Monday, 16 October 2017

35.08-Purely professional

Last episode,

Grace: "You don't like me wearing your clothes? But I'm just supporting you."
Sylvia: "I appreciate the support but you don't have to go to such lengths."
Grace: "Can I at least keep the dress?"
Sylvia: "...Yes. Keep it."


Ian: "It's so that if things turn ugly, we can remind ourselves that our sons are innocent and that we shouldn't take it out on them."
Ryenn: "I'm sure things won't be that bad. You two love each other, don't you? That's why you got married in the first place."

Ian: "Ryenn, you are so naive."

Ian: "Not everyone marries for love. Mine was a shotgun wedding. I got her knocked up so I had to take responsibility for it."

Ian: "If I had a choice I would rather lead the single life. It's so much carefree that way."

Ryenn: "Oh...I guess there's just so much I don't know about the world."


Monique: "By the way, have you seen Morris around?"
Hykel: "No. Do you like him or something? You two are literally inseparable."
Monique: "Don't utter rubbish. Our relationship is a professional one. Period. Full stop. End. The last thing I will do is fall in love with my client."
Hykel: "How is he your client anyway? What business do you do with him?"
Monique: "It started off with endorsements. He was an underwear model. Then things got rough for him and he nearly got taken advantage of. I helped engage a lawyer for him to save him and he ended up broke and living with me."


Ryenn: "When we were told that the place was once a graveyard, Douglas freaked out. It took so much coaxing from everyone to finally get him to budge. But the moment he got there he ran away screaming and forfeited the mission. I can't blame him. The place does give off a creepy vibe."


Ian: "Ryenn and I agreed not to betray each other until the end. We would try and collect as many points then meet up if possible to see how many points we have gathered. We work together and eliminate everyone else first."


Morris: "Monique and I couldn't decide who to let the exemption to if we ended up being the last two so we chose not to work together. I'm glad it didn't come to that though."


Morris: "Oh s***."

Grace: "Morris and orange! Morris and orange! Morris and orange! KILL HIM! I WILL AVENGE YOU, SYLVIA!"

Morris: "Grace has a purple helmet."

"Morris has been elimianted."
Grace: "F*** YEAH!"

Grace: "I've avenged you, Sylvia. I've done you proud."


Ian: "F***. He saw me."


Sylvia: "Eep!"

Monique: "Stupid old door."
Sylvia: "What do I do? What do I do?"


Grace: "It's down to me and Monique. Should I continue playing the waiting game?"


Monique: "Why haven't we found the exemption? Wait a minute."

Monique: "This better be the bag...yes, it is."
"Monique has found the exemption. The mission ends. 9/10 bags with points have been collected, so 90/100 points have been earned, making the pot 245/550 points."

After a thrilling and chilling game in what was once a cemetery, Monique emerged as the ultimate victor with an exemption in hand. But while Monique is safe and smug, everyone else is trembling in fear, because another one of them must leave. Who will it be?


Ian: "Good game last night brother. Your girlfriend did spectacularly."
Morris: "What? Monique's not my girlfriend."
Ian: "I never said anything about her. Why are you so jumpy, hmm?"
Morris: "Well, who else can you be talking about?"
Ian: "True. But you two are cohabiting. I'm all for that but can you really tell me that after all the time spent in close proximity no sparks has flown? You've got the looks and she's not all that bad herself."
Morris: "It's purely professional. I assure you."

Sylvia: "Douglas, can I ask why you didn't take part in the mission yesterday? You were the only one to do so."

Sylvia: "Even Ryenn and I went in even though we were scared. You should have at least tried."

Douglas: "I know, I know. I'm a scaredy-freak. I'm worthless. I can't even walk into an ex-cemetery at night with other contestants and crew member in there. Every time I try so hard I just screw up anyway, so what's the point? I've always been useless, at school, at sports, at everything."

Sylvia: "Aww, that's not what I meant."

Douglas: "Save it. That's exactly what you meant."
Sylvia: "I'm really sorry for what I said. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. I understand that it must be hard to get over your fears. Just promise me that you'll work hard for the next mission onwards, okay?"

Sylvia: "Do we have a deal?"
Douglas: "What deal? Oh. Yes, yes we do."


Ryenn: "It's so beautiful. The falling leaves, the frozen lakes...wait a moment."

Ryenn: "Why are you in the rain?"

Ryenn: "And where did she come from? Wake up. It's raining."

Ian: "Huh? Oh, hey."
Ryenn: "Why are you two in your swimwear?"
Ian: "We wanted to go swimming but the lake's just frozen. It should thaw out quickly enough."
Ryenn: "What? But I heard the water is contaminated!"
Ian: "Those are rumours. It's best you go back in since it's raining. And go take a shower or you may fall sick."


Ian: "I see you've showered."

Ryenn: "I think you shouldn't have even thought about swimming in the water. It's dirty."

Ian: "Not this again."

Ian: "The water is completely safe to swim in. Remember Season 28? They had a mission where they had to swim in the swamps."

Ryenn: "The water is toxic. You should spare a thought for your family."

