Thursday 17 August 2017

33.18-Third time lucky

Last episode, Tanya had to defend her exemption. Wayne, Nancy and Vlad had envelopes that either contained 100 points or Tanya's exemption. Wayne's haste and Nancy's wits ensured that they both made it to the end safely but Vlad was hit by Tanya's paintball as he dashed to the end. Fortunately for Tanya, he had her exemption, so Tanya protected her exemption. 200/200 points were earned, making the pot 890/1400 points. One is definitely leaving this episode. Who will it be?


Nancy: "Don't disturb me, Vlad. I need to work really hard."
Vlad: "Are we on to the same Mole?"

Nancy: "Are we? I don't know."

Nancy: "If we are, then it's going to be down to time. If Tanya is the Mole, then there are 2 more spots. If Tanya isn't the Mole, then there's only one spot left. I could be the Mole of course, but I'm not telling you that."
Vlad: "I see. All the best later."

Vlad: "If there's someone I want to see in the finale, it's Tanya. She's really nice and she feels like she can be trusted. But there are some points that make me doubtful. Like how did she know just to get rid of me? And she's always misplacing her journal. I do think I've got the correct Mole down though, so I need to be really fast about this."

Wayne: "Awoo! Looking pretty hot there."

Tanya: "Er, thanks."

Wayne: "Man you must be stoked that you're in the finale."
Tanya: "I really am. I hope that I can actually win. Maybe I'll be third time lucky."

Wayne: "Who do you think is the Mole?"

Tanya: "It's...wait, I'm not telling you anything. Sorry."

Wayne: "Worth a shot."
Tanya: "Shouldn't you be studying though? Unless you're the Mole."

Wayne: "I've got it all in my head already. I just need to rush through the entire quiz. Now is the time to let loose and have fun, dawg."

Tanya: "Can't disagree with that...oops. Nearly tripped over myself."

Wayne: "I see you have two left feet. Let me show you how it's done."

Tanya: "Er..."
Wayne: "Oh, sorry. Is that considered inappropriate?"

Wayne: "No wonder the b**** don't want me."
Tanya: "Nonsense. I'm sure there will be someone who likes you for who you are. Love isn't a competition. Take your time with it."

Wayne: "But I'm a werewolf. There aren't a lot of she-dogs left in the wild to mate and all the normal b**** run away screaming whenever they see me as a werewolf."
Tanya: "I admit that I was freaked out when I first saw you that way, but I realised that deep down it's still you."
Wayne: "So you like me?"
Tanya: "I don't hate you."
Wayne: "Thanks Tanya. That's the nicest thing you could've said to me."


Wayne: "Oh Vladdy..."
Vlad: "Gross."

Wayne: "Are you feeling a little short today?"
Vlad: "Do you have a fever?"

Vlad: "We're about the same height."
Wayne: "I'm taller than you."

Wayne: "But I meant are you feeling inferior? Cause I'm gonna kick your ass."
Vlad: "I thought we were over with the competition."

Wayne: "Come on. A healthy dose of competition ain't gonna hurt anyone."
Vlad: "Well, you're on then. May the best occult win."

Quiz time.

Q1: Is the Mole male or female?
A: Male
B: Female

Q2: Does the Mole have a tattoo?
A: Yes
B: No

Q3: Has the Mole earned an exemption this season?
A: Yes
B: No

Q4: Before Mission 10, what did the Mole eat?
A: Plasma orange juice
B: Hot dogs
C: Autumn salad

Q5: In Mission 10, which car was the Mole in?
A: Blue car
B: Cyan car

Q6: In Mission 10, what was in the Mole's envelope?
A: 100 points
B: Tanya's exemption
C: The Mole did not have an envelope

Q7: What was the Mole's role in Mission 10?
A: Exemption stealer
B: Exemption defender

Q8: In Mission 10, in what order did the Mole reach the end?
A: 1st
B: 2nd
C: The Mole did not reach the end
D: The Mole is Tanya

Q9: In Mission 10, did the Mole get hit?
A: Yes
B: No

Q10: Who is the Mole?
A: Tanya Sim
B: Nancy Harvard
C: Wayne Goppud
D: Vlad Pire

Wayne: "I'm gonna win this, I know I can, come on, come on, come on. I've got my eye set on this one for a while. I just need to answer everything quickly and accurately. Go all out. Wolf pride, awoo! That always psychs me up."


"Three of you will make it to the finale while one of you will not. One of them is Tanya. Who are the other two? It's impressive that all of you have come so far, so you should all be proud of that. Without further ado,"

"Wayne Goppud."
Wayne: "I'm shaking all over man...oops, I meant I'm totally sure of myself."

Wayne: "BOOYEAH! I'm really in the finale this time! Haha!"

"Nancy Harvard, Vlad Pire, one of you will be the Mole's last victim."
Nancy: "It better not be me."
Vlad: "I hope I was quick enough."
Tanya: "Good luck."

"Nancy Harvard."

"Unfortunately,  Nancy Harvard, you are the last to be executed. Please pack your bags and leave."

Nancy: "No, no, no! This cannot be happening right now. I'm so close. Now I'm just going to be viewed as a failure, a disappointment, a regret. Goodbye Harvard, goodbye dreams."

Tanya: "I feel kind of bad for her. I know how much she wanted this."
Vlad: "She was a very driven lady. She's far younger than all of us but sheer hard work and cleverness brought her this far."

Wayne: "She was an amazing player. It's too bad she's not with us in the finale."

Nancy: "Stop filming me."
"Thank you Nancy for joining. We hope to see you soon."

The youngest and smartest player has been executed! Who is this Mole that has managed to get rid of all the best players?

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