Wednesday, 19 November 2014

15.06-Are you calling me fat?

Hossan: “You’re just a prudish, useless old hag! You are no better than that fat Ella Marie!”
Kay: “Are you calling me fat? Why I’d never!”

Kay: “I’ve had enough of this!”

Hossan: “Please, your sissy slap won’t do me much damage at all. Stop being such a drama queen.”

Kay: “I will NOT tolerate this behaviour!”

Taylor: “Well, this looks interesting. Oh, hi Heather.”

Heather: “You’re not stopping them?”
Taylor: “Nope. I think I’ll go read my journal now.”
Heather: “Want to take a dip with me?”
Taylor: “Nah.”
Heather: “You have that look of evil…
Taylor: “What?”
Heather: “Nothing!”



Katelyn: “I love juice! JUICE JUICE JUICE JUICE JUICE! What’s that noise down there?”


Hossan: “Please, you’re so weak and feeble. You are way too small for me. Even your titties are small.”
Kay: “Did you just insult me?”
Hossan: “See? They’re not even bouncy!”
Kay: “Did you just poke me? Molest!”
Hossan: “You can’t call molest on a ghost, dummy.”

Hossan: “Ah, I feel so powerful now.”

Taylor: “You know, they are really ruining the scenery here. I’m hoping that either of them go home soon. Way too much drama.”

Hossan: “I bet you’re hairy down there.”
Kay: “What?”

Kay: “I shan’t even bother with you. You’re making my blood boil.”
Hossan: “The perks of being a ghost. I suggest you die soon too so you can experience it.”

Kay: “Why I’d never! How DARE you curse me! Take that! Hmph!”
Hossan: “Is that all you can do?”
Kay: “I can do more.”

Kay: “I’m going to my happy place now to meditate and ignore you.”

Kay: “Muacks! You all love me! I’m so glad you all appreciate my fashion!”
Hossan: “How humiliating.”

Kay: “Thank you all!”
Hossan: “I can’t believe she can ignore me like that. Am I invisible? What am I, a ghost?”



Taylor: “Time to play some of my lovely music. Here’s one of my pieces, “I knew you were trouble”. Enjoy.”
“Quiz time!”
Taylor: “Aw…”


Q1: Is the Mole male or female?
A: Male
B: Female

Q2: What colour hair does the Mole have?
A: Blonde
B: Red
C: Black
D: Brown
E: Unknown

Q3: In Mission 3, in what order did the Mole reach the field?
A: 1st
B: 2nd
C: 3rd
D: 4th
E: 5th
F: 6th

Q4: In Mission 3, in what order did the Mole finish the race?
A: 1st
B: 2nd
C: 4th
D: 5th
F: 6th
Q5: Who finished Mission 3 before the Mole?
A: Taylor Bleu
B: Katelyn Missoni
C: Kay Micheals
D: Hossan Ghoti/Victor Pluck
E: Nobody
Q6: Who finished Mission 3 after the Mole?
A: Taylor Bleu
B: Katelyn Missoni
C: Hossan Ghoti/Victor Pluck
D: Heather Long
E: Nobody

Q7: In Mission 3, how many hours did the Mole take approximately?
A: 2 hours
B: 3 hours
C: 4 hours
Q8: Does the Mole have a coalition?
A: Yes
B: No

Q9: Does the Mole have a secret coalition?
A: Yes
B: No
Q10: Who is the Mole?
A: Taylor Bleu
B: Katelyn Missoni
C: Kay Micheals
D: Hossan Ghoti
E: Victor Pluck
F: Heather Long


Kay: “Welcome to another execution ceremony. It’s my turn to host again. Let us begin.”

Kay: “Katelyn Missoni, you are safe.”
Katelyn: “Oo-la-la!”

Kay: “Victor Pluck.”

Kay: “Hossan Ghoti. That means either Heather or Taylor is going home tonight. The answer is…”

Kay: “Taylor Bleu, I’m sorry but you are the next to be executed. Please pack your bags and leave.”
Taylor: “Ah well.”

Taylor: “Can’t say I wasn’t expecting that. As the numbers dwindled I knew it was going to be my turn soon. I guess the biggest problem lie therein the fact that I had no confidence. Good luck to the rest. I hope I managed to fool some into thinking wrongly though.”

“Thank you Taylor for your time. We hope to see you soon.”


Katelyn: “At last, no more restrictions on being free!”

Katelyn: “Oh my gosh! Why is my body purple? Oh, it’s the tub.”

Heather: “So, you have a branch in Paris?”
Kay: “Yes. I flew from there. Competition’s stiff and that’s why I need the money to boost things.”
Heather: “I see.”

Heather: “It must be a gem to you.”
Kay: “Don’t tell anyone I said this, but not really. I don’t endorse half of the clothings there because half of them aren’t created by me.”

Katelyn: “Need the toilet! Must be the juice!”
Heather: “Let’s bring this to another room.”


Heather: “So, tell me about your revenue.”
Kay: “It’s been fairly bad. I know the fault doesn’t lie in my line of clothing. They are fantab.”
Heather: “So it’s the other brands of clothes…Interesting.”
Kay: “Don’t put words into my mouth!”
Heather: “I’m a reporter.”
Kay: “Why are you asking all this anyway? Wait, are you going to…I should have known! I thought I could trust you Heather!”

Heather: “I am contemplating ethics. I’ve got some scoop with Kay, and if needed I can use it as a trump card to make her yield. But I promised to change and present the truer picture of myself. This isn’t helping much. Should I report this news? It would really cause havoc which readers would love but she won’t.”


Hossan: “I don’t know what’s the use in this, but if I want to win and regain my glory, and stop being called just a second-placer, I have to do this. I have to do whatever it takes to win.”


Kay: “My heart is broken…my life is ruined…”
Katelyn: “Hey girl, whatcha doing? Broke up with your bf?”
Kay: “No, it’s not that.”

Kay: “Can I confide in you about something?”
Katelyn: “Sure thing, gal.”
Kay: “I accidentally leaked some information to Heather. Nothing too private, but it could be detrimental when in the hands of a wrong person, and one with a glib hand to twist words and facts. I thought she would change for the better, but I should have known she was sent here for work again and to dig out everything.”

Katelyn: “Look girl, I don’t know what confide means but I do know that you’ve got a friend in me. If Heather betrayed my trust like that, I would rip her to shreds. Don’t worry Kay, I’ll stand by your side.”
Kay: “Thanks a lot Katelyn. That means a lot. I should go to sleep now.”


Kay: “This room is so empty. I hope I’m not next. Should I form a coalition with Katelyn or stick by myself? It seems more useful…I’ll sleep on it.”

Young country singer wannabe Taylor Bleu has left the stage! Who will be next? Who is the Mole?

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