13 contestants joined for various reasons, all hoping to
make it out as top. One by one their dreams got shattered until 3 were left.
The previous mission was a success with full 20/20 points earned, but the pot
remained at 445/1140 points. Who will bring home the money, and who will bring
home the rest? In other words, who is the Mole?

On the day of the finale, contestants either serve others…

Indulge in their love…

Or sleep in and dream about various steal-candy-from-baby

Renne: “This is it. I can’t believe I made it this far…well,
maybe I can. I can smell victory.”

“Welcome to your final mission. Congratulations everyone so
far. Your final mission will involve you making and solving a mystery. You will
first make a mystery for one other contestant to solve. Then you must solve
another contestant’s mystery. For every solved mystery, 20 points are earned,
making this worth 60 points. Good luck!”
Ella: “At last. Victory shall be mine!”
Cindy: “I’m glad this is ending soon.”
Renne: “Must be bad fengshui here. I seem to feel bored when
I sit here.”
Ella: “Touché.”
“Go off to make your mysteries separately.”
“I have received all your mysteries. Now, all of you shall
choose a number. That number will correspond to the mystery you must solve. In
the event you choose your own mystery, we will make our own adjustments.”
Renne: “I pick 1.”
Ella: “How dare you! Well fine. I’ll take 2.”
Cindy: “I guess I’m left with 3.”

Renne’s mystery: Somebody stole the Queen’s diamond.
Suspects: Royston, Violet, Victoria. As with all mysteries, the culprit is
lying while the others are telling the truth.
Renne: “Tell me. Did you do it?”
Royston: “Can’t say who did. I can tell you that I was busy
shooting my new film I barely had time to eat.”

Renne: “This place is like a pool. I don’t want to drown
Violet: “Whatever. Victoria was eyeing the Queen’s diamond
for a while.”

Renne: “I heard you don’t seem to have an interest in the
Queen’s diamond.”
Victoria: “Are you kidding? I have a feud with the Queen. I
want as little to do with her as possible.”

Ella Marie’s mystery: Someone lost her metal slippers.
Suspects: Poppy, Vera, Venus.
Ella: “Did you lose the slippers?”
Poppy: “Um…the slipper is too big for me.”

Ella: “I don’t think it’s you. You don’t even know how to
cook! But this is a mandatory process.”
Vera: “I’m not obsessed with metal slippers. I prefer veggie

Ella: “You? Metal slippers?”
Venus: “If you know what I like to wear for shoes you’d have
your answer.”

Cindy’s mystery: A child was kidnapped. Suspects: Julian,
Eden, Viola.
Cindy: “I don’t think you would do such a thing…but you
could provide any clues?”
Julian: “Sure can. The least obvious one is the one.”
Cindy: “How cryptic…”

Cindy: “Do you have any idea who it could be?”
Eden: “Not a chance.”

Cindy: “Do you know who would try to kidnap?”
Viola: “I am not the one, that is for sure.”

Cindy: “After taking their statements, I think Viola is the
one. Julian told me the least obvious one is the one, so I suspect it must be
Viola, the only woman. By saying she’s not the one, Viola must be lying.”

Ella: “By deduction Poppy is the one who lost her slippers.
Venus and Vera will never wear those metal slippers. I would call them high
heels actually.”

Renne: “I’m basing this on assumption. Assuming Royston and
Violet spoke the truth, Victoria is the liar. Assuming Royston and Victoria
spoke the truth, Violet is the liar. Violet and Victoria can never both be
speaking the truth because they will contradict. So by guessing, Violet is the
“With that, 40/60 points are earned, making the pot a final
485/1200 points! Cindy was wrong. The kidnapper was actually Eden, not Viola.
Also, Renne’s mystery was solved by Cindy, Ella Marie’s by Renne and Cindy’s by
Ella Marie. Freshen up for the finale!”

Ella: “The audacity of Renne to guess! Fortunately he was
correct, or I will butcher him! Not personally, of course. I’ll send my men to
execute this useless bard. What shocked me was how that slave got hers wrong.
But you can never count on slaves anyway.”

Ella: “Hmm…I have just the perfect outfit for this. Cindy, I
forbid you from wearing a nice outfit.”
Cindy: “I have just as every right to go!”
Ella: “You are a mere peasant. A slave of mine.”

Ella: “So I order you to fetch me two outfits.”
Cindy: “One for me?”
Ella: “No. I would never let you wreck it. It’s a reserve
gown. One can never go anywhere without it.”

Renne: “Well, I should go revise instead, but what the heck.
It’s time to party!”
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