Last episode,
The final three went on their last mission, with great success...
James: "I'm sure there are no objections if we try T."
"Congratulations! You have solved the puzzle. The word is DISTRUST, but you had 3 penalties, so you earn 85/100 points, making the pot 475/1200 points. Too little too late, but late is better than never, right?"
Despite the small setbacks they faced...
Gladys: "Aah! A trap!"
Janice: "Not again!"
James: "Bad move, Janice."
Gladys realised that she had trusted the wrong Sim...
Gladys: "Mr. Sol, I am officially filing a lawsuit against Ms. Ilien for repeated harassment of a public servant, threatening a public servant, invasion of privacy and obtaining of restricted information..."
James: "I'm afraid that's not possible."
Gladys: "What do you mean?"
James: "Your career in politics will come to a screeching halt very shortly, so you won't be a public see ant any more and those charges will cease to hold."
Gladys: "You are supposed to be supporting me, Mr. Sol."
James: "I have bigger, better fish to catch."
Gladys was put in her place and her career finally on the rocks...
Janice: "The article's been sent to my editor. You lost, Delmeer-Gomez."
Gladys: "I can't believe this. My career has a very probable chance of being ruined if they find out...I can't believe I was so stupid. Or maybe this is just a ploy to distract me from the game, so that James will be able to swallow the money for himself. Such a greedy freak. I will not fall for it. I will concentrate on winning this game. I am not letting them get to me."
After the final quiz, the contestants prepared for the finale.
The contestants have taken the quiz and are ready for the finale. Are you?
Twelve new faces dwindled to three. After the last mission, the pot now has 475/1200 points. But that is not what the winner earns, for there is one mission unaccounted for: the betting of the Mole. And for every time the Mole's name is put down in the quizzes, 1 point will be transferred from the Mole's stash to the winner's. The question is: who is the winner? And who is the Mole? Find out now.
We are gathered here at Los Suenos Private Club, the destination in the first mission. We've come full circle with the finale being hosted here. Without further ado, let us welcome back our ex-contestants.
"In 12th place, we have Rose Flowerina!"
Rose: "So much wasted potential with my execution. I hardly got to play."
"In 11th place is Wanda Ball!"
Wanda: "Swanky, but I prefer a little less techno and a little more greenery. Something simpler would be nice."
"In tenth is Darren Yap!"
Darren: "Hello everybody. I am back. Did you miss me?"
"In ninth place is our first Mole this season, Maggie Noodles!"
Maggie: "I still think there was a mistake in my execution. Did you mean to execute the other Mole?"
"In eighth place is Lily Flowerina!"
Maggie: "Hey! Answer me! Or at least provide me some noodles! Do they serve noodles here? I'm craving some fried noodles right now."
"In seventh is Kairel St. James!"
Kairel: "What's up everyone? Yes, I know this coat is a little big. It's a hand-me-down okay? I'm a sentimental guy."
"In sixth is Lewis Stewart!"
Lewis: "I am back to catch the Mole."
"In fifth place is Gabriel Ruen!"
Gabriel: "It's free seating right? Then I'll take the front row."
"Last but definitely not least, in fourth place is Felix Kuchappe!"
Felix: "I am proud of how far I've gone. The end result doesn't matter to me any more."
"Tonight we have entertainment brought to you by our lovely Sadie Mason!"
"While you enjoy the music, let's interview some of you. Rose, how did it feel being the first to be executed? And Lily, as the first one to go home after the Mole, do you think the reduction of Moles was your downfall?"
Rose: "It sucks to be the last place, of course! I didn't think it would be me but Murphy's effect and all. My sister's told me about all the missions she's been in and I want to be a part of them. I feel like I would've added so much value to this season."
Lily: "For me, I think that my mistake was not because of the decrease in Moles. That was just a coincidence. I believe Maggie's execution bumped me up one spot. I made mistakes in my quiz. Those errors are what I feel cost me."
"Wanda, who do you think the Mole is now that your choices are reduced to three, and Darren, what do you miss most about the Smole?"
Wanda: "What a simple question! I like it. I haven't given much thought to it yet but as the only male left, I think it could be James. He just never stood out to me and it felt like he was deliberately hiding in the shadows."
Darren: "What I miss most? The ladies. Like, wow Wanda, you look smoking. Did I do it right? Is that how you show your compliments? I would've loved to get to know everybody more."
Wanda: "I should have found another seat."
"Maggie, how does it feel being here instead of in the finale despite knowing that you're the Mole? Kairel, what was your favourite moment on the Smole?"
