Saturday, 14 October 2017

35.07-A game of cat and mouse

Last episode,

Grace: "I'm actually bi. Which makes it better because I can enjoy both sides. It's my dream to be surrounded by all my favourite idols."


Astrid: "Congratulations on your win, Hykel. I let you win."
Hykel: "Are you sure about that?"
Astrid: "I see you've become smug."
Hykel: "Have I?"
Astrid: "That was clearly a rhetorical question so I'm not going to answer it. Just wait. I shall claim the next one."


Morris: "Douglas is a bit...slow. Okay, fine, I suspect he's a bit retarded. His reaction is very slow and he's just so dumb he can't be faking it. The other day I heard him asking Courtney if Malaysia is in China. I don't think he's faking it. Sorry Monique, but I'm not going to listen to you. Although we eventually decided to split half and half between Astrid and Douglas, I'm not going to waste my answers on Douglas."


Sylvia: "This is getting so creepy. Sometimes when I wake up in the morning I see Gina sitting up on her bed, staring at me without blinking. And now she keeps callling me her goddess. It's like living with an obsessive fan."

Grace: "After spending so much time with Sylvia, I decided that she's now my Number 1 idol. She's absolutely perfect. If I could absorb her energy and feed off her aura that would be perfect."


Grace: "I thought you were changing and in the midst you saw your own body and deided to stop and admire yourself. I would if I were you."

Morris: "You've got a fertile imagination but I'm not narcissistic."

Morris: "Is that what you really think of me?"
Grace: "I didn't mean it that way! Please don't be offended. I'm really, really sorry."
Morris: "Apology accepted. No need to get so worked up. I won't hate you for it or anything."

Grace: " you think I look hot today, Morris?"

Morris: "You look the same as always. Now excuse me. I think I have a concussion. I'm going to look for Monique."
Grace: "F***. The drug didn't work."


"Astrid Dyke-Kant, you have unfortunately been the next to be executed. Please pack your bags and leave."

Morris: "Oh, they brought it alright."
Hykel: "The feeling of knowing you're safe is amazing. I'd like to emphasise that."
Monique: "Well, I overestimated her."
Ian: "I'm getting somewhere with this."

Astrid: "This is stupid. F***** stupid. If I had to blame something, I would blame it on all the false hints I saw. I kept seeing things where there weren't. That must be it."

Astrid: "I needed the money. Where am I going to find money to pay tuition now?"
"Thank you for joining. We hope to see you again."

The mission brought in 55/250 points, making the pot 155/450 points. Astrid was the Mole's third victim. Who will be the fourth? Who is the Mole?


Morris: "This morning I thought I felt someone grope me while I was asleep. Maybe I was dreaming. I don't think any of the women in my room would actually do such a thing."

Morris: "OI! Huh? Oh, I thought I felt something..."
Grace: "Nope. I think you were dreaming."

Sylvia: "Oh thank the heavens. She's not smiling creepily at me today. I don't need to see her face when I wake up every day."

Ryenn: "Why do you wear socks when you sleep?"
Hykel: "It's to keep me warm."
Ryenn: "Oh, that's a brilliant idea. I never needed to in the past because I couldn't feel my legs but now they can feel a bit chilly. Good thing I brought a pair of slippers."

Ian: "What would they ever do without a handyman in the house?"


Morris: "I'm curious. How did you make it this far without getting a single scandal?"

Sylvia: "I don't know. I guess I don't go out as much or lead an active social life once I'm off the stage, so there's no fodder to write about. But I think the entertainment industry is very complicated, so if you don't mind a few words of advice, I think you should be alert at all times. You don't want to get taken advantage of."

Courtney: "Good morning guys."
Sylvia: "Good morning. You sound very perky today."
Courtney: "I think I've been too tense and scared by Pierre's execution the past few days. I realised how silly I was being. So it's back to having fun!"


Grace: "I only have Stacy Gro's makeup...maybe I can use Sylvia's. But what if she gets mad? I don't want to upset her...I'll go ask for her permission first."

Grace: "Sylvia, can I borrow your 'New Century' World Tour makeup?"
Sylvia: "I don't have that any that my dress?"

Grace: "I'm so happy you noticed. It's the dress you wore during your 'New Century' World Tour. You wore this for your first three songs."
Sylvia: "And you remember all this? Nevermind that. Gina, I'm happy to have you as a fan, but I want you to be you. I don't want you to wear my clothes and my makeup and look like my clone."

Grace: "You don't like me wearing your clothes? But I'm just supporting you."
Sylvia: "I appreciate the support but you don't have to go to such lengths."
Grace: "Can I at least keep the dress?"
Sylvia: "...Yes. Keep it."

Ryenn: "I'm curious about that tattoo. I was thinking about it earlier. You said it was for you and your wife to remember your love to your children, but why would you need that?"

Ian: "It's so that if things turn ugly, we can remind ourselves that our sons are innocent and that we shouldn't take it out on them."
Ryenn: "I'm sure things won't be that bad. You two love each other, don't you? That's why you got married in the first place."

