Saturday, 21 October 2017

35.11-I'm all wet

Last episode,

Courtney: "Did you make a mess? What if someone slips and falls? What if I slip and fall?"
Monique: "Go ahead and blame me for this. I'm remembering every single word you said."
Courtney: "Please. It's not like I'm going to need your help in the future."
Monique: "You better pray hard that you won't because I won't help you even if you beg me."


Hykel: "I never told anybody this, but I have anxiety disorder. I get anxiety attacks whenever I become too stressed out. It doesn't happen all the time, but if it doesn't then I start to become aggressive. It's a good thing they have exercise machines here or I wouldn't be able to take it."


Douglas: "I think Courtney is getting too comfortable. She is becoming very cocky and pampered. She expects breakfast to be made every day when she wakes up. It's not too hard because she wakes up late but she wants it to be on the table when she comes down. She never helps with any of the chores and wants us to clean up for her. She lives here too."


Morris: "Every time we talk it's always about work. Even back home. We hardly talk about anything else. We've lived together for quite a while now, Monique, but it feels like I don't know you."
Monique: "What is there to know? We do not need to get too close."


Douglas: "I was stupid and dense. Always slow to understand things. And at least you didn't have to deal with the social aspect. I always the awkward one who was picked on by schoolmates. My teachers also always picked on me to answer questions but I didn't know the answers so everyone just laughed at me. I was never good at anything, not even from young."

Ryenn: "I'm sorry to hear that. On the bright side, you're no longer in school and don't suffer that kind of bullying. And you get to have fun after school."

Douglas: "After school was worse."
Ian: "Douglas! This isn't how you converse. You don't need to spill your guts out."
Douglas: "Right...what was I thinking. Forget we ever talked."



Hykel: "I need to get out of here."
Monique: "What the..."

Ian: "What?"
Courtney: "The fok?"

Hykel: "I can't be in there right now. Stupid executions."


Ian: "I was fully prepared for this outcome right from the very first execution. I guess my instincts aren't that strong after all. It was a fun ride, though. I wanted to do something that my kids would be proud of and I'm glad to have been part of so many cool missions. I didn't make it very far though, so I'm sorry to have disappointed them."

Sylvia: "Aww. I'm sure your children would be very proud of you."

Ian: "There are just some regrets I wish I could erase."
"Thank you for joining, Ian. We hope to see you again."


Hykel: "Executions are so intense, man. It's just so stressful knowing you could be leaving at any moment. And seeing everyone's faces, especially Douglas. When he's scared I get scared too. And then I just lost it."

35/100 points were earned, or 280/650 points. Ian took too big a risk this time and was subsequently executed. Who will be next? Who is the Mole?


Courtney: "I don't know what I was so afraid of at the start of the season. I can have fun and still make it in this game.  I just wish there were more things to do around here. It's getting pretty boring doing the same things repeatedly. I didn't sign up to live in a swamp, so you better accommodate me and make this heaven."

"It is time for your next mission. Each of you have been informed of your roles, which are: Ordinary Contestant, Mole, Super Mole, Cameraman, Producer, Assistant Producer. The Mole, Super Mole and Cameraman are the bad guys while the rest are good. Some of you have special abilities. The Producer knows who the bad guys are, except for the Super Mole who is super at concealing him/herself. The Assistant Producer knows who the Producer is. However, the Cameraman knows how to portray him/herself and thus also appears to the Assistant Producer as the Producer. This means that the Assistant Producer knows who the Producer and Cameraman are but not who is who. All the bad guys know who the other bad guys are, but the same cannot be said for the good players."

"To earn points, you will have to send up to five of you to missions. Those on the mission will have to stand on the pads. The bad guy can choose to sabotage but the good guys cannot. If someone sabotages, a trap will go off. Otherwise, no trap will go off and you earn 30 points. There are five rounds so this is worth 150 points. Earn 60 points or less and the bad guys will get away with an exemption. Earn 120 points or more and they won't, unless they succeed in deducing who the Producer is."

