Thursday, 5 October 2017

35.02-The party ended before it even started

In the first episode,

Douglas: "I see a tent here."

Douglas: "Oh boy, I hope this isn't the one with the bomb."


Astrid: "Maybe the tent is hidden in here."


Ryenn: "I see a tent!"
Ian: "It's probably about reading. Do you wanna read? Because I don't."
Ryenn: "It could be worth something."
Ian: "Let's just move on to more exciting tasks. Leave these to the plebs."


Morris: "I still haven't run into a single tent yet. I want to do something."


Grace: "Can you kiss me? I want to be kissed by a star."
Pierre: "Sure thing, babe."

Courtney: "That escalated quickly."
Sylvia: "We should really be focusing on the mission. Perhaps if we find a tent here, we must dig in trash."
Courtney: "Ew, no way."

Grace: "Wait, you're not that A-list actor Jerry Ken! You lied to me!"

Pierre: "I never said I was."
Grace: "Talk to the hand."


Monique: "I guess I can't try to deceive then."

Monique: "Only 10 tents, right? There are 12 of us so I won't be needed. I'll stop."


Hykel: "And then I hump the pole, right?"


Ian: "What happened to you? I lost track of you halfway."

Ryenn: "I managed to get out..."

Ryenn: " I entered the tent. It had a bomb inside. All our efforts are lost."
Ian: "Bummer. But it should've been expected, right?"

With 0 points in the pot for now, accusations will definitely start to fly, especially towards Ryenn and Ian. But are the accusations true or are they mere speculation?


Ryenn: "I definitely do not think it is fair that everyone is blaming us for this. Sure, we ran into a bomb, but that was just bad luck. Hardly anybody wanted to stop the mission. And I don't think Ian is the Mole. I trust Ian. He stood up for both of us when things turned nasty. He gives me such a sense of security."

Hykel: "You did it on purpose, didn't you?"

Ryenn: "Eep!"
Ian: "You don't have to shout."

Hykel: "I sacrificed so much for a measly 5 points and an exemption. My very first exemption! And it was thrown out the f***** window thanks to you! You two wasted my efforts!"

Ryenn: "I didn't know..."

Ryenn: "I'm sorry about that."

Ryenn: "But I couldn't have known it was a bomb. It could have happened to anybody, even you."

Hykel: "Ugh! It's contestants like you that we fail."

Ian: "Hey now, I heard enough. you're making her cry. Back off, dude."

Ian: "Why such a big reaction, anyway? The first exemption is the least important because what are the odds of you going home? Unless you're that uncertain. Everyone fails. There's no need to be so harsh to Ryenn and bully her over it."
Hykel: "But--"
Ian: "I'm warning you. Make her cry one more time and I make sure you see living hell."

Hykel: "I'm upset that my first exemption just flew away like that. I sacrificed my dignity for it and what did I get in return? Nothing. What a waste of my effort. But I may have been a little too aggressive about that...maybe I'll go apologise to them when things have cooled off."

Monique: "It's hard to get used to life in the swamps. It's such a radical change. So I decided to buy a painting in the last mission to spruce things up and make it more like home."

Sylvia: "I love this painting you bought from the consignment shop, Monique."

Sylvia: "It's so calming."
Monique: "Thank you..."
Sylvia: "Just call me Sylvia."
Monique: "Thank you, Sylvia. I'm glad we share the same taste."
Morris: "Psst! Monique!"

Monique: "What is it?"
Morris: "We should form a coalition, since we know each other beforehand and such."
Monique: "I suppose we do have the most is a deal."

Astrid: "Don't be such a wuss."
Courtney: "Err...Astrid?"

Pierre: "What's she going on about?"
Courtney: "I dunno."
Astrid: "I'm just psyching myself up. To get me ready for the first quiz and execution."

Pierre: "You know what gets me ready? Music and some dancing."
Astrid: "Ow, my eardrums."

Pierre: "Come dance with me."
Astrid: "I am afraid I have better things to do, like rehearse my lines. I am planning on auditioning for a role in a big movie."

Astrid: "I should rehearse."
Pierre: "Sounds fun. My parents would never approve. They want me to get a stable and reliable job, like being a doctor or businessman or lawyer. Yucks."