Ian: "Alright, I'm sorry. I won't do it again. I probably can't anyway."

Ryenn: "I hope he doesn't find me meddlesome. My family nearly lost me when I got into an accident. To have survived is considered a blessing. That's why I don't approve of Ian risking his life or health. I don't mind adventure but not if you have a high chance of dying or injuring yourself."

Sylvia: "I saw you doing your prayers earlier."
Hykel: "Oh yeah, I was."

Grace: "Sylvia, are you actually talking to him?"
Sylvia: "Is there a problem, Gina?"

Grace: "Of course there is! He's Muslim! He's a terrorist!"

Grace: "You cannot trust people like him. Stay far away from him, Sylvia. He might rape you and kill you."

Grace: "I'm warning you. Stay away from my idol."

Hykel: "Sigh. I knew this day would come eventually."

Sylvia: "That's enough, Gina."

Grace: "Every moment you breathe the same air as him is poison to your lungs. Let me be your sacrifice, goddess. I will breathe in the dirty air for you and filter it."

Sylvia: "You're being totally ridiculous right now."

Sylvia: "Hykel has been nothing but nice. Don't assume he's bad just because of his religion."

Grace: "I know you have a heart of gold, goddess, but don't be fooled by him!"

Sylvia: "If you continue to be so hostile to him I will bar you from being my fan or attending any of my concerts. Do you hear me?"
Grace: "What? How could you? I--I--"
Hykel: "There's no need to fall out over me, Sylvia."
Grace: "Hmph!"

Grace: "Why doesn't she understand what I'm doing for her?"

Grace: "I know every detail about her, including all her food allergies and the exact spot her birthmark is. It's on her left bumcheek. I know what's best for her."

Grace: "She must have been poisoned by him. That's the only explanation. That's why she was so rude to me. I need to get rid of him to save her."

Grace: "Maybe if I use her makeup she'll see that I'm always on her side. Wait, what's this?"

Grace: "Hmm...if I set Hykel up with this, then she'll see his true colours and learn to stay away from him."

Morris: "You're always so domineering. Why do you think you're always right?"
Monique: "I make the best decisions. You know that."
Morris: "It was only once."
Monique: "That one time was enough to end you."

Morris: "Just let me make my own choices."
Monique: "You're still young and immature. You don't know how life will try to eat you at every corner."
Morris: "This is the Smole. This isn't real life. And you aren't that much older than me. What gives you the right to lord over me?"

Monique: "..."

Monique: "Morris and I argued over Mole suspects and then it evolved. He's too young and naive for his own good. I have to be there to look out for him or he will land himself in hot soup. I have his best intentions at heart. Sometimes I feel like I'm a bodyguard. Why am I slogging so hard, handling a business, studying for the bar exam and being a nanny? It's all to protect him."

Quiz time.

Q1: Is the Mole male or female?
A: Male
B: Female

Q2: Was the Mole in Mission 4?
A: Yes
B: No

Q3: In Mission 4, what colour was the Mole's helmet?
A: Red
B: Orange
C: Yellow
D: Green
E: Blue
F: Purple
G: Black
H: White
I: Brown

Q4: In Mission 4, in what order was the Mole eliminated?
A: 1st
B: 2nd
C: 3rd
D: 4th
E: 5th
F: 6th
G: The Mole was not eliminated
H: The Mole forfeited

Q5: In Mission 4, how many bags did the Mole find?
A: 0
B: 1
C: 2
D: 3
E: 4

Q6: In Mission 4, how many points did the Mole collect?
A: 0
B: 10
C: 20
D: 30
E: 40

Q7: In Mission 4, who did the Mole eliminate?
A: Hykel Asrulfi
B: Courtney Ball
C: Ian Ryder
D: Morris Delven
E: Nobody

Q8: In Mission 4, how many contestants did the Mole eliminate?
A: 0
B: 1
C: 2
D: 3
E: 4

Q9: Who eliminated the Mole in Mission 4?
A: Courtney Ball
B: Monique Plaita
C: Grace Gina Pierce
D: Ian Ryder
E: The Mole was not eliminated
F: The Mole forfeited the mission

Q10: Who is the Mole?
A: Ryenn Picardo 
B: Monique Plaita 
C: Grace Gina Pierce 
D: Morris Delven
E: Ian Ryder 
F: Sylvia Platt
G: Hykel Asrulfi 
 H: Douglas Chip 
I: Courtney Ball 

Douglas: "I don't think anyone wore a brown helmet based on what I heard around...wait, I think it was mine. It probably was, wasn't it? I think I wore a brown helmet for a while. I also wonder why there are so many options for the number questions. Was someone really that good?"

The execution ceremony is underway.

"Courtney Ball."
Courtney: "Hmm, I didn't care as much this time but I shouldn't be all that bad."

"Ryenn Picardo."
Ryenn: "I hope I'm getting somewhere."

Ryenn: "Yay!'

"Douglas Chip."
Douglas: "Huh? Here I go again...I hope it's not me."

"Morris Delven."
Morris: "I trust my own instincts."