Maggie: "Definitely disappointed. I know there is something up. I had a brilliant plan conjured by my brilliant noodles. There is no way the other Mole could have found me before I found him or her. Speaking of which, I think it's Janice. I've got a nagging feeling about that."
Kairel: "It's hard to pick a favourite moment. I cherish the opportunities I was given and the memories formed and bonds forged. It was such a wonderful cast this season and interesting missions. The little moments where we all let loose and had fun, forgetting about the stresses of the game for a while, I definitely won't forget that."
"Lewis, who do you think will win?"
Lewis: "First of all, my gut feeling is that Janice is the Mole but I recall switching after Kairel left. I don't remember who I switched to but I think maybe Gladys will win, assuming I switched to her. Otherwise it's James."
Gabriel: "Whut."
"Gabriel, you fooled everyone with your antics, causing so many to underestimate you. What was the reason behind that and would you employ this strategy again if you had another chance?"
Gabriel: "I would gain more trust if I acted dumb. And maybe as a bonus get excuses for sabotaging and some people who overthink would think I'm using that as a cover-up for being the Mole. Ha, suckers. I wouldn't use it again though because a lot of them seemed to find me annoying and clingy and that makes me feel sad. I want to make friends too. So I'll just be my normal self next time and see how far that brings me, heh."
"Felix, what are your thoughts on being so close to the finale?"
Felix: "It's within reach but I couldn't stretch out far enough. I wasn't very certain of my Mole so I split my answers a little. I believe the other two are confident contenders who knew exactly who the Mole was. They were also more into the game than I was and very hard workers so they deserve it. I'm not particularly upset now because I did try my best and I didn't think I would make it so far. In fact, I don't know why I was thought to be the Mole in the second mission and chosen to be the opposing guy in the first mission and the mission where I was the murderer."
"Thank you. The finalists are waiting outside. Shall we welcome them in?"
"Ladies and gentlemen, let us give a round of applause to our three finalists: Gladys Delmeer-Gomez, Janice Ilien and James Christian Sol!"
"Gladys, what has the journey been like for you?"
Gladys: "It is like a rollercoaster. I am up against many strong and smart players who will use various tricks and plans to outsmart and claim victory, so to make it to the end is a blessing and a testament to my ability. I'm still here despite the various means used to distract me, like mudslinging and rumours, which are all false, I'd like to add."
"Janice, did you expect to come so far?"
Janice: "Oh, definitely. I had my eye set on the finale right from the beginning. And I'm here. I worked hard to get here. And don't believe that woman beside me. She's a dirty liar."
Gladys: "You saw it first-hand. I did not attack her but she came to antagonise me."
"Right, moving on. James, assuming you get a second chance and are now the Mole, what would you have done differently?"
James: "Nothing. I would have done everything in the same way. I would just lurk in the shadows and secretly sabotage while trying to maintain a clean image so nobody would suspect me. It's worked this season, I feel."
Janice: "I see you're not giving away your identity just yet. Good work keeping the suspense."
"Thank you. Let us now watch the sabotages of our very first Mole, Maggie Noodles."
In the first mission, Maggie wasn't very focused on the mission and gave vague answers when she was...
Maggie: "I'll start the ball rolling. Wanda, do they serve noodles at the meeting point?"
Maggie: "Where did you come from, Darren?"
Darren: "China."
Gladys: "Oh he faking it?"
Maggie: "Oh, well I'm from the USA."
She also made the last wrong guess, ensuring the first mission failed...
Maggie: "You know what? I think I'm gonna make that guess. Come at me, Darren! You are the spy! That is why you know noodles about stuff and still can't make it here! Ha, I'm right, aren't I?"
"Unfortunately, that was your last guess and it was wrong. The mission therefore ends right now. No points are earned but is the spy among those at the meeting point, Los Suenos Private Club? Will the spy please reveal themselves."
In the second mission, by going off-topic, Maggie would have been able to confuse the citizens and make those who watched the Mole consider her as a suspect since she was being so evasive...
Maggie: "Do you know Mr. Noodles? He is my good friend."
Maggie: "If you vote for me as the Mole, I will give you my precious noodles. That is a privilege!"
Maggie: "I can do many things. Secret things behind your back. One day you will find your money missing under your nose."
Maggie: "You all have good noodles in your brain. Use it."
Maggie: "You may think I'm crazy but I'm just a genius. I know how to leverage. I can recite all the laws of thermodynamics and the first 30 digits of pi. Can you?"
