Q1: Is the Mole male
or female?
A: Male
B: Female
Q2: How old is the
A: 23
B: 45
C: 73
Q3: What is the
Mole’s occupation?
A: Guitarist
B: Maid
C: Queen
Q4: Is the Mole a
A: Yes
B: No
Q5: What is the
Mole’s body type?
A: Slim
B: Fit
C: Fat

Ella: “Well, it is mandatory to go through this phase, and I
am not one to refute tradition. It’s also useful. So let me start. Renne
Wynhemma is famous and is hardly fitting of the title of finalist. He was a
useless bard, so he served no purpose unless he was the traitor, for he could
not be executed.
The same could be said for that slave Cindy Veer, assuming
her name is right. She is even less likely to make it this far. She even tried
to incite a revolution! Well, she did participate in one. I’m glad she knew her
place afterwards, but I cannot trust such a servant.”

Q6: What is the
Mole’s hair colour?
A: Black
B: White
C: Blonde
Q7: What does the
Mole wear?
A: Coat and pants
B: Blouse and skirt
C: Blouse and pants
Q8: What is the
Mole’s primary colour?
A: Blue
B: Red
C: Black
Q9: Is the Mole’s
hair long or short?
A: Long
B: Short
Q10: Is the Mole’s
skin tanned or fair?
A: Fair
B: Tanned

Renne: “Okay, time to get my head in the game. Oh muse,
please help me. If Cindy is the Mole, it is very probable. She has done rather
poorly quite often and survived mainly on exemptions. She also got several
penalties which didn’t send her home.
But then there’s also Ella Marie Tremble, self-assumed
queen. Well, she is a real one, but still. She’s a tyrant and everybody wanted
her out. She’s also old and unlikely to be able to survive any ties because she
is really slow. The fact that Venus managed to lose to her in a tie means a

Q11: In Mission 10,
whose mystery did the Mole solve?
A: Cindy Veer
B: Ella Marie Tremble
C: Renne Wynhemma
Q12: In Mission 10,
who solved the Mole’s mystery?
A: Cindy Veer
B: Ella Marie Tremble
C: Renne Wynhemma
Q13: In Mission 10,
did the Mole solve the mystery correctly?
A: Yes
B: No
Q14: In Mission 10,
who was the culprit of the mystery the Mole solved?
A: Violet Magenta
B: Eden Rock
C: Poppy La Tootie
Q15: Who is the Mole?
A: Cindy Veer
B: Ella Marie Tremble
C: Renne Wynhemma

Cindy: “Okay, who could it be? Ella Marie Tremble, her
Highness? She is rather good surprisingly, despite hardly winning an exemption
and receiving a penalty on the last quiz and surviving that and beating the
quick Venus. But she is the Queen, after all.
Renne Wynhemma on the other hand is just a celebrity
guitarist who enjoys partying and goes against Ella Marie. It seems so weird
that both of them managed to get this far. He’s also got his fair share of
penalties and I don’t ever recall him ever receiving an exemption. Could it be
“Welcome to the finale! Unfortunately we only had enough
budget to book a small venue, but nevertheless it’s still a finale! The people
are what make a finale! So let’s welcome our ex-contestants!”
“First of all, 13th placer Poppy La Tootie!”
“Next up is the first of the double-execution victims Vera
Vera: “I’m hoping Justin Bieber will be here. And ‘Friday’
should be played. And I knew God didn’t exist. That’s why I’m out so early!”

“Before we start a debate over here, let’s invite the second
of the double-execution victims Victoria Elizabeth Penelope Diurn!”
Victoria: “Do I look intimidating and regal? Perhaps that’s
the reason why I’m executed while the old queen over there is still there.”

