Thursday, 12 October 2017

35.06-My, what big muscles you have

Last episode, 

Grace: "I want to change my name to Sylvia Platt."
Sylvia: "But that's my name..."
Grace: "Exactly."

Sylvia: "I am flattered but there really is no need to change your name. Grace Gina Pierce is a wonderful name."
Grace: "But I need to have a stage name. It's a rite of passage. If I take your name then I will get good success."
Ryenn: "Hi guys. Are you talking about name changing? Can I join?"
Sylvia: "Of course."

Grace: "How dare you barge in like that."


Ryenn: "That's so sweet. You must love your wife very much."
Ian: "It's more for my kids, actually. It's to remind us both that we're connected by our sons and will unconditionally love them regardless. I would've wanted them to get a tattoo or something but my wife disagreed. Maybe I should look into henna."
Ryenn: "Henna? What's that?"
Ian: "It's some Indian tattoo thing. It's not permanent though."


Hykel: "The women here dress so indecently. They walk around in their underwear. It's a sin for me to see them like that."


Monique: "For someone who is into extreme sport and danger it is underwhelming to see Ian stop at only two tricks. I thought he'd take bigger risks. I wonder why he's playing it safe. This is so out of character."




Hykel: "I'm flying!"


Sylvia: "I'm going too fast. How do you control this?"

Sylvia: "I'm sorry, I'm getting out."


Morris: "Damn it."




Monique: "Oh no, I'm losing my balance."


Douglas: "Why was I so stupid?"

Douglas: "I should have stopped while I had the chance."

Astrid: "Hmph. A scrawny boy with a hidden talent for snowboarding? Interesting."

55/250 points were earned in the mission, making the pot 155/450. Is the Mole responsible for this, just like how the Mole will be responsible for the departure of the next player?


Grace: "I've got you, you pest!"

Grace: "How dare you hover around Sylvia like that? I'm gonna squash you like the bug you are, Ryenn Picardo."

Grace: "This game is amazing, even if it swatting flies to save Sylvia's face."

Grace: "I can't believe I never knew that Sylvia was in a game. What kind of fan am I? Oh well. At least I got to woohoo with her. It was just so real."

Grace: "I'm actually bi. Which makes it better because I can enjoy both sides. It's my dream to be surrounded by all my favourite idols."

Astrid: "Congratulations on your win, Hykel. I let you win."
Hykel: "Are you sure about that?"
Astrid: "I see you've become smug."
Hykel: "Have I?"
Astrid: "That was clearly a rhetorical question so I'm not going to answer it. Just wait. I shall claim the next one."

Monique: "I think it is wise to switch to Douglas. I am shocked that he can snowboard. He's not very smart and he told me he's never snowboarded in his life, so this is not pure luck."

Morris: "But what about Astrid? What about her trying to blend in?"

Morris: "I don't think it's Douglas. He's too dumb. Producers won't cast him because he won't make good sabotages."

Monique: "That's where you're wrong. He could be pretending to be dumb."
Morris: "But that would be ruthless of him."

Monique: "We're living in a world of lies and facades. We have to be smart and ruthless if we want to survive."

Monique: "Did you not forget about how I had to keep covering your butt and protecting you back in Bridgeport? If it weren't for me you would have landed up in debt already. A career in film? Forget about it."
Morris: "Oh, so you're going to rake up the past now? I thought you were more professional, Monique."
Monique: "I am. I am just using evidence to support the fact that I am right."

Monique: "Just trust me."

Morris: "Douglas is a bit...slow. Okay, fine, I suspect he's a bit retarded. His reaction is very slow and he's just so dumb he can't be faking it. The other day I heard him asking Courtney if Malaysia is in China. I don't think he's faking it. Sorry Monique, but I'm not going to listen to you. Although we eventually decided to split half and half between Astrid and Douglas, I'm not going to waste my answers on Douglas."


Sylvia: "Aren't you going to eat, Gina? Are you not hungry?"

Grace: "I'm on a diet."
Sylvia: "A diet? You're already so skinny. You need to eat."

Grace: "You don't understand. I need to maintain a perfect svelte figure. Like yours."
Sylvia: "I eat healthily. I don't do dangerous diets."
Grace: "But you're a goddess, Sylvia. You won't get fat no matter how you eat."

Sylvia: "This is getting so creepy. Sometimes when I wake up in the morning I see Gina sitting up on her bed, staring at me without blinking. And now she keeps callling me her goddess. It's like living with an obsessive fan."

Grace: "After spending so much time with Sylvia, I decided that she's now my Number 1 idol. She's absolutely perfect. If I could absorb her energy and feed off her aura that would be perfect."

Astrid: "So, are you a secret snowboard champion?"
Douglas: "Huh? Me? Of course not. I've never done it in my life."

Astrid: "Then care to explain the seven tricks you did?"
Douglas: "I don't know how I did it. At first I was nervous but I took a deep breath and let my legs carry me. I wouldn't do it again though."

Astrid: "What are you making anyway?"
Douglas: "Chocolate chip cookies. Or trying to anyway. I hope I don't chicken out at the oven again."
Astrid: "That was you? You nearly killed us all! And I couldn't make my roasted cockatoo because of that."
Douglas: "Roasted...cockatoo?"
Astrid: "It's a Norwegian delicacy. Don't question it."


Astrid: "I am going to join your game. I am bored."
Ryenn: "Okay."
Astrid: "That was not a question. That was a declarative statement. Your approval is irrelevant."