Maggie: "I know what is in your noodles: how is any of this important? Well, I can't say. Not now, anyway."
In the third mission, Maggie got one question right and one question wrong on purpose.
Maggie: "What in noodles? How many words are in Shakespeare's 'Othello'? How would I know?"
Maggie: "A for 29,320, B for 26, 450 and C for 33, 870. I'll just go with the longest one, C."
In the fourth mission, Maggie brought a bowl of noodles without the noodles, something that would confuse many as they would hardly make the link to her. Not only that, but she also conveniently forgot what she submitted to us and thus claimed Kairel's duck as her own...
Maggie: "A yellow ducky? Sounds like something I would've brought."
She also put a few things in the wrong place...
Maggie: "Laptop for Felix...I don't think that's right. Must be for Lewis. Time for some switching."
Maggie: "Lily looks like a gal who would use perfume. So this bowl must be Felix's."
Maggie: "And done."
"And those are all of Maggie's sabotages before she was unfortunately executed by the other Mole. Speaking of which, it is time for the reveal. Who is the Mole?"
"Is it Gladys Delmeer-Gomez, the corrupt politician?"
"Is it Janice Ilien, the snoopy columnist?"
"Or is it James Christian Sol, the money-minded lawyer?"
"The other Mole of Season 34 is..."
"Gladys Delmeer-Gomez!"
Rose: "Ugh, I didn't have a good feeling about her."
Lily: "I am surprised."
Rose: "Why am I not surprised that you don't sound surprised?"
Darren: "Man, she knows how to dress up."
Maggie: "That wretch put me as the Mole? Must have been a lucky guess."
Kairel: "She did amazing. I didn't really suspect her."
Lewis: "Wait, what? Wasn't that who we discussed?"
Kairel: "Eh, well, the thing is...I didn't listen. Sorry."
Lewis: "You misled me! I thought I was on the wrong track because you were executed! I could've won for all we know!"
Kairel: "Chill. Stuff like this happens."
Gladys: "Thank you all for this opportunity. It was quite a thrill working in the dark and trying to maintain my cover. It was difficult trying to find a balance between sabotaging and laying low and I hope I finessed this delicate balance adequately. Feel free to feedback areas of improvement."
Gladys: "I am also happy to have beaten the other Mole. I apologise to Maggie but I hope there are no hard feelings. It is all but a game. For a while I kept picking those who were like me, maintaining a low cover and sabotaging very quietly but I soon exhausted all of them, so I started turning my attention to the sabotages and that led me to Maggie."
Gladys: "It is a relief that the truth is revealed and I hope that my people don't lose confidence or trust in me as a result of this game. If need be, I will get PR to do some damage control. But I am ecstatic as it is a great burden lifted off my chest."
Gladys: "This has been a one-of-a-kind experience and I feel that I have grown stronger as a result of the challenges and setbacks thrown at me."
Gladys: "To all the naysayers, I've proven you wrong. I won more than half the pot and remained fairly undetected. I hope that you will stop your silly antics after seeing this."
Gladys: "And to all my supporters, thank you so much for being with me and believing in me throughout. I will not let you down. I promise that. I will not let critics get me down. I promise you that."
Gladys: "There is so much I want to say but I hope time and actions can speak for itself. I thank my backers and I hope you will not let a few words sway your confidence in me. I believe the trust we have developed is not so brittle."
Gladys: "To all of you seated here, thank you for making my time a memorable one. Each and every one of you are wonderful in your own ways."
"Thank you, Gladys. Unfortunately, time is running short. As the Mole, you brought 725/1200 points out of the pot, but 92 points was placed on you being the Mole and you were suspected a total of 13 times, so that leaves you with 620 points, or 62,000 Simoleons. That is still more than half, so congratulations!"
"Please take your seat, Gladys."
"Let us now watch the second Mole's sabotages."
Gladys: "How exciting. I'm one of the Moles this season. Since there are two, I think I should just lay low and make myself a team player and play like an ordinary contestant. That way nobody will suspect me. That means no effective sabotages until the other Mole is rid of. Meanwhile I'll try and make the others more suspicious."
Gladys: "Why oh why did you recklessly waste one guess? Nevermind, at least we know Maggie isn't the spy."
Lewis: "For me it is taking quite a while. That's why I haven't been active yet. I think everyone is making their way. Is the traffic along the way bad?"
Gladys: "You're asking us? You're the one on the road, aren't you?"
Maggie: "Where did you come from, Darren?"
Darren: "China."