"Grace Gina Pierce."
Grace: "Sylvia Platt wore this hat in 2004. Georgina Clemence wore this blouse like this during a car wash charity in 2008. I hope this ensemble will give me good luck because I dirtied Stacy Gro's dress by accident."

"Unfortunately, Grace Gina Pierce, you are the next to be executed. Please pack your bags and leave."

Grace: "I knew I should've worn the dress."
Monique: "Gina is executed?"
Courtney: "Hmm..."
Ian: "She was just an obsessive fan so bye to her."

Douglas: "The crowd is too much for me. I need some time alone."

Ryenn: "I'm so happy that I'm safe but I think it's a pity that Gina has to go."
Sylvia: "It is quite...a shame."

Ryenn: "Where is he going?"

Grace: "It's time for me to go. I can't bear to leave, not with Sylvia and Morris still here, but I hope my sacrifice has not been in vain. I hope you take note of who I suspect to be the Mole."
Sylvia: "You never told me."

"Thank you for joining. We hope to see you soon."

Sylvia: "I can't be the only one who is secretly glad Gina is gone. She was just so...stalkerish. I didn't feel safe sleeping in the same room as her."


Courtney: "Woohoo! We're in the final eight! This calls for a celebration!"

Monique: "If you really must, I do have some red wine I brought from home."
Ian: "Sweet."
Monique: "I was planning on bringing it out for a special occasion, like the finale, but this has been sitting in my dresser for too long and making it difficult to get my clothes."

Monique: "Better not waste it. It's expensive."

Douglas: "A party? No thank you. I'll just camp in the truck for tonight."

Douglas: "I hate parties. It's crowded and stressful and things always get rowdy, especially with alcohol around."

Ryenn: "Dancing just feels so weird for me."
Courtney: "Just move however you want to the beat. Invent your own dance moves."

Ian: "Hey guys, there's some fine wine outside. Go grab it."

Morris: "Wine, you say? 'scuse me for a while. I can't say no to a good drink."

Morris: "Monique, why are you out here alone?"

Morris: "Is this your wine?"

Monique: "You know I'm not one for festivities. I prefer sitting in the silence with a good glass of Beringer's."

Morris: "I think you should let your hair down once in a while."

Morris: "Just come with us and celebrate. You'll never know if you get to stay another day."

Morris: "Just one time, okay? it won't kill you."

Morris: "Just stay for two hours. I promise you that it'll be fun."
Monique: "One hour."
Morris: "Deal."

Courtney: "Why are all of you out here? The party's in there!"

Morris: "We'll be coming right over. Wooh, I feel a little woozy."

Morris: "Come on now. Don't make me drag you in there."

Hykel: "I decided to come and join the fun."

Monique: "Can I just hide in one corner?"
Morris: "Don't be silly. Dance with me."

Monique: "What are you doing?"

Morris: "Dancing."

Monique: "This is dancing?"

Morris: "Of course it is. It's better than what Courtney and Ryenn are doing. Follow my lead."


Morris: "You look hot today."
Monique: "What!?"

Monique: "Get off me!"

Monique: "What do you think you're doing?"

Monique: "Are you out of your mind? Are you not afraid that tongues will wag?"

Morris: "Who cares about that?"
Monique: "Listen up, Delven. You are nothing more than a client. That's it."

Monique: "I feel too hot. Idiotic Delven had to anger me. I'm going to relax."

Ryenn: "I don't feel too well. I think it's the wine."
Ian: "You don't look too well. Need me to help you?"
Ryenn: "That would be nice."

Ian: "Come on now."

Ryenn: "Is it just me, or has it gotten really hot in here?"
Ian: "Maybe it's because I'm here too."

Ian: "You know, I never really noticed your eyes. They're so bright and sparkling. And those lips, they look so perfect."

Ian: "If only I can try them out..."

Ryenn: "What just happened?"

Ian: "Mmm, so tender and sweet. I've never done a young one before, and definitely not one who's disability card just expired."

Ian: "But there's always a first."

Ryenn: "Oh Ian..."

Ian: "Your skin is so smooth..."

Ian: "How about we bring this to the bed?"

Ryenn: "I...I've never done this before. I'm a virgin."

Ian: "Don't worry. I'll guide you step by step."
Ryenn: "Where did those tinted glasses come from?"
Ian: "What glasses?"
Ryenn: "Must be a metaphor."

Ian: "I'll make sure your cherry pop."


Next episode,



Monique: "Morris, now that you're sober, I think we need to have a talk."
Morris: "A talk? Why?"
Monique: "Do you not remember what you did last night?"



Ryenn: "You used me. I should have known you were a bad person."
Ian: "Don't put it like that. I regret it too."


Ian: "Monique Plaita! Why did you set us up like that?"


Morris: "Ian, take this and go."


Ryenn: "I hope I don't let the group down."


Sylvia: "Pardon me for speaking my mind but I think Monique is being lazy. She's fitter than some of us here and yet she chose to be last, which has the shortest stretch. We all saw how she managed to run and outlast everyone with heels last mission, so why can't she run in sneakers and help those who are struggling?"


Douglas: "Sylvia! Huff..."
Sylvia: "Please don't collapse on me."

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