Ryenn: "My, what big muscles you have."
Astrid: "I did a bit of labour back at my great-grandparents' farm."

Ryenn: "My, your great-grandparents gave birth to your grandparents very young. Actually, so did your grandparents and parents."

Astrid: "Yes. Apparently most girls are married by 21, according to my mother, her mother and her mother's mother."

Astrid: "The only reason why I'm not married yet is because I'm too weird and different and strong and smart and capable. That I scare off all the boys. Oh, too bad then, Momma."

Ryenn: "Your culture sounds interesting. I'd like to travel the world one day and experience all the different cultures."

Morris: "What just happened? The last thing I remembered was drinking water then I felt really tired..."
Grace: "Morris!"

Morris: "Ugh, my head hurts. Is anything the matter, Gina?"

Grace: "Just checking on you."
Morris: "Oh, did you know I was in here?"
Grace: "Where else would you be?"

Grace: "I thought you were changing and in the midst you saw your own body and deided to stop and admire yourself. I would if I were you."

Morris: "You've got a fertile imagination but I'm not narcissistic."

Morris: "Is that what you really think of me?"
Grace: "I didn't mean it that way! Please don't be offended. I'm really, really sorry."
Morris: "Apology accepted. No need to get so worked up. I won't hate you for it or anything."

Grace: " you think I look hot today, Morris?"

Morris: "You look the same as always. Now excuse me. I think I have a concussion. I'm going to look for Monique."
Grace: "F***. The drug didn't work."


Time for the quiz.

Q1: Is the Mole male or female?
A: Male
B: Female

Q2: What does the Mole work as?
A: Race car driver
B: Actor
C: Princess
D: Businesswoman
E: Taxi driver
F: Singer
G: University student
H: Unemployed

Q3: Does the Mole have a tattoo?
A: Yes
B: No

Q4: In what order did the Mole participate in Mission 3?
A: 1st
B: 2nd
C: 3rd
D: 4th
E: 5th
F: 6th
G: 7th
H: 8th
I: 9th
J: 10th

Q5: How many tricks did the Mole do in Mission 3?
A: 0
B: 1
C: 2
D: 3
E: 4
F: 5
G: 6
H: 7

Q6: In Mission 3, were the Mole's tricks counted?
A: Yes
B: No
C: The Mole did not perform any tricks

Q7: What colour was the Mole's snowboard in Mission 3?
A: Grey
B: Yellow
C: White
D: Orange
E: Green
F: Blue
G: Pink
H: Purple
I: Brown
J: Red

Q8: In Mission 3,  who had the same snowboard design as the Mole?
A: Ian Ryder
B: Grace Gina Pierce
C: Hykel Asrulfi
D: Sylvia Platt
E: The Mole is one of the above

Q9: Who went after the Mole in Mission 3?
A: Astrid Dyke-Kant 
B: Ryenn Picardo 
C: Monique Plaita 
D: Morris Delven
E: Grace Gina Pierce
F: Sylvia Platt
G: Hykel Asrulfi 
H: Douglas Chip
I: Courtney Ball 
J: Nobody

Q10: Who is the Mole?
A: Astrid Dyke-Kant 
B: Ryenn Picardo 
C: Monique Plaita 
D: Grace Gina Pierce 
E: Morris Delven
F: Ian Ryder 
G: Sylvia Platt
H: Hykel Asrulfi 
 I: Douglas Chip 
J: Courtney Ball 


"...So let us begin."

"Ryenn Picardo."
Ryenn: "I pray that I see green."

"Douglas Chip."
Douglas: "Me again? O-okay..."

"Grace Gina Pierce."
Grace: "I trust that Stacy Gro's dress will give me good luck."

"Monique Plaita."
Monique: "My first screen."

"Astrid Dyke-Kant."
Astrid: "Bring it, m***********."

"Astrid Dyke-Kant, you have unfortunately been the next to be executed. Please pack your bags and leave."

Morris: "Oh, they brought it alright."
Hykel: "The feeling of knowing you're safe is amazing. I'd like to emphasise that."
Monique: "Well, I overestimated her."
Ian: "I'm getting somewhere with this."

Astrid: "This is stupid. F***** stupid. If I had to blame something, I would blame it on all the false hints I saw. I kept seeing things where there weren't. That must be it."

Astrid: "I needed the money. Where am I going to find money to pay tuition now?"
"Thank you for joining. We hope to see you again."

Morris: "She was weird but quirky. It's so sad that she's no longer with us."
Ian: "Is he always such a drama queen?"
Monique: "He's in acting, after all. But good riddance to her. We needed more normalcy in here."

Courtney: "So far so good. I think this calls for a celebration. Anyone's invited to come dance with me!"

The weird Astrid has been executed. The stars guided her home. Who will be next?


Next episode,

Grace: "I only have Stacy Gro's makeup...maybe I can use Sylvia's. But what if she gets mad? I don't want to upset her...I'll go ask for her permission first."


Ian: "Ryenn, you are so naive."

Ian: "Not everyone marries for love. Mine was a shotgun wedding. I got her knocked up so I had to take responsibility for it."


Hykel: "I'm getting more comfortable around here. I think it's because I'm getting familiar with the surroundings and everyone, so I can be more like myself."


Courtney: "Hykel in the red helmet!"
Hykel: "Courtney, blue."


Morris: "Is that someone watching me over there?"


Sylvia: "Eep!"


Ian: "Duck!"


Morris: "No bags here. I think we've got all the bags but the exemption one. Where is it hiding?"

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