"For your first mission, Courtney, please send two contestants."
Courtney: "I would pick myself because I'm good, duh. I think I'll just pick Ryenn because she's beside me."
Ryenn: "Good choice."

Hykel: "I am not sure about that."
Douglas: "Why? Are you privy to information we're not aware of?"

Monique: "I say go for it. We can test the waters like this."
Courtney: "I guess that's a final decision then."
Morris: "I think the bad guys won't reveal themselves that early because that's really obvious."

Hykel: "You will regret that decision."

"Courtney, Ryenn, please head to the mission arena."

Ryenn: "I just realised I don't know how to drive."
"We'll get the real cameraman to drive for you."

Courtney: "Finally we get to use this car."


Ryenn: "So, just stand, right? Whoa! Nearly fell. My knees still aren't the strongest."

Courtney: "Any moment now...are we safe?"

"The mission has failed. Please return home for Round 2."

Courtney: "Ugh!'

Courtney: "Spoke too soon."

Ryenn: "I'm all wet now."

Ryenn: "I can't believe we failed."

Ryenn: "I need to dry myself."

Ryenn: "One of us is the baddie and it's clear to me who it is."


"Monique, please choose three contestants for the next mission."
Monique: "We know that you and Ryenn went and it failed."
Courtney: "I'm definitely the good guy so Ryenn is the bad one."

Ryenn: "No I'm not. It's you, Courtney! Don't pin the blame on me!"
Douglas: "I don't know who it is so I won't pick sides."
Monique: "I still don't know who it is right now so I won't pick either of you."

Sylvia: "Would Ryenn really be that stupid as to sabotage in the first round?"
Douglas: "Wouldn't you sabotage as the bad one?"
Sylvia: "I wouldn't if there's only two of us. It makes it very obvious to many and the good one can essentially confirm who it is."
Hykel: "We know that someone here isn't that wise though. Or maybe it was a thought-out plan. Both of them are bad and they decided to let one of them take the rap to clear the other girl's name."
Sylvia: "Wow, that's complex. I wouldn't think of that."

Courtney: "Guys, just pick Hykel. He seems to know a lot. He could be the Producer"
Hykel: "I don't know about that."
Sylvia: "I agree. Hykel is a good choice."

Monique: "I am not sure the Producer would reveal himself so easily, especially when the bad guys still can win by guessing who it is."
Morris: "So you think Hykel is a bad guy?"
Monique: "Possibly. Both Courtney and Sylvia supported him so maybe they're the bad guys too. That means I will go with myself, Morris and Ryenn."
Courtney: "You're making a bad mistake."

"Ryenn, Morris, Monique, please head to the mission arena."

Douglas: "I'm really confused right now."
Sylvia: "Actually, so am I."
Courtney: "I'm a good girl. Ryenn is the bad kid. Believe me. I think Monique and Morris are the other two baddies. That's why Monique picked them."

Ryenn: "I'm really scared of another trap."
Morris: "I trust Monique made the right decision."

Monique: "Somehow I regret this."

Monique: "Knew it."

"The mission has failed."

Ryenn: "Not again!"

Ryenn: "Why aren't you flinching, Morris?"

Morris: "It's just a little steam. It's great on a cold day."
Ryenn: "Oh yeah, it's snowing. I didn't realise that."


Ryenn: "I'm going to be sick if I keep getting water splashed on me."
Hykel: "Monique made a very bad decision."

"Sylvia, please pick four contestants for the next mission."
Sylvia: "Wow. This is a tough decision. This round makes or breaks it."

Sylvia: "I think I'll take all those who haven't gone yet."

Douglas: "Including me? I mean, sure, I guess, but I somehow think that's being too casual for a make-or-break round."

Monique: "Indeed. Douglas is wising up. And the odds are that there's at least one bad person who hasn't gone yet."

