head? I'm not even properly dressed!"
Nancy: "I'm in charge now. You obediently give me the badge or I'll be forced to smear you with paint."
Hailey: "Okay, okay! I'll just leave it on the floor here...ow..."
"Shooter Hailey is eliminated."
Nancy: "You've got to have brains. Take hold of their weapon and reverse the roles. They'll have no choice but to do your bidding."
Nancy: "I've got an idea. I take down the shooters while you go grab the bears. Deal?"
Tanya: "Deal."
"30 minutes left."
Vera: "Hey! Who yanked my hand?"
Nancy: "Tanya, go!"
Tanya: "There's nothing here!"
Nancy: "Take that, old granny!"
Vera: "I'm not a granny!"
Nancy: "I've got the gun now. Badge or life?"
Vera: "Grr....here...wherever you are."
"Shooter Vera is eliminated."
Nancy: "Splat!"
"Shooter Felipe is out."
"The misson is over."
Tanya: "Your eyes are puffy. You've been crying. You know you can tell me what's wrong, right?"
Tanya: "Yes, it is quite an early morning. I guess I couldn't sleep last night."
Vlad: "Did Wayne tell either of you anything?"
Nancy: "No...should he?"
Vlad: "No."
Nancy: "I thought he was cool at first but now he's just really annoying. That's why I hate dogs."
Nancy: "I just said I didn't like dogs and what do they come up with? A dog mission. Matybe I should have said I was allergic to dogs. Then again, I probably couldn't have joined consdering Wayne is a giant dog."
Nancy: "Maybe a small dog won't be so bad."
Tanya: "It's so nice for us to be able to just gather together and relax like that for a while."
Wayne: "I can't believe it's only down to us four. Who would've expected that?"
Vlad: "Did you guys ever questino yourself? Whether you're on the right Mole or here by luck?"
Nancy: "Nope, never at all."
Wayne: "Sure, dude...dudette."
Nancy: "I see no reason to question my abilities. I deserve to be here and deserve to win."
Vlad: "We all have our reasons to want to go to the finale."
Vlad: "What about you, Nancy? What's your biggest regret?"
Nancy: "Get that foot away from me. I have no regrets."
Wayne: "You're kidding nobody."
Nancy: "It's true. I don't regret the things I've done; I just learn from them."
Wayne: "Deep..."
Nancy: "I hope she can't see me from here."
Nancy: "Tanya, don't shoot. I have something I want to discuss with you."
Nancy: "I have 100 points. So let me through."
Wayne: "That's not true. We can't see what's inside our envelopes."
Tanya: "Hmm...okay, I believe you, Nancy. You're free to go."
Nancy: "You need a little wit and smarts. I don't know what I have but I pretended that I had points so that she would let me pass. If I have 100 points, great. If I have the exemption, even better."
Nancy: "Don't disturb me, Vlad. I need to work really hard."
Vlad: "Are we on to the same Mole?"
Nancy: "Are we? I don't know."
Nancy: "If we are, then it's going to be down to time. If Tanya is the Mole, then there are 2 more spots. If Tanya isn't the Mole, then there's only one spot left. I could be the Mole of course, but I'm not telling you that."
Vlad: "I see. All the best later."
Nancy: "No, no, no! This cannot be happening right now. I'm so close. Now I'm just going to be viewed as a failure, a disappointment, a regret. Goodbye Harvard, goodbye dreams."
Tanya: "I feel kind of bad for her. I know how much she wanted this."
Vlad: "She was a very driven lady. She's far younger than all of us but sheer hard work and cleverness brought her this far."
Wayne: "She was an amazing player. It's too bad she's not with us in the finale."
"And there we have it! 7 contestants who had a chance to start over but didn't quite make it."
Uma: "Nancy called me an idiot? Pfft."
Zoe: "It looks like you didn't survive either."
Nancy: "I was so close. It's so humiliating. I know I'm right, so that's even more infuriating."
"The final three are ready to reunite. Let us welcome them out."
Poppy: "I want to banish that evil Mole."
Uma: "Geez. Get a grip on yourself."
Zoe: "I hope I haven't been forgotten yet. Don't upstage me, finalists."
"We will show you one act of sabotage from each of the finalists to help you gather your thoughts as to who the Mole is."
"Firstly, we have Vlad Pire. Vlad's had it rough, especially when he was a Mole and had to isolate himself. This season, he sought to change that, yet his special abilities and incapabilities posed a barrier. Despite being faster and having better reflexes than average, he just somehow couldn't escape eliminations from missions.
Uma: "I heard you! You can't hide from me!"