Ian: "Ryenn, you are so naive."

Ian: "Not everyone marries for love. Mine was a shotgun wedding. I got her knocked up so I had to take responsibility for it."

Ian: "If I had a choice I would rather lead the single life. It's so much carefree that way."

Ryenn: "Oh...I guess there's just so much I don't know about the world."

Ian: "I'm sorry. Was I too harsh? Please don't cry. I hate it when girls cry. Don't ruin such a pretty face with those tears."


Courtney: "Woo!"
Monique: "I can't believe there's no internet here. Would you keep it down?"
Sylvia: "THANK YOU."

Courtney: "Nuh-uh. I'm not gonna stop a party. You don't like it, you leave."
Monique: "Then I guess I will...what kind of dance is that, anyway?"
Courtney: "It's a fusion of various styles. I created it."

Monique: "I'm rolling my eyes so hard. She doesn't know the losses she's incurring right now."
Hykel: "And hi to you too."
Monique: "Oh, sorry. Didn't see you there."
Hykel: "You didn't see me? That's a first. Usually I'm the first one to be spotted in a crowd."

Monique: "By the way, have you seen Morris around?"
Hykel: "No. Do you like him or something? You two are literally inseparable."
Monique: "Don't utter rubbish. Our relationship is a professional one. Period. Full stop. End. The last thing I will do is fall in love with my client."
Hykel: "How is he your client anyway? What business do you do with him?"
Monique: "It started off with endorsements. He was an underwear model. Then things got rough for him and he nearly got taken advantage of. I helped engage a lawyer for him to save him and he ended up broke and living with me."

Hykel: "I'm getting more comfortable around here. I think it's because I'm getting familiar with the surroundings and everyone, so I can be more like myself."


Contestants will be playing in the dark for their next mission. There are bags of points and one exemption in this playing area. Their job is simply to collect them. If the exemption is collected, the mission ends. Each of them will be wearing a coloured helmet. If a contestant can say who the contestant is and what colour helmet he or she is wearing, that contestant will be eliminated and cannot earn an exemption this mission, but any points collected will not be discarded.

Ryenn: "When we were told that the place was once a graveyard, Douglas freaked out. It took so much coaxing from everyone to finally get him to budge. But the moment he got there he ran away screaming and forfeited the mission. I can't blame him. The place does give off a creepy vibe."

Ian: "Now we're really getting started with the missions."

Ian: "My first bag. 10 points in the bag."

Ian: "Ryenn and I agreed not to betray each other until the end. We would try and collect as many points then meet up if possible to see how many points we have gathered. We work together and eliminate everyone else first."

Morris: "I need to move quickly but the rustling of the leaves is making it hard to be quiet."

Grace: "I hope nobody is in there."

Grace: "Brace yourself for war, Gina."

Grace: "Good. Nobody hiding here in ambush."

Grace: "And that's 10 points for Gina."

Morris: "Aha. 10 points. I better crouch low to not get seen. My helmet is pretty bright."

Hykel: "Did I see someone run past?"

Sylvia: "Oh dear. I think I saw someone outside."

Hykel: "It looked white. But am I sure? Damn it I can't see whoever that was any more. Was it a hantu? I'll just move on. Hopefully whoever it was didn't see me either."

Hykel: "Great. A bag of 10 points."

Courtney: "I wonder if anyone is hiding in here."

Sylvia: "I heard the door creak open. I'll hide behind this table."

Sylvia: "Is this low enough?"

Courtney: "Hmm...thought I heard something."

Courtney: "Hello?"

Sylvia: "That's a woman's voice. It sounds like Courtney's but I don't dare to turn around."

Sylvia: "I'll get out through the side door."

Hykel: "Oh."
Courtney: "Aha!"

Courtney: "Hykel in the red helmet!"
Hykel: "Courtney, blue."

Who will get eliminatewd first?

"We received your information first, Courtney. Hykel has been eliminated."

Hykel: "Damn!"

Hykel: "I shouldn't have been so careless."

Hykel: "I need to take off my helmet now."

Hykel: "There goes my exemption."

Sylvia: "I'm trapped, unless I climb over this bench, but I think my skirt will get stuck. It's so ungraceful. I'll just wait until I think the room is empty."

Monique: "Nothing here. Great. The fog fogged up my helmet. Now it's hard to see."

Ryenn: "Yay I'm being useful."

Ryenn: "Oh! Better hide."
Courtney: "Too late. That's Ryenn in the yellow helmet."

"Ryenn has been eliminated."

Morris: "A dead end."

Ian: "I can't believe Ryenn was eliminated so quickly."

Ian: "I'm all alone now."

Courtney: "There's a bag. Make a run for it."

Monique: "I hope I can hide among the weeds."

Courtney: "Is that someone hiding there?"

Courtney: "I'm going to make a guess."

Courtney: "Ian in the navy blue helmet."
Ian: "Blue, Courtney."

"Correct. Courtney has been eliminated."