Sylvia: "Why should I trust you? You said Courtney was bad and Ryenn was good. That clearly was wrong."
Hykel: "Is it possible that Ryenn is good? It's just that one of them there is trying to frame her? I'm just throwing possibilities out. We want to consider everything first."
Sylvia: "Hmm, I haven't thought of that. But if Monique or Morris is the bad guy, the other one must be covering up so that means both of them are bad. I still can't trust these two. I'll stick with my original plan."

Courtney: "I feel that both you and I are good, Sylvia. We think on the same wavelength and both believed Hykel was good. So we have three already."

Douglas: "I don't know. I'm horrible at these type of things but I can't see the logic. Maybe I'm just dense. And I'm worried about the trap."

Ryenn: "It's not that bad. I got hit twice."

Courtney: "I cannot trust Monique at all. I am less certain about Morris. He could be innocent so that Monique looks less guilty in choosing that party."
Monique: "We have to be very certain because there are seven of us, we need four and there are three bad guys. We need to pick all the good ones."

Sylvia: "I am aware of that. I definitely know that Courtney is good now. Sorry Hykel but your possibility is quite slim."
Hykel: "It's alright."

Courtney: "I'm so glad you trust me."
Sylvia: "Ryenn is bad and you tried to cover up for her so that makes you bad too, Monique. I know I am good and I think Hykel is being very genuine. Douglas just feels so lost and confused. He could be an ordinary contestant so I am happy with my current plan. It's final. Don't try to sway me to do the wrong thing, Monique."

"Hykel, Courtney, Sylvia, Douglas, please head to the mission arena."

Sylvia: "I feel confident about this round."

Douglas: "I don't."

Douglas: "I'm scared."
Hykel: "Stop trembling and saying that. You're making me nervous too."
"The mission has succeeded. 30 points have been earned."

Douglas: "Wait, we won? Amazing. We actually did it!"


"Ryenn, please choose three contestants for this mission."
Douglas: "Uh oh."
Courtney: "She's going to fail the mission."
"A gentle reminder that you are each entitled to one veto. If majority veto then another contestant will be selected to be the 'mission leader'."

Sylvia: "I wonder if I should veto. I shall wait to see who Ryenn picks."

Monique: "I hope you make a wise decision, Ryenn. Though I doubt it."
Morris: "I bet she's going to choose all the bad ones."

Ryenn: "I have the final say. I can trust Douglas and Sylvia. And I pick myself."

Courtney: "Veto!"
Ryenn: "You realise that you wasted it right? Now you have no more vetoes left."
Courtney: "If we can't even make it past this there's no point."

Douglas: "I trust me and Sylvia but I don't know about Ryenn."
Courtney: "Veto, Douglas. The bad guys will win an exemption if Ryenn plays."
Douglas: "Okay, I veto."
Ryenn: "But you're in it."
Douglas: "Oh...right...I was tricked, wasn't I?"

Sylvia: "I am honestly quite worried but perhaps we should look at the bigger picture. Ryenn may let us win this round so that we earn more points. I am going to save it for the last round."
Hykel: "Same. I think the last round is the most important."

Monique: "I will veto simply because Ryenn is bad."
Courtney: "Is nobody else going to?"
Morris: "I'm sorry but I don't know who to trust right now. I'm getting so many conflicting signals."
Monique: "I can only hope the bad guys think of the points."

"Douglas, Ryenn, Sylvia, please head to the mission arena."
Courtney: "It's gonna fail, I swear."

Douglas: "Please have mercy. It's very scary when you don't know if a trap is coming."

Sylvia: "Did we succeed?"
Ryenn: "I don't know."

Ryenn: "But I am starting to think your worrying is just a diversion, Douglas."

Douglas: "Me? You are the bad one, aren't you? Oh, don't mess with my mind right now. I'm not smart enough to play any of your games."

Sylvia: "AAH!"
Douglas: "AAAAAHHH!"

Ryenn: "It will be a miracle if I don't fall sick tomorrow."


"Hykel, please choose four contestants for the next mission. To fail this mission, two bad guys need to sabotage."
Sylvia: "There was one round which succeeded, right? Round 3. I think we should stick with that."