Vlad: I should disarm her.
Vlad: "Ack! Who shot me?"
"Vlad is eliminated."
Nancy: "And again, Vlad is the first to be eliminated."
Wayne Goppud is a cocky werewolf with an affinity witth dogs. However, in Mission 3, he made a mistake of labelling a docile dog as an aggressive one and couldn't find the four aggressive pets he needed.
Wayne: "Awoo!"
Wayne: "I know an aggressive pet when I see one. One down, three more to go! This is a piece of cake."
Tanya Sim is the only normal Sim in this finale line-up, yet her memory is subpar and bravery lacking. She often had to rope in another contestant to act as her safety blanket...or perhaps a scapegoat. By pulling in the stronger players and getting rid of them, she was able to reduce team morale when she becomes the sole hope to win even though she probably can't make it on her own.
Justin: "I'm subbing out first. I'll join you when I catch my breath."
Lena: "You're tired already?"
Justin: "Tanya can't go alone. I'll go with her later."
Tanya: "Huff...I can't...do it...out of breath....whew..."
Justin: "I've got the envelope Lena was supposed to take. Take this and go back. I'll distract her. You can do it."
Tanya: "I can't...do this alone..."
Tanya: "There's no way...I can outrun them..."
Justin: "You can do this, Tanya. We believe in you. Now go."
Tanya: "Oh no..."
Honey: "Any last words, dear?"
Tanya: "Yes. Please don't hurt me...or trample on me...why not you go take your cute little horsey for a walk in the park first? It must be tired."
Tanya: "AAH!"
"Tanya has been eliminated."
"So, who is the Mole?"
"The Mole of Season 33 is..."
Poppy: "I don't know who to suspect. Justin did worse than Uma, so I think the Mole is Justin."
Dmitry: "Justin is the Mole. He tried to lead us to the wrong places too many times and is always trying to make something go wrong."
Uma: "I am going all out on Justin. There's a reason why he was one of the last in the first mission. He's been nothing but suspicious, even going as far as to commit suicide when he realised he was too good at collecting envelopes."
Lena: "She's wonderfully distant and low-key, mucking things up but never drawing much attention for it. The Mole is Nancy. I'm sure of it."
Justin: "My Mole is Vlad. I've been on him for a while. He just doesn't participate and contribute to the pot that much."
Zoe: "Vlad is always getting himself out of the mission ASAP. Vlad is at the top of my list of suspects. Vlad is the Mole."
Nancy: "I've gotten so much info. I just need to be accurate. I just know it; Wayne is the Mole."
"...Wayne Goppud!"
Wayne: "It's been a pleasure to be your Mole. It's so fun and exciting. I got to go undercover and see how many of you caught on. It did get a little boring having to seem interested in points and exemptions and the game in general but I got a kick out of this. It was so hard to act and keep my mouth shut. There were so many times I could have let it slip I was the Mole because it was such a big secret I wanted to share. Any ladies out there wanna date the Mole?"
Justin: "Wayne? But...how? It doesn't make sense."
Nancy: "I knew it! I knew it! F***** Vlad and Tanya!"
Lena: "Watch your mouth, girl."
Nancy: "I am not a !@#@!# child. I can !@#@!#@ swear whenever I want to! !@#@$!@@!$@!!@ You heard it, Mother and Father? I just cursed you to death! You're doing the same to me too anyway, so it's time for payback. @!@$!@$!#%@!%#!!#@!"
Wayne: "It's time to change out of this suit."
"Wayne, you have successfully kept 510/1500 points out of the pot. You have been suspected 13 times in total though, so that leaves you with 497 points or 49,700 Simoleons! Congratulations."
Justin: "But he brought in quite a fair bit of points. I just can't see him as the Mole. It still feels like Vlad."
Lena: "Well, I was on the right track, just the wrong Mole. I should have went even deeper and chosen the one least likely to be the Mole."
Wayne: "I'm curious. How many of you thought it was me for at least half a second?"
Poppy: "I hate you!"
Uma: "Don't get cocky, Wayne. I should've realised that Moles always take the initiative to form coalitions."
"Let us now walk through Wayne's journey as the Mole."
"In the first mission, Wayne knew it was too risky to be the last to arrive because it would be too obvious, so he made sure to be as early as possible. In the second mission, believing the group would be nice enough to try and save Poppy, Wayne knew he had to convince everyone to pick otherwise. Wayne was adamant about keeping Poppy out of the game because of the points she could bring back.
Tanya: "I agree. She should come back."
Wayne: "But then she knows someone isn't the Mole, and that's not good for us."