Courtney: "What? How?"

Ian: "Hello."

Courtney: "Oh, it's you. Then who's there...Monique."

Courtney: "I shouldn't have worn such bright colours. But that's all my wardrobe has. Unless they provided us uniforms so that it won't be so obvious who we are."

Monique: "There's a bag over there."

Ian: "Is that someone over there?"

Ian: "I'll go take a closer look."

Ian: "F***. I can't see properly with all the fog and fences."

Morris: "Oh. It's not an exemption."

Morris: "Is that someone watching me over there?"

Morris: "I better run."

Ian: "F***. He saw me."

Monique: "I better open this quietly."

Sylvia: "This is so intense. I need to take a breather. Hopefully nobody enters."

Sylvia: "Eep!"

Monique: "Stupid old door."
Sylvia: "What do I do? What do I do?"

Sylvia: "I'll do what I did before. Hide outside."

Monique: "Too late. I saw you. I think that was white and based on that body shape..."

Monique: "I say that Sylvia is wearing a white helmet."

"Sylvia has been eliminated."
Sylvia: "I shouldn't have worn such an outfit. Oh, it's you who caught me."

Morris: "I trust I can't be seen from here."

Ian: "There's a bag there in the open. Should I grab it? That's no question; of course I should!"

Ian: "Now better run off. I'm quite disappointed with the lack of graves. Was this place exhumed?"

Monique: "Wait, I think that was a bag."

Monique: "It is. I see someone!"

Monique: "I should run for cover first."

Monique: "Now, who could that be..."

Monique: "That physique could be Morris or Ian. Both of them are still in the game. I think I saw orange and green...I think it's Ian who is wearing a green helmet."

"Ian has been eliminated."

Ian: "What? Who saw me?"

Ian: "Duck!"

Ian: "Wait, I've already been eliminated. What's the point?"

Ian: "F***. Still, it was awesome. Like a game of cat and mouse."

Morris: "No bags here. I think we've got all the bags but the exemption one. Where is it hiding?"

Grace: "Is anyone coming? I'm bored."

Grace: "I decided to play the waiting game. My starting position was the best. There was a room where I could hide in to ambush whoever entered. And I would notice them first before they noticed me. Let everyone else do the killing while I reap all the benefits."

Grace: "Yawn. My camouflage clothes didn't come into use either. Juniper Tyorra and Lillian Portman will be so disappointed."

Morris: "I wonder if anyone is hiding here."

Morris: "Oh s***."

Grace: "Morris and orange! Morris and orange! Morris and orange! KILL HIM! I WILL AVENGE YOU, SYLVIA!"

Morris: "Grace has a purple helmet."

"Morris has been elimianted."
Grace: "F*** YEAH!"

Grace: "I've avenged you, Sylvia. I've done you proud."

Morris: "Too slow."

Grace: "See ya, sucker."

Morris: "Monique and I couldn't decide who to let the exemption to if we ended up being the last two so we chose not to work together. I'm glad it didn't come to that though."

Grace: "It's down to me and Monique. Should I continue playing the waiting game?"

Grace: "Nah. Monique is likely to do the same. I need to be on the prowl."

Grace: "Better get a move on."

Monique: "Why haven't we found the exemption? Wait a minute."

Monique: "This better be the bag...yes, it is."
"Monique has found the exemption. The mission ends. 9/10 bags with points have been collected, so 90/100 points have been earned, making the pot 245/550 points."


Next episode,

Sylvia: "Douglas, can I ask why you didn't take part in the mission yesterday? You were the only one to do so."


Ryenn: "The water is toxic. You should spare a thought for your family."


Grace: "Of course there is! He's Muslim! He's a terrorist!"

Grace: "You cannot trust people like him. Stay far away from him, Sylvia. He might rape you and kill you."


Sylvia: "If you continue to be so hostile to him I will bar you from being my fan or attending any of my concerts. Do you hear me?"
Grace: "What? How could you? I--I--"
Hykel: "There's no need to fall out over me, Sylvia."
Grace: "Hmph!"

Grace: "Why doesn't she understand what I'm doing for her?"


Grace: "Hmm...if I set Hykel up with this, then she'll see his true colours and learn to stay away from him."


Morris: "Just let me make my own choices."
Monique: "You're still young and immature. You don't know how life will try to eat you at every corner."
Morris: "This is the Smole. This isn't real life. And you aren't that much older than me. What gives you the right to lord over me?"

Monique: "..."


"Grace Gina Pierce."
Grace: "Sylvia Platt wore this hat in 2004. Georgina Clemence wore this blouse like this during a car wash charity in 2008. I hope this ensemble will give me good luck because I dirtied Stacy Gro's dress by accident."


Courtney: "Woohoo! We're in the final eight! This calls for a celebration!"


Morris: "You look hot today."
Monique: "What!?"


Ryenn: "I don't feel too well. I think it's the wine."
Ian: "You don't look too well. Need me to help you?"
Ryenn: "That would be nice."

Ian: "Come on now."

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