Gladys: "Oh he faking it?"
Gladys: "Hopefully things will still work out. Like in the second mission, I hope that by painting myself to look like an angel I would cause the citizens to suspect me. Apparently most have never seen the Smole because they believed me. Just as well. It helps my image and image is very important."
Gladys: "Ah, the mission in the classroom. I took the 'Others' category as it was the most broad, leaving specialised categories to the non-specialists. I also deliberately answered a few questions incorrectly. And I answered the painting question correctly because I had a feeling the other group had no idea who painted it so I could stand a chance of gaining penalties."
Gladys: "Oh. I received a question. what colour is the 'l' on Google's logo?
A: Red
B: Blue
C: Green"
Gladys: "I never really noticed. How foolish of me."
Gladys: "I shall make my best judgement and go with A: Red. I hope my memory serves me well."
Kairel: "Who painted Le déjeuner sur l'herbe?
A: Manet
B: Monet
C: Munch"
Kairel: "Let's see...M&M or M? This is a tough one."
Kairel: "I'll go with B."
Gladys: "It is a good thing I have this painting in my office."
Gladys: "An inquisitive mind serves me well. I was told that Manet painted this. So my answer will be A."
Gladys: "I'm not the most athletic so of course I will start off by wasting my energy and climbing to the top for the fourth mission. I know which item was whose but I am obliged to get a few believably wrong."
Gladys: "Maybe it is Felix's. He could use social media or Skype or whatever to have communicated with his wife in the past."
Gladys: "If so, then I'm moving the bowl to Lily's table. Her favourite colour is white after all. That could be what she was going for."
"The second mission where I am the sole feels great to have more freedom. I needed to fight for a good position and I managed to get one. I knew who did it, what weapon was used and what evidence was left behind. All I needed to do was to mislead Ms. Ilien. And Mr. Stewart's vague hints aided me immensely. Apologies, but those points are going into my pocket."
Gladys: "Let us look at all possibilities. Is it possible Gabriel did it with the statue bust which is artistic and left behind books, which pertains to school and can be the child's?"
Janice: "Why the sudden change from Kairel to Gabriel?"
Gladys: "I am merely contemplating every single outcome. We cannot afford losses."
Janice: "Did you pass Simlish? Evidence refers to evidence, not the weapon. So the evidence is artistic, not the weapon."
Janice: "If I were the forensic scientist, I would then have the location of crime pertain to the weapon. So the killer grabbed something from the school."
Gladys: "But you are not Lewis. We do not know how he interprets the clues."
Gladys: "I think the child clue must be referring to the evidence since the killer won't choose a childlike weapon to kill a child. Which narrows our options considerably.."
Gladys: "Which would be Gabriel's books, James's pen and paper and Kairel's books. But James has no relevant weapons so he's out."
Janice: "I just want to know what the artistic evidence means. Could James's flowers be considered?"
Janice: "And why would Lewis give us so much evidence but nothing on the weapon?"
Gladys: "I think he was limited in options and this was the best way he could convey to us that the weapon was artistic, not the evidence. Even then the bag could be artistic. There are many styles nowadays."
Janice: "We are assuming it's a school bag."
Gladys: "It's not like producers would make it so explicit."
Janice: "You seem hell bent on Kairel. I'll follow you then."
Gladys: "Alright. Our final answer is Kairel did it..."
Gladys: "...with the vase..."
Gladys: "...and the evidence is his bag."
Gladys: "For the next mission, as a contestant, my thoughts would be trained on attaining an exemption. As the Mole, my thoughts would be to not earn points. It is clear that I had to get an exemption then. I don't know what Mr. Sol was thinking but it is fortunate that he chose to save me by luring Ms. Ilien away. Again, no points earned. I hardly need to lift a finger with this group."
Gladys: "For the next mission, I knew the correct answer to my question. So I would answer my own question wrongly to give myself a better chance of failing. And I predicted that whoever had to answer my question would pick law, since I am a politician. However, believe me when I say that I did not know who my target was nor did I know what was the answer to his question. I really believed that Mr. Kuchappe would choose to save his wife so I answered in the other direction. The 'correct' answer for that question is quite contentious anyway, and I suppose I can spare them a few sympathy points."
Gladys has to paint something worth at least 20 Simoleons as determined by an art appraiser. She answered incorrectly and Felix answered differently from Gladys, so Gladys will play for an exemption.
