Last episode,
Ian: "Hey now, I heard enough. you're making her cry. Back off, dude."
Ian: "Why such a big reaction, anyway? The first exemption is the least important because what are the odds of you going home? Unless you're that uncertain. Everyone fails. There's no need to be so harsh to Ryenn and bully her over it."
Hykel: "But--"
Ian: "I'm warning you. Make her cry one more time and I make sure you see living hell."
Monique: "What is it?"
Morris: "We should form a coalition, since we know each other beforehand and such."
Monique: "I suppose we do have the most is a deal."
Pierre: "Come dance with me."
Astrid: "I am afraid I have better things to do, like rehearse my lines. I am planning on auditioning for a role in a big movie."
Astrid: "I should rehearse."
Pierre: "Sounds fun. My parents would never approve. They want me to get a stable and reliable job, like being a doctor or businessman or lawyer. Yucks."
Courtney: "Those parents exist? Such sticklers."
Pierre: "Exactly. I don't want to be restrained. I want to lead the wild life."
Courtney: "Let's dance to that."
Astrid: "I cannot concentrate with all this noise."
Vincent: "I wonder where Astrid's, it's loud in here."
Vincent: "Aren't you two going to study?"
Pierre: "For what? It's only the first quiz."
Courtney: "Yeah, we won't be leaving any time soon."
Vincent: "Don't be so cocky. It's always best to be prepared."
Pierre: "You sound like my parents. I didn't come here for lectures."
Vincent: "Then I suppose I'll find somewhere else to study."
Pierre: "Boo. This is just bad luck. The party ended before it even started. I got it coming, I guess. I didn't study for the quiz."
Sylvia: "It is a relief that I am through but I am sorry that you have to be the first one to go."
Hykel: "You said that already. It's his fault he's out. No need to be sorry about it, unless...hmm..."
Vincent: "I told you."
Pierre: "Yeah, yeah. Whatever. Good luck to all of you. Adios, amigos!"
Hykel: "Bye."
Courtney: "I completely botched up my quiz. I'm surprised that there's someone who did even worse than I. I was certain I was going home. It was such a shock to see Pierre go home. I just hope I don't end up like him."
Pierre was claimed as the first victim, leaving Courtney worried about her own fate. Should she be? And what will the fate of the pot be this season?
Hykel: "I miss my family...I should go work it off."
Sylvia: "Good morning, Hykel. I hope you do not mind if I play a song. I like to sing to warm my vocal chords up every morning."
Hykel: "Go ahead. It's my pleasure to be able to listen to music while working out."
Monique: "Wow, this is amazing. I feel like I'm floating in outer space."
Ian: "It is, isn't it? Too bad you didn't choose to sleep here. But I'm a nice chap. I'll lend it to you once in a while."
Monique: "What are you doing? Are you...are you changing? While I'm in here?"
Ian: "It's not like you can see with those goggles on."
Monique: "I can take it off any time."
Ian: "That's where the thrill lies."
Grace: "Hot bod. You exercise often?"
Morris: "You can say that. I need to keep up my looks."
Grace: "You're quite the looker. I'm so blessed to sleep here. You should be an actor."
Morris: "I'm actually trying to break in, actually. Right now I still don't land many memorable or major roles but in time."
Grace: "I can't wait until you get famous. Why not you give me your autograph first, so that I can say I have it?"
Morris: "Thanks for the vote of confidence."
Hykel: "My first batch failed. I'l try again, since it's still early."
Hykel: "No, my second batch failed. I need to be quick before anyone comes."
Monique: "Good morning Hykel."
Hykel: "Aah! I mean, good morning."
Monique: "Did you make all this?"
Hykel: "What? No, I've only just started cooking."
Monique: "Why not you take this batch? It's a little burnt but it's still edible."
Hykel: "Oh, for, benefits. Can't eat too many burnt stuff."
Monique: "A little once in a while won't kill you."
Hykel: "Yes, of course. You're right. I might as well finish that plate first."
Astrid: "I believe we never got to properly introduce ourselves. My name is Astrid Dyke-Kant. What is yours?"
Vincent: "Erm, Vincent. But you already know that, don't you?"
Vincent: "Astrid behaves so weirdly at times. She's quite an odd fellow. And she has a really loud voice. She yodels in the shower and I can hear from miles away."