“Next up is 10th placer Eden Rock!”
“Last but not least, to break the chain we have our 7th
placer Julian Tosser!”
“Now as per custom, we shall watch the sabotages done by the
final 3 to refresh your memory.
“First, the only male Renne Wynhemma:
1. Renne boldly surmised Viola’s synonym ‘Neverland Hellish Master’ to ‘Captain Hook’, which subsequently misled everyone else, leading to a train of thought in the wrong direction. However nobody was aware of this because nobody except for the one after him knew his synonym.
No sabotage.
Renne lost to Venus but did not let her win all
3 rounds, so no points were earned for his round.
No sabotage. Renne’s description was obvious.
Renne chose not to do any activity, forfeiting
all his points but earning a penalty in the process.
No sabotage.
Renne did not manage to drink 6 shots, so he
lost points and incurred another penalty.
No sabotage, but he did give Cindy and Royston
few balls which could have made a difference to the points earned.
No sabotage.
No sabotage.
Next, the poor Cindy Veer:
Cindy’s synonym was far from the original
phrase. Her synonyms were also not fully accurate. For example, she chose to
replace ‘stick’ with ‘fetcher’, misleading Vera to say ‘dog’. However, nobody
knew of it.
No sabotage.
Cindy disqualified Viola and herself by
forfeiting the mission, losing points in the process and gaining a penalty.
Cindy had an obvious sabotage here when she
misinterpreted ‘ambiguous person’ as a ‘she’ instead of a ‘he’ and ‘helmet’ as
‘hair that looks like a helmet’. She also included ‘she wears a lot of grey’
though that is more of Julian’s fault. However, she also went undetected as
nobody knew of one another’s descriptions.
Cindy only performed the last task, sacrificing
a lot of points. But she wasn’t the only one to do so, so less suspicion fell
on her.
Cindy was the first to score a bingo, losing
points but getting an exemption which negated her penalty. As such, she was
considered lucky.
She repeated a word, but more suspicion was on
Viola for being the first to do so.
Cindy wasted 14 balls, whether accidentally or
not. She chose to give Royston only 2 and gave none to Venus and herself, thus
causing all of them to be unable to hit 30 and thus losing points.
No sabotage.
She gave the wrong culprit, losing points and
increasing her suspicion greatly for being the only one to do so.
Last but definitely not least, Ella Marie Tremble:
Ella Marie tried to generalise by turning
‘Shipmaster Fishing Rod’ to ‘Leader Hobby Stick’, generalising ‘shipmaster’ and
‘fishing’. However she was not caught.
Ella Marie lost to Cindy but did not earn points
for the pot.
No sabotage.
She gave hardly-known and ambiguous
descriptions, misleading others to misinterpret. However little suspicion fell
on her as nobody knew what she had said exactly other than the one directly
after her.
She only performed the last task, sacrificing
quite some points. But as she wasn’t the only one, suspicion was divided.
Ella Marie scored a bingo, incurring a penalty
and losing points.
She gave an answer which was fairly
common—sharks, allowing those behind to repeat it and lose points.
She wasted 30 balls, the most wasted from a
contestant. She also gave none to other contestants (except Royston, but even
he only received 5 balls) which cost points since 3 contestants were unable to
hit 30.
No sabotage.
No sabotage.
Nobody looks that clean anymore. Without further ado, let’s
welcome the runner-up! It is none other than…”

“Renne Wynhemma!”
Renne: “I am stoked to be sitting here facing you all! Ha! I
beat you losers! I struggled with getting the Mole as my suspicions were often
executed and I received a fair deal of penalties. I am glad to be here. My only
disappointment is that I couldn’t win because this fame won’t boost my career
much. I already appear in the news every other day for partying at hotspots.
And it hurts to know I lost to women.”

“Thank you and congratulations! Your score was an average
50%, so you fared well. Who do you all think the Mole is?”
Poppy: “Cindy looks very scheming, appearing so pure on the
outside but doing so many dirty deeds and sabotages! It must be her!”
Vera: “Many of which went under our nose! I agree with
Poopie La Tootie here!”
Poppy: “Hey!”
Victoria: “It takes one to know one. I am a queen myself and
therefore I can safely assume that Ella Marie Tremble is not the Mole.
Therefore it must be Cindy.”
Eden: “I hate to say it but I think so too. It’s always the
one you least expect. Ella Marie would become too obvious.”
Julian: “Well, I guess the vote is unanimous. I suppose
that’s why I could never get rid of her and neither could Ella Marie, no matter
how much we messed with her mind.”
“Ella Marie Tremble!”
Ella: “I am not particularly elated or enraged for I knew
who the Mole was all along. The one that was closest to me. I just knew it. My
treatment of her is therefore justified. And of course I would win. The Queen
always wins, especially an experienced and wise one like me. I just wanted to
prove to everyone and see how these classless people live. The fame and wealth
do me no favour since I already possess both to much extent. I am just gutted
that that traitor could fool so many others and sabotage and win more than me!
How presumptuous and audacious of her! ”
“Congratulations Ella Marie! You win 485/1200 points, or
485,000 Simoleons! Impressive! Your score was also an average 63%, so it was a
close win!”
“Now, the moment you’ve all been waiting for! The Mole,
please expose yourself!”
Cindy: “You mean reveal, right?”
Cindy: “Well it is me. I am shocked that I seemed to be so
obvious to all of you! Maybe I failed, but at least I made quite a sum. I am
truly sorry and remorseful for tricking you all, but it was the easiest way to
go undercover. And it was all a scheme. I had to grit my teeth and allow Ella
Marie to abuse me so as to gain her trust and mislead her, but apparently it
failed. Well, producers told me she was the original candidate for being the
Mole but she rejected in fear of having a dented reputation, so I laud her for
her ability to prove herself that she is good.”
Ella: “I knew you were a traitor!”
“Congratulations to you Cindy for a successful mission this
season. You have earned 715/1200 points, or 715,000 Simoleons!”