Gladys: "I picked the room with the Tamil song in the penultimate mission because that was the only language that used a different writing system which did not have alphabets. I would have an excuse to perform badly. To make things easier for the natives, I put on a fake accent and sang a few words wrongly. I don't know how Mr. Sagar failed to catch me. Even Mr. Meir did. If only he was the Tamil expert instead."
Gladys: "How do I pronounce this..."
Gladys: "I can't believe it's the very last mission already. Time flies so quickly. I knew what the word was so my goal was simple: not get the word. It wasn't an easy task though, so my secondary objective was to incur as many penalties as possible. But with fewer of us left, it becomes harder to sabotage. It doesn't matter. The pot is bad as it is right now. Let them feel a little joy."
James: "U? I think I'll go for a more common letter, like E."
Gladys: "I'm inclined to listen to James more than you, Janice."
Janice: "Fine, let's just put E. The reason I suggested U was a gut feeling, based on the arrangement of letters."
Gladys: "E it is."
"There is no E."
Gladys: "Aah! A trap!"
Gladys: "Let's get back to it. How about an L?"
James: "I can't think of many words that have an L and that arrangement of S. I disagree with that choice."
Gladys: "Fine. N?"
James: "That is more probable."
Janice: "Then N then."
"There is no N."
Gladys: "Hmm...Mis-something..."
Janice: "We are getting somewhere."
Janice: "We're thinking along the same lines, Gladys. An M."
"There is no M."
"For those curious, here is who each Mole suspected to be the Mole each quiz. Both James and Janice had been suspected by the Moles. And both are still sitting at the back. Before we invite them over, who do all of you think is the winner?"
Rose: "I think James will win. He has his own plans, I'm sure. The one who quietly emerges from the shadows. How enchanting."
Lily: "I am still recovering from all the sabotages, but I think Janice is the winner."
Felix: "I knew she was the Mole but I didn't realise how good she was."
Felix: "Anyway, the winner...erm, James, because Janice was very preoccupied with her plan to destroy Gladys."
Maggie: "I should be the surviving Mole, not her! Her sabotages are pathetic. Not much noodles used in them."
Gladys: "Ignoring detractors, I think that James will win because he played a marvellous game, objectively speaking."
Kairel: "I think Janice will win though. She's a journalist and their sixth sense doesn't go wrong. Look at Heather Long."
Lewis: "But look at...Henrietta Hitchcock. She didn't win. So I think it's James, because he was the closest to Gladys this season and will get more chances to observe her than any of us."
Gabriel: "I was also in the same room as Gladys and I did not win. I believe in Janice. She was in the minority for so long and could not depend on odds to win unlike James."
"Both finalists actually scored the same. However, one suspected Gladys more than the other and is hence crowned the winner. Who is it?"
"Janice Ilien, the one who was against her since the beginning?"
"Or James Christian Sol, the one who was by her side the entire time?"
"The winner of the Smole, Season 34 is..."
"Janice Ilien!"
Gabriel: "See? I was right!"
Gabriel: "You lose."
Lewis: "It's not like you win anything out of it. Either way we'll still be sitting at this table."
Rose: "I still think I could have won."
Lily: "Don't be a sore loser, Rose."
Gladys: "Well, congratulations. Not who I would have wanted to win but I suppose she did dig up a lot of dirt on me, so she's bound to notice my sabotages."
Janice: "I'm not the one you expected to win? Oh snap, too bad for you! I'd like to clarify that I didn't find out that she was the Mole through illegal means. I did it through my own hard work and not the Internet. Why would it be on the Internet anyway?"
Janice: "I am not very surprised to have won, really. But I still think James deserves a round of applause. He's good."
Janice: "So you all must be expecting me to give that boring old speech about thanking my parents and whatever. Well, I'm not going to do it. It's boring and we had one uselessly long speech this evening already. I just want to say, I won! Suck it! Oh wait, you can't. That's why you'll never win."
"Thank you Janice for that...heartfelt and genuine speech. You have a total of 580/1200 points, or 58,000 Simoleons! Congratulations!"
"Let us now invite our runner-up on stage to say a few words."
James: "I was close. I think it's pointless to go to the finale without winning money. It's an insult."
James: "Still, few can say that they made it to the finale and stepped on this stage."
James: "There was a moment of time where I questioned everything I was doing but I soon sorted myself out. I won't say I've changed for the better, or changed for that matter. I haven't grown from this experience. I'm still me. And that's a good thing."
James: "I suppose I'm obliged to say good job to the winner. If anyone really has to win, I want it to be her."
James: "I hope my investment here will pay off in the long run."
