In the mission, Sylvester, Ainsley and Bryan took turns running on a treadmill to supply power to light up another room for the other four to search for points and an exemption. 87/100 points were found, making the pot 285/670 points and Stephanie found the exemption. Who will end up as 7th place?
Colt: "Alright, who made a mess of this place? Do they want me to slip and fall?"
Sylvester: "There's so much I know about everyone else. I don't even know how I managed to stumble upon all their dirty laundry. But some of them can be very useful in my career, like Violet's illegal activities. That's huge. If I throw her to the wolves I'll get that promotion for sure! But is that right? She seems like a nice woman who's equally as eager for success."
Bryan: "With the group dynamics this season, the Mole doesn't even need to sabotage."
Sylvester: "You want to know why Song knew about your plot?"
Bryan: "What plot?"
Sylvester: "The one which involves you trying to destroy Song's career?"
Bryan: "You were the one?"
Sylvester: "Not me. Ainsley. He was in the toilet when you came to borrow cream. He had a recording device which had it all down. It can be used as evidence."
Bryan: "So what do you want? There must be a reason why you're telling me this."
Sylvester: "I want you to help with character testimony. Support me when the time comes."
Bryan: "Oh, this has to do with your kleptomania, doesn't it?"
Sylvester: "I don't know what you're talking about."
Bryan: "You just took my waller from my back pants pocket. I felt that."
Bryan: "Congratulations on getting that exemption."
Stephanie: "Um, thanks..."
Song: "Everyone gets bad press from time to time, Stephanie. There's no need to worry. Bryan explained everything to me. Someeone's just trying to defame him."
Stephanie: "But...I would be cautious. There's no smoke without a fire."
Sylvester: "I can't believe you told everyone."
Paris: "Zey have to know."
Paris: "You said you had a girlfriend, yes?"
Sylvester: "I do. She's, Bertha Blonde."
Sylvester: "She's an actress too."
Sylvester: "We've been together for a long time."
Paris: "You are glowing. You must love her."
Sylvester: "Of course I do."
Paris: "But does she love you back?"
Sylvester: "What are you saying? Of course she does! I think."
Paris: "Oh, how complicated."
Sylvester: "It kind of is."
Sylvester: "I want to be worthy of her. She's a superstar! I want to make her proud to have a boyfriend like me. But if to rise above, I have to put her down...why are you asking all this anyway? Jealous?"
Paris: "Oh, you saw me. I am very jealous. If anyzing I hope you two find true love."
Sylvester: "Thanks, I guess."
Paris: "Can we put ze stealing behind us? You seem like a nice man."
Sylvester: "I hope we can."
Paris: "Of all ze men left, one is old, one is married, one has a girlfriend and ze only one single is a jerk. It appears zere is no hope for love on ze Smole for me. Zat means I should focus on my other goal. But I can still love true ze stories of others."
Colt: "You are wasting a lot of water by showering so long. Do you know how precious water is?"
Ainsley: "What the hell? Can't you knock?"
Colt: "I need to use the toilet but you were hogging it."
Ainsley: "You wanna know why nobody likes you, Colt? It's because of the way you behave. No wonder you're old and lonely. I'm going to grab some paper for you to acknowledge this incident and sign on it, so that if you ever barge in on me like that again, I have the moral high ground."
Paris: "Stephanie, you are working very hard. You are safe! Why?"
Stephanie: "I'm only safe for now. I can't slacken just because I am exempted from this execution..."
Ainsley: "Sorry to disrupt, but I did some investigating."
Ainsley: "Your good friend Bryan told me you're a heavy smoker of weed."
Song: "What?"
Ainsley: "Do you still want to deny it? I have evidence of him telling me that."
Song: "But he's lying!"
Song: "These accusations will make everyone lose faith in me if released. I'd surely lose my role in the next blockbuster serial if this was true. And you know how the paprazzi lap everything up. I do not smoke weed."
Song: "I don't know why he's maligning me like that."
Ainsley: "And you wonder why I'm like that. It's instances like this that makes me glad I guard against everyone. Sure, you can't prevent everything, but you can prevent a lot of things."
Song: "Don't tell me the rumours were true. Who's telling the truth? Who do I listen to? I'm so confused right now."
Time for the quiz.
Q1: Is the Mole male or female?
A: Male
B: Female
Q2: Does the Mole wear spectacles?
A: Yes
B: No
Q3: The Mole has been in a coalition before. True or false?
A: True
B: False
Q4: In Mission 6, which car was the Mole in?
A: Black
B: White
Q5: In Mission 6, was the Mole seated in the front or back row of the car?
A: Front
B: Back
Q6: In Mission 6, which group was the Mole in?
A: Runners
B: Searchers
Q7: In Mission 6, which treadmill did the Mole take?
A: Nearest the door
B: Centre
C: Nearest the bathroom
D: The Mole did not run on a treadmill
Q8: In Mission 6, did the Mole get wet?
A: Yes
B: No
Q9: Has the Mole ever received an exemption?
A: Yes
B: No
Q10: Who is the Mole?
A: Stephanie Ball
B: Paris Virginia
C: Song Wu
D: Ainsley Ruth Del Rino
E: Colt Fogey
F: Bryan Seacrest
G: Sylvester Roscoe
"Tonight, one of you will be executed once again. Who will it be?"
"Colt Fogey."
"Colt, you are safe."
"Ainsley Ruth Del Rino."
"You are safe."
"Bryan Seacrest."
"Bryan, you are not going home tonight."
"Paris Virginia."
"Paris, unfortunately..."
Paris: "No. It cannot be!"
" are..."
"...the next to be..."
"...revealed safe."
Paris: "Remercier les cieux."
"Sylvester Roscoe, Song Wu, one of you will be leaving us tonight."
"Sylvester Roscoe."
Sylvester: "I hope this is sayonara. It's about time I get a bed to my own."
"Sylvester, you..."
Stephanie: "Oh...I'm so sorry, Song."
Song: "Don't be."
Sylvester: "She was so sweet and friendly. She wasn't stuck-up or snobby just because she was a celebrity. She was a joy to be around."
"Song Wu."
"You have been executed. Please pack your bags and leave."
Song: "At least we can say it's working again."
Song: "I am happy to have made it quite far. It was so nice to meet all of you and take part in so many exciting missions. I guess towards the end the atmosphere became more stressful and tense, and I was feeling very confused. Oh well. Good luck to the rest."
"Thank you for joining the Smole. We hope to see you soon."
The music-loving actress has left the stage! It's the curtain call for her but not for the Mole. Who is it?