Sunday, 30 November 2014

15.12-Oh hi there world!

Before the finale ceremony, some revise their journals…

…some do some long overdue chores…

…and some choose to keep fit.


Q1: Is the Mole male or female?
A: Male
B: Female

Q2: How old is the Mole?
A: 21
B: 30
C: 39

Q3: What colour is the Mole’s hair roots?
A: Black
B: Red

Q4: What colour shirt does the Mole wear every day?
A: Purple
B: Black
C: Blue

Q5: Which season is the Mole from?
A: Season 1
B: Season 9
C: Season 12

Hossan: “We all know who the Mole is, but this is mandatory so whatever. First up there’s that geeky, dorky Heather Long. She’s a reporter. She snoops, she’s unethical, she’s perfect to be the Mole. Her conscience has been bugging her? It evidently isn’t due to work ethics; it’s because she’s the Mole. Has she sabotaged? I’m sure she has. Like, duh, who hasn’t?

But there’s that geekier, dorkier guy called Victor Pluck. He’s so clean he seems impossible to be the Mole at first sight. Which is exactly what the Mole would want to be. And boy, has he sabotaged. There’s more to him under his glasses if you spend time with him. So, who is the Mole? I have my frickin’ answers so ciao and stop bugging me.”

Q6: In Mission 1, what was the Mole’s first guess?
A: Bored
B: Relaxed
C: Strength

Q7: In Mission 2, who was to the left of the Mole?
A: Kay Micheals
B: Ella Marie Tremble
C: Taylor Bleu

Q8: In Mission 3, in which place did the Mole finish the race?
A: Tied for second
B: Last

Q9: What was the answer to the Mole’s second question in Mission 4?
A: Yes
B: No
C: Irrelevant

Q10: In Mission 5, did the Mole end up with a dead end?
A: Yes
B: No

Victor: “The Mole, let’s see…I haven’t done this in a long time but I have a good feeling mine is correct. Hossan Ghoti is the big antagonist. He’s a bully who uses underhand means in his season. But this season, he’s toned down. He’s less of a bully, he’s less mean and annoying, he uses lesser means. In fact he doesn’t use many means at all! He seems to have grown lazy. Because he’s the Mole? Also remember when he reacted unexpectedly to my secret coalition? Suspicious.

Let’s not neglect Heather Long though. She’s a similar character, just less shady. It’s in her genes and job description to snoop around and disinter whatever she can to get the juiciest. It’s also toned down this season though, and she gave her reason from the start as being remorseful about what she did and hoping to change. She fell into the same old loop several times though, so her sincerity is questioned. Maybe she’s the Mole? She was worried about Hossan finding out about her.”

Q11: In Mission 6, did the Mole eat a jellybean?
A: Yes
B: No

Q12: In Mission 6, what was the last thing the Mole changed?
A: The figure on the bar
B: The bar
C: The table

Q13: How many exemptions has the Mole earned?
A: 0
B: 1

Q14: What was the Mole’s previous ranking in his/her respective season?
A: Winner
B: Runner-up

Q15: Who is the Mole?
A: Hossan Ghoti
B: Victor Pluck
C: Heather Long

Heather: “Hmm…it’s obvious now. But this does help get my thinking in order. First up, Victor Pluck. He’s in the first season so he’s easily forgettable, so it’s hard to compare the differences in his behaviour in the two seasons. But there were. His attitude towards things has changed slightly. I wonder if it’s because he’s the Mole.

Secondly, Hossan Ghoti. He’s a ghost and his season was also relatively far back, so people can forget as well. He’s also changed slightly and is less mean but that is contentious. He also seems unlikely to make it to the end…but he could have used other methods…so, that’s it.”


“And we are here at the finale of the Smole, Season 15! It’s raining so our outdoor venue was cancelled. Nevertheless, it’s the people that makes this season interesting. Let’s invite all our ex-finalists back!”

“First is 8th in place, Dominica Kaliton!”
Dominica: “I should hit the gym. Oh hi there world!”

“After her is Ella Marie Tremble, 7th in place!”
Ella: “Shut up. The Queen is humiliated enough already. I must execute the traitor which tried to kill me!”

“In 6th place is Taylor Bleu!”
Taylor: “Yes, I’m back and ready for more!”