Courtney: "Those parents exist? Such sticklers."
Pierre: "Exactly. I don't want to be restrained. I want to lead the wild life."
Courtney: "Let's dance to that."
Astrid: "I cannot concentrate with all this noise."

Vincent: "I wonder where Astrid's, it's loud in here."

Vincent: "Aren't you two going to study?"
Pierre: "For what? It's only the first quiz."
Courtney: "Yeah, we won't be leaving any time soon."
Vincent: "Don't be so cocky. It's always best to be prepared."

Pierre: "You sound like my parents. I didn't come here for lectures."

Vincent: "Then I suppose I'll find somewhere else to study."


Time for the very first quiz.

Q1: Is the Mole male or female?
A: Male
B: Female

Q2: How old is the Mole?
A: 22
B: 25
C: 26
D: 28
E: 29
F: 32
G: 33
H: 36
I: 37
J: 40

Q3: Does the Mole wear a ring?
A: Yes
B: No

Q4: In Mission 1, which of these locations did the Mole visit?
A: Library
B: Swimming Pool
C: Consignment Shop
D: Community Theatre
E: Junkyard
F: Fire Station

Q5: In Mission 1, how many points did the Mole collect?
A: 0
B: 5
C: 10
D: 20

Q6: Did the Mole successfully complete a task in Mission 1?
A: Yes
B: No

Q7: Did the Mole stop in Mission 1?
A: Yes
B: No

Q8: In Mission 1, did the Mole go alone or in a group?
A: Alone
B: In a group

Q9: How many other contestants joined the Mole in Mission 1?
A: 0
B: 1
C: 3

Q10: Who is the Mole?
A: Astrid Dyke-Kant 
B: Ryenn Picardo 
C: Monique Plaita 
D: Grace Gina Pierce 
E: Morris Delven
F: Vincent Welding 
G: Ian Ryder 
 H: Sylvia Platt
I: Hykel Asrulfi 
 J: Douglas Chip 
K: Courtney Ball 
L: Pierre Oak 


"It's time for your very first execution. See a green screen and you are moving through. See a red one and you're out. Let's begin."

"Pierre Oak."

"Unfortunately, you have been the first to be executed. Please pack your bags and leave."

Sylvia: "Oh!"
Courtney: "Why him? He was such a fun guy. This place will be boring without him."
Morris: "He did seem like a chill fellow. I would've liked to get to know him better."

Sylvia: "I'm so sorry that you're the first to go."

Pierre: "Boo. This is just bad luck. The party ended before it even started. I got it coming, I guess. I didn't study for the quiz."
Sylvia: "It is a relief that I am through but I am sorry that you have to be the first one to go."
Hykel: "You said that already. It's his fault he's out. No need to be sorry about it, unless...hmm..."

Vincent: "I told you."
Pierre: "Yeah, yeah. Whatever. Good luck to all of you. Adios, amigos!"
Hykel: "Bye."

"Thank you for joining the Smole, Pierre. We hope to see you again."

Courtney: "I completely botched up my quiz. I'm surprised that there's someone who did even worse than I. I was certain I was going home. It was such a shock to see Pierre go home. I just hope I don't end up like him."


Courtney: "This room is still the most fun and interesting at the end of the day."


The unbridled Pierre has galloped off the Smole! Who will be next? Will it be Courtney, or will she be safe the whole way through?

Next episode,

Hykel: "I miss my family...I should go work it off."


Vincent: "Astrid behaves so weirdly at times. She's quite an odd fellow. And she has a really loud voice. She yodels in the shower and I can hear from miles away."


Grace: "Don't talk to me, commoner."

Grace: "I don't care about you."


Douglas: "Oh my God, you really did! Why torment yourself like this?"
Ian: "This isn't torment. This is fun!"

Douglas: "Fun? That sounds like what my sadistic son of a b**** my dad would say."


Morris is in the second room. On the radio is what Grace is playing.


Courtney: "Piano lessons have finally paid off. To play Fantaisie - Impromptu or not to play Faintaisie - Impromptu...I'll play it. I need that exemption."


Ryenn: "I know this song! Canon in D....or F, rather, but close enough. Should I play this or Moonlight Sonata Movement 3? I'm afraid the last one does not know my song though. But an exemption would be nice. Yet if the last one cannot even guess, then I won't get an exemption at all. I'm probably one of the last since I waited for so long."

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