Friday, 31 July 2015

20.15-The idiotic things I do for exemptions

Last time on the Smole, the two tribes merged into Tribe Univide. The mission involved Norma, then Hossan, as the catcher in a game of freeze tag, to which 0/70 points were earned, so the pot remained at 280/620 points. Hossan nominated Nancy and Romeo for execution but in a twist of events, it was a double execution, so both were executed. Who shall be the next one to go?


Casey: “Does nobody clean in this tribe?”

Luke: “You have nothing on me!”
Hossan: “You’re just rubbish. You try to hide but you’ve got nothing to hide.”
Luke: “You’re just saying that. Everybody has a secret. And nobody’s going to just tell you what it is.”

Uma: “I want the warmth! I hate snow! Maybe if I do a sun song.”

Victor: “A game of gnubb may help clear my head.”

Victor: “Now that the tribes merged, I’m no longer the leader. So there needs to be a new appointment. What’s more vexing though is Hossan winning the exemption. It was untimely. But then again, I’m glad they’re out. Less competition.”

“It is time for your next mission. You are to build as many snowmen as possible within 4 hours. For every 6 snowmen built, 10 points are added.  This is worth a total of 80 points, to which if more snowmen are built, it will be added as bonus points. The one who builds the most snowmen wins the exemption.”

Hossan: “The idiotic things I do for exemptions. This is seriously ruining my image.”
Victor: “Hmm…how do I build this in the shortest time?”

Casey: “I needed to use the toilet first so I started late. But at least I completed the entire 4 hours. I always teach my children that you must finish what you start.”

Hossan: “That’s it. I’m not demeaning myself anymore.”
Norma: “It’s too cold. Forget it!”

Victor: “Oh, my hands are frozen! I must stop.”

Norma: “Hey you! Are you looking at me? How dare you look at me with those eyes!”
Luke: “Are you okay? Talking to a snowman isn’t…normal.”
Norma: “Normal? Who said I’m not normal? I’m perfectly normal! STOP STARING AT ME YOU SNOWMAN! I will punch you!”

Hossan: “Sad…the snow falls right through me. Oh well.”

Luke: “I think if we were building rockets, everyone would be more involved.”

Casey: “Time to build my second snowman.”

Norma: “I SAID STOP STARING! Where is that knife?”

Uma: “Looking mighty evil there.”

Luke: “Okay how…nevermind. This is creepy. I’m quitting.”

Casey: “I think the food isn’t clean here…must persevere.”

Hossan: “The sight of you f****** irks me.”

Hossan: “Glad you’re dead, f*****.”
Uma: “Hossan Ghoti! How dare you ruin the snowman! Forget it if you won’t help but don’t sabotage! Unless you’re the Mole!”

Norma: “No, I must go back and help. I must win no matter what!”
Uma: “Okay that’s enough. My fingers are numb.”


The time is up! 11 snowmen have been built (not including the one already there at the start, unfinished snowmen or destroyed snowmen). But I’ll be nice and include the snowman Hossan destroyed, so 20 points are earned. I shall add another 10 points for building more than one type of snowman, so 30/80, or 310/700 points, have been earned. Uma gets the exemption for building the most snowmen.

Victor: “Hey Uma, I really hope you make the right choice later. Get rid of Hossan. He’s annoying. He tried to destroy a snowman!”
Uma: “Good point.”
Norma: “Uma!”

Norma: “You better make sure that I’m safe, or I will hound you!”

Casey: “Uma, I know you’re more reasonable, so please don’t pick me later. I need the money for my family! I can’t go! I really don’t want to go tonight! I cannot go! So please!”

Uma: “It feels good to be in power. Everyone is clamouring to ask me not to pick them. But I have my own plans.”

Uma: “I’ve tolerated you long enough. We’re already losing loads of points and you still want to try and sabotage!”
Hossan: “I’m not afraid to hit a woman.”
Uma: “And I’m not afraid to kill a ghost!”