Tanya: "Yes, but put yourself in her shoes. If you were kicked out of the house and locked up somewhere waiting for help, wouldn't you want to be saved?"
Wayne: "She always needs saving."
Wayne: "Production won't really hide her somewhere for the rest of the game."
Lena: "I agree with Wayne. She has too much information on her hands right now."
Tanya: "But she's so pitiful."
He also turned off the stereo in the house, which was the only way Poppy could hear the rest.
Poppy: "Hello? Are you still there?"
Uma: "We should really turn that off."
Wayne: "I'm going to turn it off right now."
In Mission 3, Wayne just had to make sure he couldn't find all the pets within the time limit. He was a bit stifled at first when Uma watched him like a hawk, which made him pretend he found one of the pets when he didn't. Later, when she left, he just full-on stalled.
Wayne: "So you own two horses, eh? I think dogs are the better choice."
Johnny: "No way. You can ride horses but not dogs."
Wayne: "Dogs are forever loyal to you. Horses will kick you if they're not happy."
Johnny: "Not if you train them properly."
Wayne: "Anyway, you know of any aggressive pets?"
Johnny: "Nope. My Freebird isn't aggressive one bit. Ornery, maybe, but not aggressive."
In Mission 4, Wayne made sure to waste at least one soccer ball by letting it get caught. He didn't want to make it too obvious however, so he did his best a few times too.
Barrington: "I'm getting the hang of it."
Wayne: "What?"
Wayne: "Oh f*** off, dude."
He also wanted to help the goalkeeper by shouting where Dmitry should shoot in hopes that in the moment Dmitry would follow.
Wayne: "Dmitry, shoot right!"
Justin: "Shh! You want the goalkeeper to hear you?"
Wayne: "Oops."
In the next mission, he made sure to get caught with at least one envelope in hand, essentially forfeiting it.
Wayne: "Ah, there's another one."
Honey: "Gotcha."
Wayne: "Wait, no!"
"Wayne is eliminated."
Wayne: "Fish sticks. You caught me off guard, Honey."
In Mission 6, Wayne knew the penalties involved as well as the answers to all the questions. He answered many questions correctly while getting a few wrong to divert suspicion. Even as he crossed the finish line he answered another question correctly.
Nancy: "Wayne, stop!"
Wayne: "Not a chance! I'm gonna get that exemption! Outta my way!"
Wayne: "What colour is the G in Google's logo? I don't know man, green?"
And Wayne crosses the finish line first!"
Wayne: "Booyeah!"
In Mission 7, Wayne made sure he had the most important role, which he could get because of his win in the previous mission. He had a plan: if the others did well, he would fail to make it in time. If the others didn't earn that much, he would make it in time. However, when Nancy commented how it was interesting Wayne took the horse aka the position of control, he was flustered and decided to do well to throw her and everyone else off. He also galloped really quickly to each stop hoping that the others wrere not completed. Luck was not on his side that day.
Zoe: "There were a few buttons here..."
Wayne has arrived.
Wayne: "Zoe's not done yet. She was being overconfident in her abilities."
Wayne: "We'll wait a little while Freebird. But I can only spare another few more minutes or so or I won't make it to the end in time."
In Mission 7, Wayne got three teddy bears before getting himself eliminated, thereby losing 30 points in the process.
Wayne: "Achoo!"
Vera: "Aah! Wait, bang."
Vera: "Bang bang."
Wayne: "Keep trying, old hag. You'll never catch me."
Vera: "Where is that rude scoundrel? I must teach him a lesson."
Wayne: "Oww!"
"Wayne is eliminated."
In the next mission Wayne communicated with his dog to try and dig as few holes as possible. Unluckily for him, he stumbled upon quite a fair bit of points, more than the 30 points cap he wanted to bring in.
In Mission 10, Wayne took off without warning or planning so that the others couldn't formulate a foolproof strategy to win. Deliberately taking the envelope with points (he knew what was in each) he tried to spend as much time in the open as possible and make noise so that Tanya knew where he was. His plan was foiled however when Tanya was hesitant to fire in fear of costing points and when she did it was too late.
Nancy: "Wayne, wait!"
Vlad: "So do we watch him?"
Wayne: "I'll hide here."
Tanya: "Pew pew pew! Why am I not hitting him?"
Tanya: "I should focus on them one at a time...but what if Wayne has the points? I don't want to be a sinner..."
Wayne: "I better make a dash for the end. FINISH LINE HERE I COME!"
Tanya: "Wait! No, I missed Wayne too. I can only hope Vlad has my exemption."