Monique: "I don't approve. It's too convenient that the bad ones are all on this side."
Morris: "Who do you think the baddies are, Monique?"

Monique: "Hykel is pretending to be the Producer so he must be bad. No Producer would make himself so obvious. Ryenn is bad as well. I'm a bit lost on the last one but I think it could be Douglas or Sylvia because I trust you, Courtney and myself. And both of them are in this round."

Douglas: "Me? But I don't know anything. I have no special abilities. I don't know who's good and who's bad."
Ryenn: "I don't think it's wise to reveal your role, Douglas."
Douglas: "Really? Oops. I screwed up."

Sylvia: "It's okay. It's just a game. The bad ones have already won so now we should all be working on the same side to earn points."

Sylvia: "I think Monique is a bad one trying to stop us from earning points. I don't know what her motive is, however."
Hykel: "I have decided after listening to all your feedback. I am going with myself, duh, Sylvia, Courtney and Douglas."

Monique: "I would veto but I already used it. Who do you think the bad guys are, Morris?"
Morris: "Me? Ryenn. I'm not sure about the rest. It could be Sylvia, or Douglas because he's so quiet. And then the last one could be you or Hykel."

"Sylvia, Douglas, Courtney, Hykel, please head to the mission arena."

Hykel: "I hope we don't lose so pathetically."

Courtney: "Is anything happening?"
Sylvia: "I think we succeeded."

"The mission has succeeded. There was absolutely no sabotage in this mission. 30 points have been earned."
Douglas: "Phew."
Sylvia: "I knew it."


"That marks the end of the mission. You succeeded in 2 rounds, so you earn 60/150 for this entire mission. The pot now has 340/800 points. Will the bad guys please stand up."

"Ryenn is the Mole, Sylvia is the Super Mole and Hykel is the Cameraman. These three have earned an exemption."

Courtney: "Whaaat? I knew it was Ryenn but Sylvia and Hykel?"

Morris: "I'm equally shocked."
Monique: "Yes but this reveals so much beyond the mission."

Courtney: "Why couldn't you have considered the points?"

Douglas: "Yeah, she's right."
Courtney: "We're 30 points poorer thanks to you."
Ryenn: "I think you're just jealous that we have an exemption and you don't."

Sylvia: "I think we did a good job, Hykel. Even if we did have to sacrifice Ryenn."
Hykel: "Good game, guys. I had fun. And I think I know who the Producer is."

"Monique is the producer."

Monique: "Yes. I didn't get a lot of help however when everyone was just so clueless. I tried to throw the bad people off by picking Ryenn but perhaps it was a bad move on my part."
Morris: "So you are the Producer. I was having doubts."
"May the Assistant Producer now rise."

Morris: "It's me."

Morris: "I knew between Hykel and Monique, one was good and one was bad. Something Hykel said made me trust Monique at first but when Ryenn proved to be bad and Monique chose her I was misled and became confused. I didn't do a very good job."


Next episode,

Courtney: "Are those flies?"

Courtney: "EWW EWW EWW EWW EWW!"


Ryenn: "I'm so grateful to be able to stand on my two feet again and enjoy the snow."


Ryenn: "It's getting quite cold in here."


Monique: "Why are you teaching him how to play the guitar? This is a waste of his time. It's not a good investment."
Sylvia: "He expressed interest in it."

Monique: "I'm in charge of him, not you. I have to protect my client's interests."
Sylvia: "What interests am I infringing on by doing this?"


Douglas: "Aaaah!"

Douglas: "Please don't hurt me!"


Hykel: "Why is there a fire?"

Monique: "Give me that."
Courtney: "No, give me."
Monique: "Give it to me. You'll just play with it."
Courtney: "No I won't. Give it to me!"

Douglas: "Oh no...why is it happening again?"


"Morris Delven."
Morris: "The odds are not in my favour."


"Courtney Ball."
Courtney: "Lady Luck has always been shining on me. This time will be no different."

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