“In 5th place is Katelyn Missoni!”
Katelyn: “What up? The party’s starting again!”

“Last but not least, our fourth placer Kay Micheals!”
Kay: “Sad that I’m not in the finale but I definitely tried my best and I’m proud of that! Of course, I’ll be prouder if the money is shared…”

“The final three are waiting in another room. Let’s make them wait longer as we watch the sabotages this season.

“In Mission 1, everyone had their fair share or sabotage. Taylor gave weird answers.

Taylor: “Vain?”
Heather: “Really? How can you see that? Wrong!”


Taylor: “Taylor Swift!”
Dominica: “….and how?”


Taylor: “Putting on makeup?”

Heather’s answers were no better.

Heather: “It looks like…strength?”
Kay: “That’s not a trait.”


Heather: “Heartbroken?”
Hossan: “That’s no personality.”
Ella: “NO! I swear, if you guys continue getting this wrong, I will…”


Ella Marie did not even bother. Hossan didn’t seem interested either.

Ella: “I’m not going to bother because your acting skills are pathetic.”


Hossan: “Can I guess stupid?”
Ella: “I would agree. Imbecility.”


Ella: “I honestly couldn’t be bothered. You look stupid and wrong.”


Hossan: “Shush old hag. I’m trying to concentrate!”
Katelyn: “Oops, I farted.”
Ella: “How dare you!”
Hossan: “How dare I what?”
Ella: “Apologise! Now! Get on your knees!”
Hossan: “I’ll just sink through the floor. TOO BAD.”
Ella: “YOU!”
Victor: “Time’s up. The lady got swallowed whole. Ouch. No points earned here. Thanks for bickering. The correct answer was ‘knee pain’.”


Ella: “Really? You look like you couldn’t be bothered.”


Of course, who could forget random Katelyn?

Katelyn: “Oops, I farted.”


Katelyn: “Oh, erm, plucking your moustache!”
Kay: “No. I’m a lady if you can’t see.”


Katelyn: “No, it must be a new dress! She’s feeling it, the soft silkiness…”
Dominica: “Nope.”
Katelyn: “Drats!”


Even Victor was random at times.

Victor: “Guinea pig?”
Katelyn: “Isn’t that an insect?”
Victor: “It’s an animal, but in this case I mean a test subject. You know, like stunt tests?”


In Mission 2, there was less sabotage since it was hard to, but suspicions were raised.

Kay: “How did Ella Marie last so long? Half an hour for an old lady is impossible, especially for one her size and background. And all the younger ones were eliminated except Taylor. I think she’s the only one that deserved the timing because she’s young and vivacious. We did terribly. If Katelyn lasted 2 more minutes…”

In Mission 3, the main sabotage came from Hossan and Heather. Hossan chose to take things easy whereas Heather found it hard to even get to the destination, thus coming in last.

Hossan: “Well I’ve been told by producers that I couldn’t float to make things fair. Like I care the @#!#@#$ about them. But if I want to stay and win this I must listen to them. Annoying. So I walked. You can’t expect a ghost to run. Well, you can, but I chose to do that later.”


Heather finally arrives and the rest are dying from boredom that they choose to revise their journals.
Heather: “I got lost. They didn’t bother to put a map and the swarm of production cameras sure wasn’t helpful. I know how I’m underperforming now but I’ll show them that I am worthy of winning this!  And this could give me an edge.”

Mission 4 was a surprising success but still no sabotages were to be overlooked.
Hossan’s words were a tad out of the blue. He did not feel that way though.

Hossan: “Can it be used to torture people?”
Heather: “Excuse me?”
Hossan: “What?”


Hossan: “Shut up! What a useless question Katelyn! I demand you keep your mouth shut!”


Hossan: “is it a ringing hat?”
Heather: “You could have taken away the ringing part.”
Hossan: “Shut up woman. I say what I want. I was thinking like a jester’s hat.”


Heather’s one question seemed rather useless too.

Heather: “Is it a he?”


Kay chose to sabotage big-time in Mission 5, thinking it was better to be suspected and find clues than contribute to the pot. She ended up taking 4 hours and found only Victor.

Kay: “I decided it’s time to make a worthy investment. I bet there must be a clue around here somewhere. I’m willing to spend the whole time looking for it, even if it means sacrificing points. That’s their punishment. Who asked them to let me go first?”

