Welcome to the finale of the Smole, Season 9! It felt like
yesterday that 8 contestants joined the Smole, mostly to attain pride and glory
than money, but one by one, they left with heads hung low, until only 3 remain.
Who among these 3 will win? Who amongst them is the Mole? It will all be
revealed now.
Before their last mission…

Some decide to read their journals…in private,

Some choose to redo a previous mission,

And some look for more clues.
Vlad: “What’s this? Oh, character profiles of all the
contestants. How did it end up here?”

Hossan: “I heard Vlad found the dossier in the bathroom,
behind the brick wall. So that’s where I put them! Well, I don’t think it will
be of much use anymore anyway. I’m going to win this. I’m going to intimidate
the others to let me win!”
Chris: “I might as well relax myself. Why should I be
working so hard?”
“Everyone, gather by the fire.”

“Congratulations on making it this far. Today will be the
last time you will see each other, most probably. Your last mission is worth 70
points. Even the Mole technically won this season seeing that you guys will
never earn more than half of the pot, you guys should still put in your best
effort. You will be heading to a dark room. Considering the fact that you have
spent so much time together, this mission is apt. You have to look for your
other finalists. If you find 1 of them, 35 points are added. Find both, and all
70 will be added. Good luck. You have 2 hours to find them.”
The final 3 arrive at the venue.

Chris: “I feel like I’m going mad….but I must regain my
Vlad: “It’s so exciting!”
Chris: “Finally, I can see Patricia again!”
Hossan: “Whatev.”
“You may enter. Your 2 hours start now!”

Chris: “Where could they be?”
Vlad: “Ow! I think I bumped into a tree!”
Hossan: “I honestly couldn't care less. I lost to the Mole
already anyway.”

Chris: “Ah! There you are! Gosh, this room is duller and
gloomier than the house! Fortunately I could spot you from afar. Good thing for
Hossan: “Whatever, old man.”

Vlad: “Where could the others be?”

Chris: “We should stick together.’
Hossan: “Why?”
Chris: “We have less than an hour left, and we don’t want to
go round in circles looking for you again. What? Are you afraid to let me
Hossan: “Me? Afraid? Never!”
Chris: “Ow! I think I bumped into a wall!”
Hossan: “There are walls here?”
Chris: “Of course you won’t know. You just float through

Vlad: “I can’t see anything in here!”

Hossan: “We’re going nowhere, just let me lead, you old

Vlad: “I think I bumped into yet another wall…”

Chris: “Come on, let’s just go. I don’t think we've explored
this area yet.”
Hossan: “You can tell?”
Chris: “…No.”

Vlad: “Stupid wall.”

Hossan: “We don’t have time. We only have 10 minutes to find
Chris: “I think he’s avoiding us on purpose.”

“Time’s up! Time to go!”
Chris: “Great. Only 35/70.”
Hossan: “Or 525/1600. It’s final now. Great job, you loser.”
Chris: “You couldn't find him either.”
Hossan: “Because you duped me into following you.”
Chris: “I thought you were smart?”

Vlad: “Is this the way out?”

Chris: “Thanks a lot Vlad.”
Vlad: “It was hard to see inside there.”