“Shall we all watch the clues now?
- Episode 1-The phrase was ‘Fairy Godmother’. Cindy Veer was portrayed as Cinderella, who had a fairy godmother to help her. Therefor it refers to Cindy.
“Wrong! Tell us what
the original phrase was, Violet.”
Violet: “Fairy
- Episode 2-There was a statement which said ‘Will the Mole score an A again’. The A was a hint to Option A in the last question of the Mole quiz, Cindy Veer.
Will the players be
able to catch up or will the Mole score an A again?
- Episode 4-There was a statement which said ‘The Mole is always blue’. This actually means that the Mole always wears blue. The one who wears blue is Cindy Veer, hence this clue is to her.
With that, 60/180
points are earned, making the pot 200/630 points. The Mole is always blue,
but if this keeps up than the Mole won’t feel this way anymore!
- Ella Marie found a carving on the wardrobe, which said IIIV. This actually has double meanings. This is the roman numeral for 4, and the V being on the fourth spot refers to the fourth V. During that time, Venus, Viola and Violet were the only Vs around, but Cindy’s last name Veer also starts with a V, hence this is actually referring to the fourth person with a V in their name, Cindy Veer.
Ella: “…I also
discovered a carving on the drawer downstairs. IIIV. Is this the roman
numeral for 4 or random carvings? Could these 5 lines mean 5?”
- Episode 5-Julian found a medal for the inaugural Swimming Olympics for 4th place. Cindy was tasked to go to the dumpster 4th, so the 4th here refers to the 4th Sim that approached the dumpster, which was Cindy Veer.
Julian: “Hey, I found
a medal for 4th for the inaugural Swimming Olympics! I also
found an exemption card! It’s the only one!”
- Episode 6-Cindy found a clue in the bar. The clue said that the Mole liked to blend in the middle of the crowd. Here, middle is taken literally as during the mission, Cindy was seated right in the middle as requested by producers.
Cindy: “Hey, what is
this? The Mole likes to blend in in the middle of the crowd…wow, such a
big clue! I wonder why nobody ever found this?”
- Ella Marie spotted a yellow figure, a miniature book, a rose without petals and candle wax in the figure boat. All these items actually pointed to the Disney film ‘Beauty and the Beast’. Cinderella is also produced by Disney, so this is an indirect clue to Cindy who was portrayed as Cinderella.
Ella: “The table cloth
is looking great. My people are going down one by one, but they shall all go
before me. I must find that traitor…oh, inside this boat…a yellow figure, a
miniature book, a rose without petals and candle wax? What a mix of
- Episode 7-The plaque of the statue in the house read ‘Red will never win’. While the prophecy was proven wrong with the victory of Ella Marie, this is a clue that means no contestant that wears red prominently will win, because they are not the Mole. Therefore Venus, Ella Marie and even Royston can be eliminated as possible Mole suspects.
Ella: “This plaque
reads ‘Red will never win, because it’s too fiery’. What a verbose name
for this statue. And what nonsense!”
- Contestants had to go to ‘the Little Mermaid Grotto’. ‘The Little Mermaid’ is another Disney film, like Cinderella, whom Cindy is trying to emulate.
“It’s time for the
mission. You guys will be heading to ‘The Little Mermaid Grotto’ where
you have two missions…”
- Contestants had to drink more than 5 drinks for the first part of the mission to earn points. The number 5 is derived from the addition of the digits in Cindy’s age, 2 and 3.
“…The one who drinks
the most earns an exemption and anyone who drinks more than 5 shots, ie
6 and above, will earn 5 points for the group...”
- ‘The Little Mermaid Grotto’ could be located by turning left at every bend. The reason this is a clue is because ‘turn’ is synonymous with ‘veer’, which is Cindy’s surname.
Ella: “They said to turn
left at every bend.”
- Episode 8-Venus found a red-and-white ‘V’ in the basket of balls. The red and white represent the colours on the baseballs used in the mission. The V represents the formation of the baseballs. While not visible from afar, behind Cindy’s wall 5 of the baseballs were arranged to face the same direction and they formed a V. This therefore refers to Cindy since it was found at Cindy’s wall, giving rise to focused attention on her.
Venus: “I discovered
a letter ‘V’ in the box of baseballs. It was white with red stripes,
sort of like a candy cane. I’m thinking of baiting Ella Marie to get her to
tell me what she knows…”
- Episode 9-Cindy’s item was a camera. Cindy does not actually like photography. Instead, this could be interpreted in many ways. The official way is that a camera can capture or catch pictures or photos The capture/catch will then become a pun, as in to capture/catch the Mole. Since this is Cindy’s item, the camera captures Cindy. Another way is that the camera will be focused the most on Cindy since she is the Mole, but this may not necessarily be true in practice.
- Cindy found a box labelled ‘Brightest Bulbs’. This alludes to the phrase ‘Brightest bulb in the box’. Unfortunately I forgot how this links to Cindy being the Mole, since she’s not the brightest bulb in the box.
Ella: “I see a box
of bulbs. It’s labelled ‘Brightest Bulbs’. I guess these lamps need
switching of the bulbs. They are so dim! Well, looks like nobody’s here.”
- Episode 10-Ella Marie solved Cindy’s mystery, which was about someone losing her metal slippers. Cinderella’s slippers were originally made of metal (Disney changed it to glass). Cindy is supposed to be Cinderella, so the mystery refers to her. This mystery was pre-made by producers to be Cindy’s mystery so as to bring out the link between Cindy and Cinderella to decipher earlier clues.
Ella Marie’s mystery:
Someone lost her metal slippers. Suspects: Poppy, Vera, Venus.
Eden: “Can you believe it? Cindy is the Mole!”
Julian: “Ugh, disgraceful. I could have won.”
Poppy: “You lied to us all, Cindy!”
Vera: “I just remembered wear I put my flesh-coloured
lingerie! I should have worn that!”
Victoria: “Cindy Veer…tsk tsk.”
Cindy: “I’m truly sorry to you all for deceiving you but I got my punishment! I had to endure the countless days away from home and ordered around by Ella Marie Tremble!”