Victor also made ‘wrong moves’ by choosing to narrow down his options early.

Victor: “Hmm…where could they be?”
“Is the contestant female? Forward for yes, right for no.”
Victor: “Hossan’s a sneaky one. I should find him first. So no.”

Both Victor and Hossan ended up with dead ends.

Victor: “A dead end?”


Kay: “Look what you did! You brought us into a dead end!”

Heather only had one hour which was scarcely enough.

“Heather, you have one hour.”
Heather: “Really? They left so little time for me?”

In the end the mission was a stark contrast from the previous one, with only 20/80 points being earned and 2 people out of 12 found. To be fair everyone’s hiding spot made it quite hard for others to reach them.

While it may not seem like it, in Mission 6 Victor’s delegation of tasks once the timer started wasted precious seconds since he could have done it outside.

“30 seconds, starting now!”
Victor: “Okay guys let’s do this in an orderly fashion as possible. Each of us handle one spot.”

Both Heather and Hossan wasted time on unnecessary details.

Hossan: “What a hot bod you have my sexy mermaid.”
Heather: “Okay, what’s in this case?”

Hossan further stalled by eating jellybeans…and then attempted to burn everything down.

Hossan: “Is that..? Okay, must conquer my worst enemy—my fear.”
Heather: “Woo! We’re getting nowhere! Though I finally learned what to write about Hossan in the tabloids section!”
Victor: “Hey don’t burn the house down!”

Petulant Hossan threw a tantrum, threatening to abandon the mission.

Victor: “Come help me shift this to the left Hossan. I think it’s not right.”
Hossan: “Stop punning. And I’m a ghost.”
Victor: “Don’t give me that excuse. You can touch things. Be useful.”
Hossan: “Are you saying I’m useless? Fine! I quit! I’ll just stand in the way of everyone

Hossan also tried to mislead the others into finding a false error.

Heather: “What could be wrong?”
Hossan: “I don’t know. Don’t call me useless since I’m helping you. I think the rainbow is not right.”

Heather’s overconfidence was a big risk. It was their last try and Heather chose not to be careful about things.

Victor: “We must look out for other errors.”
Heather: “Nah, I’m confident about it. Lock it in!”

That’s about all the sabotages! Any more and it would have been too discreet for us!” 


Taylor: “Grr! Get on with it already!”
Dominica: “Are there refreshments? At least some honey water?”
“Well, without further ado, let’s invite the Mole!”


“Everyone, stop looking at the door and look to the wall! Give a round of applause to Hossan Ghoti!”

Hossan: “Well, being the Mole is suited for me. Or so I thought. I get to be nasty, but then I started worrying about being obvious so I toned things down. Shouldn’t have. That raised my suspicion even more. And my background sure didn’t help. My sabotages were still obvious and ruthless enough though. And Kay, I was informed you were onto me, so I had to shake you off, which you did in the end, and remove your exemption-attracting ability. Though I still think you’re an old s*** who deserves to f*** off and die.”
Kay: “Why I’d never!”
“Thank you Hossan for being such a wonderful Mole. You earned 270/700 points, or 270,000 Simoleons! But that’s still tentative as of now. We haven’t subtracted the points when you were chosen as Mole suspect.”
Hossan: “Grr! $@$@!$”

“I’m sure you all can’t wait to see who will win. But, let’s first watch the clues.”
  • Episode 1-Dominica had to act out a crystal ball, which is related to the supernatural. Being a ghost, Hossan is also the only one related to the supernatural. Hence this clue refers to him.

Hossan: “Is it a crystal ball? I’m quite good at deciphering these supernatural things.”

Dominica: “We’ve got an answer! Just in time too!”
  • This was not obvious until Episode 2, but on the dresser in one room were two items related to the Supernatural Expansion Pack. Thus it’s another clue.

  • This was not obvious in the day, but the lights in front of the treadmills were all blue. The reason is because Hossan has blue on him.

  • One of the books in the bookcase was ‘Jack & the Beanstalk’. In the story, the beanstalk was grown from magic beans. Hossan also ate magic (jelly)beans which caused him to die. Thus this is a clue to him.

Heather: “Hmm…which book should I pick? Why, there are a lot of children’s tales in here. Like ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’, ‘Peter Piper’ et cetera. Are they for Taylor?”
  • Episode 3-The hot tub had purple lighting, visible at night. Hossan has purple on him too, so it’s a clue to him.

