Friday, 31 January 2014

9.13-You just float through them

Welcome to the finale of the Smole, Season 9! It felt like yesterday that 8 contestants joined the Smole, mostly to attain pride and glory than money, but one by one, they left with heads hung low, until only 3 remain. Who among these 3 will win? Who amongst them is the Mole? It will all be revealed now.

Before their last mission…

Some decide to read their journals…in private,

Some choose to redo a previous mission,

And some look for more clues.
Vlad: “What’s this? Oh, character profiles of all the contestants. How did it end up here?”

Hossan: “I heard Vlad found the dossier in the bathroom, behind the brick wall. So that’s where I put them! Well, I don’t think it will be of much use anymore anyway. I’m going to win this. I’m going to intimidate the others to let me win!”


Chris: “I might as well relax myself. Why should I be working so hard?”
“Everyone, gather by the fire.”

“Congratulations on making it this far. Today will be the last time you will see each other, most probably. Your last mission is worth 70 points. Even the Mole technically won this season seeing that you guys will never earn more than half of the pot, you guys should still put in your best effort. You will be heading to a dark room. Considering the fact that you have spent so much time together, this mission is apt. You have to look for your other finalists. If you find 1 of them, 35 points are added. Find both, and all 70 will be added. Good luck. You have 2 hours to find them.”

The final 3 arrive at the venue.

Chris: “I feel like I’m going mad….but I must regain my composure.”

Vlad: “It’s so exciting!”
Chris: “Finally, I can see Patricia again!”
Hossan: “Whatev.”

“You may enter. Your 2 hours start now!”

Chris: “Where could they be?”
Vlad: “Ow! I think I bumped into a tree!”
Hossan: “I honestly couldn't care less. I lost to the Mole already anyway.”

Chris: “Ah! There you are! Gosh, this room is duller and gloomier than the house! Fortunately I could spot you from afar. Good thing for ghosts!”
Hossan: “Whatever, old man.”


Vlad: “Where could the others be?”

Chris: “We should stick together.’
Hossan: “Why?”
Chris: “We have less than an hour left, and we don’t want to go round in circles looking for you again. What? Are you afraid to let me lead?”
Hossan: “Me? Afraid? Never!”


Chris: “Ow! I think I bumped into a wall!”
Hossan: “There are walls here?”
Chris: “Of course you won’t know. You just float through them.”


Vlad: “I can’t see anything in here!”

Hossan: “We’re going nowhere, just let me lead, you old pimp.”

Vlad: “I think I bumped into yet another wall…”


Chris: “Come on, let’s just go. I don’t think we've explored this area yet.”
Hossan: “You can tell?”
Chris: “…No.”

Vlad: “Stupid wall.”


Hossan: “We don’t have time. We only have 10 minutes to find him.”
Chris: “I think he’s avoiding us on purpose.”

“Time’s up! Time to go!”
Chris: “Great. Only 35/70.”
Hossan: “Or 525/1600. It’s final now. Great job, you loser.”
Chris: “You couldn't find him either.”
Hossan: “Because you duped me into following you.”
Chris: “I thought you were smart?”

Vlad: “Is this the way out?”

Chris: “Thanks a lot Vlad.”

Vlad: “It was hard to see inside there.”

Thursday, 30 January 2014

9.12-Any beans would have been spilled by now. Except your jellybean.

After they head back, they take the Mole quiz. Hossan and Chris use their exemption. Hossan’s last exemption is void.

Q1: Is the Mole male or female?
A: Male
B: Female

Q2: What state is the Mole?
A: Human
B: Vampire
C: Genie
D: Ghost

Q3: What physical state is the Mole?
A: Solid
B: Liquid
C: Gas
D: Plasma

Q4: In Mission 6, which car did the Mole take?
A: Black
B: White

Q5: In Mission 6, which seat did the Mole sit in in the car?
A: Driver’s seat
B: Passenger’s seat

Q6: In Mission 6, who was the Mole seated beside in the car?
A: Vlad Pire
B: Chris Winters
C: Hossan Ghoti
D: Noira Green

Q7: In Mission 6, how many marshmallows did the Mole roast?
A: 1
B: 2

Q8: In Mission 6, how many times did the Mole bid?
A: 1
B: 2
C: 3

Q9: In Mission 6, what was the Mole’ s last bid?
A: 27
B: 28
C: 29
D: 30

Q10: Who is the Mole?
A: Vlad Pire
B: Chris Winters
C: Hossan Ghoti
D: Noira Green


“Welcome to your final execution ceremony. Tonight, one of you will be leaving. Since it so happens that both Chris and Hossan are exempt and going straight to the finale, either Vlad or Noira will be leaving.”
Vlad: “We’ll still be friends after this right? Catch a movie some time?”
Noira: “Sure.”

Noira: “I’m still nervous though.”
Vlad: “Don’t be.”
“Noira Green. Get ready to see your results.”

Noira: “I had expected that.”
“Sorry Noira, you are the last to be executed. Please pack your bags and head outside.”

Vlad: “Sorry Noira, but it had to be one of us.”
Noira: “It’s not your fault.”


Chris: “Hi there Noira! How do you feel about being the last to be executed?”

Noira: “I expected to be leaving any time soon, but I was still clinging onto that spark of hope that I would be able to bag home the money. I did not expect to make it this far anyway, and I still haven’t figured out why humans treat genies like slaves.”
Chris: “Maybe they don’t.”

Chris: “Cross my heart, many of them don’t. So, where did you go wrong?”

Noira: “I don’t know. Having false leads? Not reading through all options carefully? Choosing the options with the majority up till this date? Not earning an exemption to save myself and kicking Vlad out? All these are possibilities! I’m really not sure which to pick.”

Chris: “Do you think that you would have made it to the finale if nobody had used their exemptions?”
Noira: “You’ll never know, but quite possibly!”
Chris: “A bonus question for being the last to be executed: What was your most memorable experience on the Smole?”
Noira: “Making it this far. Oh and feeling strange. I don’t know why, but I still do.”

Chris: “Well thank you for joining.”
Noira: “Thank you for interviewing.”

Noira: “I think I’ll go home and have some cake.”
Ossan: “Stop that Noira! About your strange feeling…the moment I snap my fingers, you will revert back to normal.” *snap*

Noira: “Okay, what just happened? I suddenly hate you again.”
Hossan: “You ate Manura’s poisoned apple and listened to me.”

Noira: “Oh, now I slowly recall…you!”

Noira: “How could you! You manipulated me into divulging the finalists’ secrets! What were you planning to do with them?”
Hossan: “Nothing much. I suggest you leave now. Bye idiot!”


Hossan: “You guys better choose the wrong mole.”
Vlad: “By that, you just admitted you’re the Mole.”
Hossan: “I don’t know. Maybe I am! But isn't it more likely that the Mole was in your coalition all along? It was so much fun breaking it up.”

Chris: “What? You had fun doing that?”
Hossan: “My coalition members kept leaving, but just as well. It gives me the chance to win this. So you guys better let me win, or I’ll spill the beans on all of you.”
Vlad: “We’re on TV. Any beans would have been spilled by now. Except your jellybean.”

The finale’s approaching! Which of these 3 guys is the Mole?