In the last mission Wayne was greedy. He wanted to lose all 100 points. Believing that Tanya was unable to come up with the right question by herself in 10 minutes, he was sure that she wouldn't get the points. However, as luck may have it, Tanya ended up picking the right room, much to Wayne's annoyance.
Wayne: "I believe in that gurl. She's gonna surprise us all and win this. All or nothing, man."
"Two more finalists are still standing there. One walks away with 1003/1500 points while another walks home with nothing. The winner of the Smole, Season 33 is..."
"...Vlad Pire!"
Vlad: "I'm so happy that I won. I don't even remember how I realised it was Wayne but in the end I just did. I really didn't cheat or read his mind, so I won fair and square. It's been a blessing to have jumped from last to first and even had had the experience of being the Mole before. I have no regrets now. I do want to share this win with my fellow contestants because without you, it wouldn't have been possible and I am eternally thankful for not seeing me as a monster but as a friend."
"Thank you for this rousing speech. You have earned 100,300 Simoleons! Congratulations!"
Vlad: "I still wish the earnings could be larger by one 0."
Tanya: "Well, good job Vlad. I wanted the money but you deserve it."
"Let us also give a warm round of applause to our runner-up, Tanya Sim!"
Tanya: "Thank you everyone. It's been a real pleasure to be here. I never dared to expect to be in the finale yet here I am. I really wanted to win of course, but I suppose that's too much to ask for. I'm glad to have gone on this journey with all of you. It's the journey that matters, is it not? Of course, this means that I've got to be more down-to-earth. Back to the working desk it is."
Justin: "Congrats Tanya. I knew you could do it."
Tanya: "Thanks. I couldn't have done it without you, seriously. If it weren't for you I would have still picked Vlad. In my opinion he's still more suspicious."
Lena: "Shh."
"Let us now watch the clues that pointed to Wayne."
"In Episode 1, contestants were introduced in descending order according to the number of letters in their name. Wayne was filed under 'Mole', so he had the least letters and was thus introduced last. Never thought we'd pull the same trick twice, did you?
Firstly, we have Poppy La Tootie, the princess of Seasons 14 and 20. Can she finally prove that she can make it on her own, or will her good-girl image be ruined with an insidious role?
(13 letters)
Next up, we have Nancy Harvard, the all-rounded overachiever who was in Seasons 7 and 20. Is third time the charm, or does she have something new up her sleeve?
(12 letters)
Our third contestant is Lena Estenson, the gamer girl from Season 31. Will she play more aggressively, or will she be the one duping others into execution this time?
(12 letters; L comes before N so since it's descending, Lena is after Nancy)
We also have Dmitry Gustav, who was just out in Season 32. Will he stay longer this time? And as a contestant or as a Mole?
(12 letters; D comes before L)
Next, we have Justin Huez who was here in Season 26 but also appeared in Season 30. Is he back to pursue old love or something else?
(10 letters)
Next, there is Vlad Pire, the internally-struggling vampire who was in Season 9 and Season 13. Which role is he reprising?
(8 letters)
Following him is Uma Phile, the competitive aspiring starlet. She didn't have much luck in Season 16 but outdid herself in Season 20. Will she make it to the finale in Season 33 through her own skills or acting, or neither?
(8 letters; U comes before V)
Next, we have Tanya Sim, the unassuming wife of an unemployed husband. Dissatsified with her performance in Seasons 3 and 5, will her experience make her wiser 28 seasons later, or is it not relevant?
(8 letters; T comes before U)
Our second last contestant is Zoe Lin, the model who fell from grace and fame after being in Season 6. Can she outdo her sister, perhaps even as the Mole?
(6 letters)
(6 letters)
Finally, our last contestant is Wayne Goppud of Season 9. Loud but quickly forgotten, can he make his presence felt for longer this time around? Is he swapping roles with the vampire this time?
(11 letters yet the last to be introduced?)
In Mission 1, Jacob Jacobson was an answer to a question. In the book and movie Twilight, two of the protagonists are Edward the vampire and Jacob the werewolf.
Johnny: "I do, but you first have to tell me which contestant in Season 31 wore a hat."
Justin: "Oh, I didn't finish watching that season...I think it was Jacob Jacobson."
Johnny: "Correct. Your clue is: The vampire is in a bedroom."
In Episode 5, there was a yellow envelope with clues. Wayne wears yellow.
In Episode 6, when Wayne was complaining to Vlad there was a footballer cheering on TV, similar to Wayne in the previous episode. The number 9 was on his jersey. The most straightforward way of interpreting this is that Wayne came from Season 9. Otherwise, you could see it as it referring to K9, Wayne's dog. Later you would come to see that the number 9 plays a prominent role this season.