Poppy: “Do you feel liberated now?”
Cindy: “Yes, definitely. My heart is at ease now that the
truth has come to light. I would have liked to get to know you better, Poppy.”
Renne: “Well, this is such a bummer. I’m going home.”
Violet, Venus, Royston and Michael were supposed to come but
bailed just outside. Michael screamed and ran upon seeing Julian. Royston was
frightened and ran after him. Violet and Venus chased after them and never
Epi 1
Epi 2
Epi 3
Epi 4
Epi 5
Epi 6
Epi 7
Epi 8
Epi 9
Epi 10
Ella Marie Tremble
Violet) |
Cindy) |
Cindy) |
Cindy) |
Cindy) |
Cindy Veer
Renne Wynhemma
Violet) |
Cindy) |
Ella) |
Cindy) |
Cindy) |
Venus Ixora
Michael) |
Michael) |
Michael) |
Michael) |
Cindy) |
Cindy) |
Cindy) |
Royston Ketch
Venus) |
Cindy) |
Viola Striker
Renne) |
Renne) |
Julian Tosser
Michael) |
Cindy) |
Venus) |
Violet Magenta Blues
Michael) |
Michael) |
Michael Anderson
Venus) |
Eden Rock
Violet) |
Victoria Elizabeth Penelope
Venus) |
Vera Control
Victoria) |
Poppy La Tootie
Renne) |
*Red means executed, green means exemption, orange means -1
penalty, purple means -2 penalty, pink means -3 penalty, brown means tied for
lowest. Scores represent final scores after penalty.
**Vera received a -2 penalty in Episode 2. Cindy received a
-2 penalty in Episode 3 but it was negated by her exemption. Cindy received a
-3 penalty in Episode 6 but it was negated by her exemption. In Episode 6
Julian received a -3 penalty. Venus received a -1 penalty on Episode 9.
***In Episode 3, the lowest score was 3/Venus.
****Royston received a +1 bonus in Episode 5, boosting his
score from 6 to 7.
*****Cindy received the most number of exemptions, 5,
despite not needing them.
******The only full marks was scored by Julian in Episode 2
but he was eliminated in the end.
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