Katelyn: “Oh my gosh! Why is my body purple? Oh, it’s the tub.”
  • Episode 4-Bean bags were used. Hossan ate magic beans. Thus this is a clue.

  • The object in question was a bandana, which Hossan wore, so it’s another clue.

Kay: “Hmm…is it a bandana?”

“We have an answer!...
  • Episode 5-There was a mini garden within the compound. It had blue and purple flowers, the colours present on Hossan, thus it is a clue.

  • The hidden exemption was deliberately placed in the room where Victor found it as it was the 11th cabin from top to bottom, left to right. There are 11 letters in the name ‘Hossan Ghoti’, so it is a clue.

  • Episode 6-The jellybean bush was there for a reason. Hossan died eating from it, so it’s a clue.

Victor: “This rainbow didn’t belong here…and I don’t remember a jelly bean bush.”

And those are the clues! Now the moment you’ve all been waiting for….”

“Victor Pluck, please enter!”

Victor: “I am not the winner, unfortunately. I am the runner-up. But it doesn’t matter. I feel as though I tried my best. Heather was sneakier than me and she employed more strategies to win. I feel like an elite for even being here. We’re all elites here. I did work really hard though so I can’t say I’m not disappointed. After all, I’m the one who caught onto Hossan first, not Heather. I would like to think we’re on par.”
“Congratulations Victor for making it this far! And indeed, the scores were close. Here are the scores.

As you can see, your total score was just one mark lesser than Heather’s. (37/65 vs 38/65)  Your overall percentage was also just 1% lesser than hers. (67.1% vs. 68.1%) So it really was a close fight.”.

Victor: “That evil Heather! Had she not convinced me that the Mole was not Hossan that time, I would have beaten her, definitely!”

“Now, the real moment you’ve all been waiting for…the winner!”

“Ladies and gentlemen, let us rise to welcome two-time winner Heather Long!”

Heather: “I feel so honoured. It’s truly been a great experience! I really did try and make an effort to change, it’s just that it’s so second nature to do what I do. It’s because of my job, but I’m not blaming them. I’m glad to be part of them. They trained me to be who I am today and indirectly helped me win! It doesn’t matter if they fire me now since I’ve got loads of money! And no, I’m not sharing it with the company so don’t try to claim rights. At the start, I felt Hossan was the Mole. But I didn’t believe it was him. Towards the end, I realised I was right all along. So never doubt your instincts, especially if you’re a reporter.”

“Congratulations Heather, you win the title of first in the Smole, Season 15 and can call yourself the ultimate winner among winners! Also you earn 430/700 points or 430,000 Simoleons! But wait first. There was a -9x10=90. This is because there were 9 times Hossan was chosen as the Mole, each time deducting 10 points, so altogether 90 points have been moved from the Mole to the winner! This means that Heather, you now earn 520,000 Simoleons and Hossan, 180,000 Simoleons!”
Heather: “Hurrah!”
Hossan: “!#@$@!$@!$@#@!$@!!!!! All my money!”

Victor: “Heather, you scum! You tricked me into thinking Hossan wasn’t the Mole for one quiz! That cost it all!”
Heather: “Sorry, that’s the game. And I really was trying to advise you as I really believed it wasn’t him until I thought about it on my own later. To be fair you told me it was Katelyn too!”

“The boombox is here, so let’s get up and party! Thank you all for joining and watching the Smole, season 15!”

Katelyn: “YEAH! Ouch!”

Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Heather Long
Hossan Ghoti
Victor Pluck
Kay Micheals

Katelyn Missoni

Taylor Bleu

Ella Marie Tremble

Dominica Kaliton

*Red means executed, green means exempted.
**Kay’s scores have been consistent throughout, getting a 6 in virtually all quizzes. In Episode 4, if she had changed her suspect from Heather to Hossan, she would have gotten a 6, meaning that she scored 6 throughout the entire game.
***In Episode 2, the winner Heather was tied for lowest.
****Kay was only chosen once throughout the whole game as a suspect. If Heather had not convinced Victor otherwise, Kay would not have been chosen at all.
*****Kay chose Hossan initially because she did not like him, just like she did in Season 8 when she did not like Sam.