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Wayne in Episode 5 |
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The footballer in Episode 6 |
In Episode 7, Wayne said the cowgirl's name: Honey. Yet it was never revealed to the contestants her name. The only explanation for this is that Wayne had met the cowgirl previously as part of Mole protocol and let it slip.
"Wayne is eliminated."
Wayne: "Fish sticks. You caught me off guard, Honey."
In the same mission, Wayne also had another slip. He didn't seem quite enthused or excited. Instead he stood by watching quietly which was out of character. He was secretly hoping that the others would fail.
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Very unusual of Wayne |
In Episode 10, the 3rd question on the quiz asked about the second last lettrer in the Mole's name. For the Mole, the second last letter is the 9th letter. Again, 9 is a clue.
Q3: What is the second last letter of the Mole's full name?
A: E
B: I
C: O
D: R
E: U
In Episode 11, Mission 7, the newspaper article Vlad was reading out was a film reveiw on The Incredible Hulk (2008). One of the actors was Edward Norton. Edward is also the name of the vampire in Twilight. Here, this clue is saying the Mole is a supernatural being.
In Episode 13, there were 9 paintball guns and 9 paintball shooters. There was also a number 9 in the centre of the arena. To top it off, the shooters who were not contestants all owned dogs or wanted to own dogs. Wayne is a werewolf which is commonly associated with dogs or canines.
And those are the clues."
"We have come to the end of the finale ceremony. Thank you all for being a part of it."
Nancy: "So you really suck."
Vlad: "Well, I am a vampire."
Nancy: "I meant in missions, smart-ass."
Zoe: "Did you deliberately sabotage to get us to suspect you?"
Vlad: "I won't say."
Poppy: "I don't like you."
Dmitry: "I wonder if I'll get another chance."
Uma: "You're a bad Mole. I can do better."
Wayne: "It wasn't that I was bad, it was that you guys were good at cockblocking and sabotaging the Mole's sabotages. The Mole's evolved to become better but so has all the other contestants."
Lena: "I was beginning to suspect Wayne and then I had to be executed. Surely there's a checkpoint for me to restart?"
Lena: "I'm surprised that the finale doesn't have any of us inside. We're the ones who played the hardest."
Uma: "Exactly. But I was expecting it. I shouldn't have been so stubborn."
Nancy: "What about me? I actually got the right Mole but lost."
Zoe: "Lesson learned. Do not mistake idiocy or incompetence for sabotage."
Lena: "I spreaded. I don't think it's fair to be punished for spreading the risk. Also, that fur coat is so faux pas."
Zoe: "You just don't understand fashion."
Tanya: "I'm so happy I'm in the finale. I didn't win though so it's too bad."
Vlad: "Maybe I can split the money?"
Tanya: "No it's fine. You deserved it. When I first got the exemption I couldn't see who the Mole was because I trusted both you, Wayne, and Nancy."
Wayne: "I really underestimated you."
Tanya: "Don't sell yourself short. You were great. I would've went for Nancy but good thing she was executed."
Tanya: "Cheers to us."
Vlad: "So, I guess I'm the best after all, ha."
Wayne: "Shut up. If I wasn't the Mole you would have been kicked out long ago."
Tanya: "I think we can all agree that both of you are the best. One as the winner and one as the Mole."
Vlad: "True. I can live with that. Doesn't change the fact that I won more money."
Wayne: "Grr..."
Tanya: "You can thank me for that. My contributions were a lot especially in the last few missions."
Justin: "So...this is a quiet group."
Poppy: "I think I should just live my life as a princess stuck in a castle forever."
Dmitry: "I don't like how you tricked me."
Justin: "It wasn't intentional...not all the time, anyway."
Lena: "Personally I think it would be better if let's say for the first mission, Uma and Justin had to figure out where we were but we were the ones to gather clues. That way there's more to go on."
Zoe: "Looking back I'm not sure if I stood out enough."
Nancy: "My parents are going to kill me and disown me."
Uma: "Then they're horrible parents and you should get rid of them...what?"
- Red means executed, black means not in game, green means exemption earned, underline means player scored the lowest.
- There was a 5-way tie in Quiz 2.
- Tanya's exemption was carried over to Quiz 8 because she defended it successfully.
- Quiz 7 and Quiz 8's scores were tallied together to determine the last executed player. Nancy was slower than Vlad.
- Both Nancy and Vlad suspected Wayne at the same time. If Nancy made it to the finale, it is very likely that she could've won.
- Dmitry was never suspected although Poppy was.
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