"Thank you. Please take a seat."
"Let us now watch the hints."
First of all, every time Gladys's quote was an episode title, the time would always be XX:46. 46 is Gladys's age.
- Episode 2-This house is insane (15:46)
- Episode 3-Holier than thou (23:46)
- Episode 9-That dog (22:46)
- Episode 10-Money talks, money walks, money makes the world go round (01:46)
- Episode 11-Not my job scope (03:46)
In the first episode, the contestants took a photo in front of the criminal warehouse. This is an allusion to both Maggie, a criminal, and Gladys, a corrupted politician with less-than-saintly intentions.
In Episode 3, there were 1380 members of the audience. Take the ages of both Moles (30 and 46) and multiply them to get 1380.
For the next mission, contestants will be visiting this hall. They will each get five minutes to try and convince the 1380-strong audience as to why they are the Mole. Later, each audience member will vote on who they believe the Mole is. The one with the least votes will get an exemption. If the one with the most votes is a Mole, another 100 points will go down the drain. Otherwise, the group earns 100 points.
In Episode 5, it was said that the group had "scored an F"-F for female. The Mole is female.
"Very astute. The others knew that the 'l' in Google's logo is green but you answered red. They also knew Emily Bronte's pseudonym was Ellis Bell, not Florian Bell. Therefore, you have incurred a -20 penalty, leaving the pot with 80/200 points. If Felix is the Mole, then you will end up with -20/200 points. You have scored an F, class. Class dismissed."
In Episode 11, two items were hints to Gladys being the Mole. The first was pots of hunny--the way it's spelled in Winnie the Pooh. Who shares the same name as this yellow bear? It's Winnie Ber, from Season 8. The second item is an elephant toy. Season 11's Ellie Phante's nickname was elephant. What do these two have in common with Gladys? Their hairstyle. It's the same as Gladys's hair when she sleeps or swims.
Possible key evidence:
Makeup kit
Pots of hunny
Paper towel
Possible key evidence:
CD rack
Pen and paper
Elephant toy
![]() |
Winnie Ber |
![]() |
Ellie Phante |
![]() |
Gladys Delmeer-Gomez |
In Episode 15, James's question asked about the atomic mass of caesium, which is the 55th element in the periodic table. Gladys weighs 55kg.
"Gabriel, James's question is: What is the atomic mass of caesium in unified relative atomic units: 132.9u or 161.7u? Gabriel, what is your answer?"
"This marks the end of our finale ceremony. Thank you to all of you who could make this possible. Let us welcome our finalists back on stage! Another round of applause, everyone!"
Rose: "Lily, I just want to apologise to you. I should have trusted you."
Lily: "You didn't trust me? Well, it is all water under the bridge now."
Gabriel: "Let's play a game."
Kairel: "Loser treats the winner to a round of drinks!"
Gabriel: "Come on, come on..."
Kairel: "Pew pew pew!"
Felix: "I heard that your plan was a success."
Janice: "No thanks to you."
Felix: "I'm sorry, but it just shows you didn't need me anyway."
Lewis: "I'm glad justice is served. Let us toast to that."
James: "Amen."
Felix: "Are you okay, James?"
Janice: "He just lost a game. It's not the end of the world."
James: "Stop, for crying out loud. I am no different from the man I was before joining. Stop viewing me differently. I'm a cold-blooded animal. Nothing can get to me."
Lewis: "Ow, I, getting a headache."
Felix: "It seems you can't hold your liquor."
Lewis: "I'm surprised you all can. You all must drink a lot."
Lily: "I want to say good job, Mrs. Delmeer-Gomez. You were very crafty and played a good game. I would have messed up if I was in your shoes."
Gladys: "Not necessarily, dear. You are a very composed lady. I think you will do just fine."
Lily: "Shall we take a picture? As a memento?"
Gladys: "Gladly."
Gladys: "This backdrop was meant for us to take photos anyway."
As the night comes to an end, so does another season of the Smole. Thank you all for reading. We hope to see you again for a new season, if possible.
- Red means executed, green means exempted, black means not in game, italicised means player scored the lowest
- The top scores in each cell are for if Maggie's the Mole, whereas the bottom is for if Gladys is the Mole. Higher scores (underlined ones) are taken.
- Blue wordings means the player earned a -1 penalty. (I forgot to turn Janice's one blue too)
- Quiz 6 is accidentally labelled Quiz 5. Oops.
- Every time Felix answers Gladys on the last question, he gets an 8.
- Lily does better if Maggie is the Mole.
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