Ryenn: "Nice hair. My mom wouldn't let me dye my hair because she wanted me to focus on important matters like recovering first. Standing and walking is all so new to me."
Grace: "Don't talk to me, commoner."
Grace: "I don't care about you."
Ian: "Why did you run in here? I saw the way you were looking at Ryenn. You have a thing for her?"
Douglas: "What? No, never."
Ian: "Don't be shy. She's a nice girl. Fun to be around."
Douglas: "But she's already yours, isn't she?"
Ian: "Don't be silly. I treat her like my daughter."
Ian: "I can eat dirt if you don't believe me."
Douglas: "There's no need for that."
Douglas: "Eww! Did you really swallow it?"
Douglas: "I think I'm going to be sick."
Douglas: "Oh my God, you really did! Why torment yourself like this?"
Ian: "This isn't torment. This is fun!"
Douglas: "Fun? That sounds like what my sadistic son of a b**** my dad would say."
Ian: "I don't feel so good. Maybe that was a bad idea. Gotta run!"
Douglas: "What have I gotten myself into?"
Contestants have each entered a different room for the next mission. Each room is connected to another by a sound system. The one in the first room is to try and transfer a song on the radio to the piano. What this contestant plays will then be heard by someone in the next room, who can decide whether to play that song on the piano or a different song that was played while waiting for their turn. This continues until the last contestant, who entered a room without a piano. He will listen to what the second last contestant played and if he can name the song, 100 points will be earned. Whoever was the first to play the song will also get an exemption.
Grace is the first. The song is Piano Sonata No. 14.
Grace: "I have no clue what song this is. Is this from some obscure movie?"
Grace: "Where's the high keys? Oh, wrong one. Must be the other side."
Morris is in the second room. On the radio is what Grace is playing.
However, earlier, there was another song played from the sound system above him. His song is Symphony No. 5. He can choose which one to play."
Morris: "I have no idea what the first guy is playing so I'll play my own one. It's a good thing I had piano lessons as a kid."
Monique: "I think The Entertainer is a far more well-known song than whatever that is. I'll play that then."
Hykel: "I don't know how to play that but I don't know how to play Flight of the Bumblebee even more. It's too fast."
Sylvia: "Oh, The Entertainer. I know how to play this. But I can also play Waltz No. 16. I should try getting the exemption with Waltz."
Courtney: "Piano lessons have finally paid off. To play Fantaisie - Impromptu or not to play Faintaisie - Impromptu...I'll play it. I need that exemption."
Vincent: "Wow, this is hard to follow. But Carmen Overture is way too fast too. I'll just play the first one and if the last one cannot guess, it's not my fault."
Douglas: "I don't know how to play The Fountain, so I'll play this song instead...or try to. I spent my time trying to figure out how each key sounds."
Astrid: "Canon in D it is. Much more famous and slower."
Ryenn: "I know this song! Canon in D....or F, rather, but close enough. Should I play this or Moonlight Sonata Movement 3? I'm afraid the last one does not know my song though. But an exemption would be nice. Yet if the last one cannot even guess, then I won't get an exemption at all. I'm probably one of the last since I waited for so long."
Ryenn: "I think I shall stick with Canon in D."
Ian: "Hmm...this song sounds very familiar. Isn't there a violin version of this? It''s Canon, isn't it?"
"That is correct. You earn 100 points, making the pot 100/200 points. This is Astrid's song and she played it first, so she gets an exemption."
Ian: "Yeah! To be fair, it was an easy song to guess."
Next episode:
Astrid: "What an interesting feathered creature."
Astrid: "Its name is Phoebelius."
Courtney: "It? You don't know its gender?"
Astrid: "Why does it matter? It's going to be dead sooner or later anyway."
Phoebelius: "Squak!"
Morris: "Douglas is so isolated and always stays away from the rest of us. I thought he was just a little shy so I tried to get to talk to him to get him to open up but he's as tight as a clam. Maybe in time..."
Ian: "I'm betting all my chips on one contestant."
Ryenn: "So early? Isn't it a little risky?"
"Welcome to another execution ceremony. Tonight, the second victim will be claimed. Let us begin."
"Ian Ryder."
Ian: "We'll see if it all paid off."
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